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RSC Secretary Appointed

Linda Barnhart joined the RDA Steering Committee (RSC) on July 18, 2016. She will succeed Judy Kuhagen, RSC Secretary, who will conclude her service in April 2017; this overlap period will allow for thorough training and a smooth transition. The RSC Secretary supports and coordinates processes which support the development and promotion of RDA.

Making RDA Relevant to the Broader Community : a statement from the RDA Board

RDA is a continually evolving standard that aims to reflect the requirements of the description, cataloguing and metadata community. One of its original aims was to be applicable across cultures, sectors and perspectives. What does that mean, and what is happening to make that a reality?

Posting for RSC Secretary

The RDA Board and RDA Steering Committee (RSC) are seeking a qualified library professional with expertise in RDA and cataloging to take on the role of RSC Secretary. The purpose of the role is to support and coordinate processes which support the development and promotion of RDA.

RDA Full Record Examples and Rballs

The RDA full record examples on the Toolkit website have been revised. The examples show authority and bibliographic records in both an RDA element view and a MARC encoding view of the record.

There are also two examples showing diagrams of specific RDA entities, elements, and relationships. More will be added later.