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New DNB RSC Member

Renate Behrens joined the RDA Steering Committee (RSC) on January 8, 2016. She replaced Christine Frodl as the representative of the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek.

Information about Renate is given below.

RSC Meeting Outcomes

Between 2016 and 2021, outcomes documents were published after the annual meeting of the RSC to provide timely information while formal minutes were prepared.

In 2023 the Secretary and Chair determined that minutes will be drafted during RSC meetings and published in a timely fashion, removing the need for outcomes documents.

Updated 26 May 2023

Outcomes of the 2015 JSC Meeting

The Joint Steering Committee for Development of RDA (JSC) met at the National Library of Scotland, in Edinburgh, Scotland, from November 2-6, 2015. For outcomes of this meeting, see RSC/Outcomes/2015.

Full RDA Examples Updated

The full RDA examples posted on the RDA Toolkit blog have been updated. These examples show an RDA element set view and the nearest equivalent MARC 21 encoding view of bibliographic and authority records. Some examples have been replaced, and a few new examples have been added. The examples are freely available to all.