Technical Working Group

Technical Working Group

The chair of the Technical Working Group, a position also called the Technical Team Liaison Officer, is a member of the RSC.


Damian Iseminger, USA, Chair

Gordon Dunsire, UK
Deborah Fritz, USA
Christopher Holden, USA
Szabina Ilácsa, Hungary
Ricardo Santos Muñoz, Spain
Stefan Schuh, Austria

Charlene Chou RSC Wider Community Engagement Officer, ex officio
Jessica Grzegorski, RDA Examples Editor, ex officio


The Technical Working Group has oversight of the RDA/MARC21 Alignment Task Force, whose membership is:

Damian Iseminger, Chair and Technical Team Liaison Officer; Library of Congress, USA

Corine Deliot, British Library [for MARC 21 Bibliographic Format]
Hong Cui, Libraries and Archives Canada/Bibliothèque et Archives Canada [for MARC 21 Authority Format]
Victoria Morris, British Library [for MARC 21 Bibliographic Format]

James Hennelly, ALA Digital Reference, ex officio

Terms of Reference



For proposals and discussion papers prepared by the Technical Working Group, see their page in the Documents section.

Page last updated 25 June 2024

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