Available Now on YouTube: STA Documentation Platform and RDA DACH

At its Public Session on 22 January, the RSC was grateful to welcome Michaela Edelmann and Mathias Manecke from the DNB (Deutsche Nationalbibliothek) to demonstrate the RDA Dach Manual. Around fifty observers attended the presentation, which was organised in response to requests following Renate Behrens' presentation at the Outreach Day on 13 November 2024.
The DACH Region is one of the first to respond to the 3R Project, implementing Projekt 3R-DACH-Bib in Autumn 2023, and as well as providing a live tour of the STA Documentation Platform, Michaela and Mathias responded to questions from colleagues in the UK, New Zealand and the USA.
Based on feedback following this event, the RSC will be hosting further presentations of this kind at future Public Sessions, and we will also create a webpage to share implementation news. If you are working in an institution that is currently implementing Official RDA and are not already in touch with us, we would love to hear from you - please email secretary@rdatoolkit.org in the first instance.