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RLS-athon in Edinburgh Follows Maurice Dance in Wellington

The RLS-athon, focusing on Robert Louis Stevenson and his works, is the latest Jane-athon. It was held November 9, 2015 at Edinburgh Centre for Carbon Innovation in Edinburgh, Scotland, following the JSC meeting. The event was organized by the Cataloguing and Indexing Group Scotland in collaboration with the JSC.

Jane-athon Success Continues

Following the success of the first Jane-athon in Chicago in January 2015, similar events have taken place, or are scheduled to take place, around the world in San Francisco and Boston (USA), London (England), Wellington (New Zealand), and Edinburgh (Scotland). “Jane-athon” has become a generic term for these events.

Changes to RDA Governance in the UK

Members of the Committee of Principals and JSC have looked at the options for the transition to Europe regional representation in the new governance structure for RDA. It is clear that the European RDA Interest Group, EURIG (, would be the ideal body to take forward the representation of the needs of RDA communities in Europe.