Working Groups
The RSC may appoint, as needed, Working Groups to assist it with the development of a particular aspect of RDA. Such assistance may include producing discussion papers, proposals, and other documents for consideration.
The terms of reference, tasks, and membership of a Working Group are agreed by the RSC on an annual basis, and are published on the RSC website. Members of a Working Group do not need to be from current RSC communities.
Information about earlier Working Groups is available at Working Groups Historical Documents.
Standing Working Groups
Examples Working Group
Jessica Grzegorski, Chair
Technical Working Group
Christopher Holden, Chair
Translations Working Group
Szabolcs Dancs, Chair
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Advisory Working Groups
Advisory Groups consider issues that require longer than the usual 2 years +1 year extension of Task and Finish Working Groups. They usually start as Task and Finish Working Groups and their continued existence is approved by the RDA Board at the request of the RSC Chair.
Archives Working Group (2025- )
Religions in RDA Working Group (2022- ); David Roth, Chair
Task and Finish Working Groups
Joint RDA Board and RSC Working Group
Artificial Intelligence (2024-2025); Ahava Cohen, Chair
Currently Active RSC Task and Finish Working Groups
Extent Working Group (2022-25); Thomas Brenndorfer, Chair
Concluded RSC Task and Finish Working Groups
Application Profiles Working Group (2020-21); Alan Danskin, Chair
Official Languages Working Group (2022-23); Peter Rolla, Chair
Place/Jurisdiction Working Group (2022-23); Esther Scheven, Chair
Updated 20 January 2025.