Agenda for July RSC Meeting Published
Today we have published the full agenda for the July RSC Meeting.
Registrants for the Public Session next week (16 July) should have received an email containing joining instructions (including Zoom link).
Today we have published the full agenda for the July RSC Meeting.
Registrants for the Public Session next week (16 July) should have received an email containing joining instructions (including Zoom link).
Members of the RSC would like to add their congratulations to those of the American library community on the award of the Margaret Mann Citation to Robert Maxwell, who, amongst his many roles is the North American Representative to the RSC.
It is three weeks until the RSC's next Public Session, and we hope that you will be interested to attend as an observer.
As well as our usual updates, we will be discussing the latest proposal from the Religions in RDA Working Group, RSC/ReligionsWG/2024/1.
The RDA Steering Committee (RSC) is delighted that its Chair, Renate Behrens, has been awarded the IFLA Scroll of Appreciation at the IFLA General Assembly in the Hague today (20 June).
Dr Ahava Cohen (Chair) and the other members* of the newly-formed Joint RDA Board and RSC Working Group on Artificial Intelligence (AI) are very keen to hear the views of the cataloging community on the use of Artificial Intelligence in cataloging.
Renate Behrens (RSC Chair) and the rest of the RDA Steering Committee are pleased to invite observers to the Public Session of the RSC Meeting on 16 April 2024 (online).
Following on from her Report on approaches to teaching RDA in the LIS classroom (RSC/Papers/2022/1), RSC Education and Orientation Officer Elisa Sze has worked with ALA Digital Reference to produce RDA Teaching & Training Tips, a handout for educators and trainers.
The RSC would like to thank its Technical Working Group for its proposal to revise the element hierarchy for appellations of work groups. RSC/TechnicalWG/2024/1 has been published today on the RSC website and archived (with stable URI) to ALAIR.
The RSC would like to thank the Oceania RDA Committee (ORDAC) for its proposal on dual-naming of corporate body and place. RSC/ORDAC/2024/1 has been published today on the RSC website and archived (with stable URI) to ALAIR.