Second Term for Charlotte Christensen and Jack Ennis-Butler

During its Executive Session on 21 January, the RDA Steering Committee joined RSC Chair Renate Behrens in congratulating Charlotte Christensen on her appointment for a second term as Oceania Representative.
In her email announcing the reappointment, ORDAC Chair Michela Goodwin said, "Oceania is very well represented through Charlotte's contribution and leadership." She also shared that Jack-Ennis Butler will continue as Charlotte's back-up, and commented with regard to both Jack and Charlotte, "ORDAC is privileged to be well represented by experienced and knowledgeable representatives and is pleased that they will continue for a second term."
Renate Behrens said that the RSC and wider RDA cataloguing community has also benefited from their contributions. ORDAC's first proposal, on Dual-language Naming of Corporate Body and Place (RSC/ORDAC/2024/1) led to widespread discussion and consultation, resulting in new examples and instructions in RDA which benefit cataloguers in Oceania and beyond.
New Zealand was the first English-language community to adopt Official RDA, and Charlotte's presentation at the RDA Outreach Day in November was very well-received. It is available to watch on the RDA YouTube Channel (starts at 01:00:43).
Image: Charlotte Christensen in November 2024.