Additions and Changes to Website 2022

Additions and Changes to Website 2022

This page lists and summarizes additions and changes to this website's content in 2022.

Date Page or Title Change
10 December 2022 RSC/Minutes/Public/332-343 Added content: Public Minutes of the RSC Asynchronous Meeting July 2022
10 December 2022 RSC Presentations 2022 Added content: RDA Updates by Charlene Chou at the RDA Webinar Series at the National Central Library, Taiwan
10 December 2022 RSC Presentations 2022 Added content: Mitmachen und gestalten: Von Agenturen, Interessengruppen und Wegen zur Beteiligung an der GND, presentation at Forum Archiv by Renate Behrens and Chantal Köppl
10 December 2022 RSC Presentations 2022 Added content: Identifier als zentrales Instrument des entiätenbasierten Metadatentransfers, presentation at Herbsttagung der Fachgruppe Dokumentation des Deutschen Museumsbunds by Renate Behrens
10 December 2022 RSC Presentations 2022 Added content: RDA in Europe presentations by Renate Behrens and Barbara Pfeifer, Ahava Cohen, and Damian Iseminger
10 December 2022 RSC Presentations 2022 Added content: NARDAC Update Forum November 2022 presentations by Kathy Glennan, Jamie Hennelly and Ahava Cohen
10 December 2022 RSC Presentations 2022 Added content: Nomen, nomen everywhere: Name authorities, internationalization and RDA by Ahava Cohen, 5to. Coloquio sobre RDA (Recursos, Descripción y Acceso) en América Latina y el Caribe
10 December 2022 RSC Presentations 2022 Added content: RDA Toolkit Webinar: Un avant-goût du RDA Toolkit officiel by Dominique Bourassa
08 December 2022 RSC Regions: ORDAC Updated content: Updated ORDAC membership
06 December 2022 RSC/RSCSecretary/2022/4/rev/RSC Decisions/rev Added document: RSC Decisions on proposal
4 December 2022 RSC Presentations 2022 Added content: Presentation by Elisa Sze at ALISE Conference 2022
4 December 2022 RSC Presentations 2022 Added content: Presentations by Szabolcs Dancs and Damian Iseminger at BIBFRAME Workshop in Europe, September 2022
1 December 2022 RSC/RSCSecretary/2022/2 Updated content: Updated status of proposal
30 November 2022 RSC/RSCSecretary/2022/4/rev/RSC Decisions Added document: RSC Decisions on proposal
28 November 2022 About RDA Updated content: Added information to the RDA FAQ in English about the RDA Registry
28 November 2022 RSC/Papers/2022/1 Added document: Report on Approaches to Teaching in the LIS Classroom
25 November 2022 RSC/RSCSecretary/2022/3/rev/RSC Decisions Added document: RSC Decisions on proposal
4 November 2022 RSC Members Updated content: Translations Team Liaison Officer-Elect added
4 November 2022 News and Announcements Added announcement: Translations Team Liaison Officer-Elect appointed
27 October 2022 News and Announcements Added announcement: RDA in Europe 2022
26 October 2022 News and Announcements Added announcement: Community Resources Plan
6 October 2022 RSC/RSCSecretary/2022/4/rev Added document: Revised version of Proposal to amend and clarify instructions in Manifestation “place of” elements
6 October 2022 RSC/RSCSecretary/2022/3/rev Added document: Revised version of Proposal to adjust instructions in four “restriction on” elements in Manifestation and Item
6 October 2022 RSC Presentations 2022 Added content: Added a link to the slides and video for the presentation at the American Library Association Authority Control Interest Group by Robert Maxwell
5 October 2022 RSC/TranslationsTLO/2022/1 Added document: RSC Decisions on proposal (updated to correct one hierarchy)
3 October 2022 RSC/RSCSecretary/2022/4 Added responses to proposal: RSC member responses posted here from 03-14 October.
3 October 2022 RSC/RSCSecretary/2022/2 Added responses to proposal: RSC member responses posted here from 03-14 October.
3 October 2022 RSC/RSCSecretary/2022/3 Added responses to proposal: RSC member responses posted here from 03-14 October.
26 September 2022 News and Announcements Added announcement: Agenda for October 2022 RSC Meeting Available
26 September 2022 RSC Meeting Agendas Added document: Public agenda for the October 2022 asynchronous RSC meeting
20 September 2022 RSC Meeting Minutes [2015-2020] Updated content: Fixed broken links
15 September 2022 RSC Presentations 2022 Added content: Added a link for the presentation "Das Bild wird bunter, Das Erfolgsmodell RNAB und seine Folgen" by Renate Behrens, Koop Litera, 24 June 2022
15 September 2022 RSC Presentations 2022 Added content: Added a link for the presentation "Das neue RDA Toolkit und seine Umsetzung im deutschsprachigen Raum" by Renate Behrens and Barbara Pfeifer, German Library Congress, Leipzig, 31 May 2022
5 September 2022 RSC/TranslationsTLO/2022/1 Added document: RSC Decisions on proposal (updated to correct typos)
5 September 2022 RSC Presentations 2022 Added content: Added a link for the presentation "Report from the Europe Representative to the RSC EURIG Annual Meeting, 2022" by Ahava Cohen
22 August 2022 RSC/RSCSecretary/2022/1 Added document: RSC Decisions on proposal
22 August 2022 RSC/TranslationsTLO/2022/1 Added document: RSC Decisions on proposal
11 August 2022 News and Announcements Added announcement: New proposal available for community review, October meeting Zoom date, and public minutes posted for April 2022 RSC meeting
9 August 2022 RSC/RSCSecretary/2022/4 Updated content: Added proposal to amend and clarify instructions in Manifestation “place of” elements
9 August 2022 NARDAC Presentations 2022 Updated content: Added presentations by NARDAC from April 2022 Update Forum
8 August 2022 RSC/Minutes/Public/321-331 Added document: Public Minutes of the April 2022 Meeting
5 August 2022 RSC Presentations 2022 Added content: Added a link for the video presentation "Building for the Future: Linked Open Data and RDA" by Damian Iseminger
12 July 2022 RSC Regions: Oceania Updated content: Change in membership
29 June 2022 RSC Presentations 2022 Added content: Added a link to the slides for the presentation at the RDA Linked Data Forum at ALA Annual by Damian Iseminger
27 June 2022 News and Announcements Added announcement: RSC Secretary-Elect appointed
27 June 2022 RSC Presentations 2022 Added content: Added a link to the slides for the presentation at the RDA Preconference at ALA Annual by Kathy Glennan
23 June 2022 Welcome to the RSC Website Updated content: Updated text on main page
17 June 2022 News and Announcements Added announcement: Agenda for July 2022 RSC meeting available
17 June 2022 RSC Meeting Agendas Added document: Public agenda for the July 2022 asynchronous RSC meeting
17 June 2022 RSC/RSCSecretary/2022/1 Added responses to proposal: All RSC member responses posted as of 05 July.
17 June 2022 RSC/TranslationsTLO/2022/1 Added responses to proposal: All RSC member responses posted as of 05 July.
2 June 2022 News and Announcements Added announcement: Proposal discussions at July RSC meeting
31 May 2022 RSC Presentations 2022 Added content: Added a link to the video of the panel discussion "Ask the RSC Anything"
25 May 2022 About RDA Updated content: Updated links to operations documents within RDA FAQs in all languages
23 May 2022 Working Groups Updated content: Shifted Application Profiles Working Group into new category for groups that have concluded their work
16 May 2022 News and Announcements Added announcement: Proposal available for community review
16 May 2022 Current RSC Documents Added content: New proposal from RSC Secretary linked - RSC/RSCSecretary/2022/3 - Proposal to adjust instructions in four “restriction on” elements in Manifestation and Item
13 May 2022 Operations documents Updated document: RSC/Operations/4 -- Policies and Procedures for Updating RDA Content
13 May 2022 Operations documents Updated document: RSC/Operations/5 -- Guidelines for Discussion Papers, Proposals, and Responses to Them
13 May 2022 Operations documents Added document: RSC/Operations/8 -- Incoming and Departing RSC Members
9 May 2022 RSC/Chair/2022/3 Updated document: Place/Jurisdiction Working Group membership list
4 May 2022 RSC Members Updated content: EURIG member
27 April 2022 RSC Presentations 2022 Added content: Added a link to the slides and video for the presentation at the NARDAC Update Forum by Elisa Sze
26 April 2022 RSC Presentations 2022 Added content: Added a link to the slides and video for the presentation at the NARDAC Update Forum by Robert Maxwell and Melanie Polutta
22 April 2022 RSC Regions: North America Updated content: Change in membership
13 April 2022 RSC Regions: Oceania Updated content: Change in membership
8 April 2022 News and Announcements Added announcement: Three proposals available for community review
8 April 2022 Current RSC Documents Added content: New proposal from RSC Secretary linked - RSC/RSCSecretary/2022/2 - Proposal to correct the terms “multipart monograph” and “serial”
7 April 2022 Current RSC Documents Added content: New proposal from RSC Translations Team Liaison Officer linked - RSC/TranslationsTLO/2022/1 - Proposal for correction of the narrower element hierarchy in Manifestation: manufacturer agent (etc.) and its inverses
29 March 2022 News and Announcements Updated announcement: Deadline extended: RSC Secretary position available
25 March 2022 Current RSC Documents Added content: New section added to page for discussion papers and proposals from RSC position holders. New proposal from RSC Secretary linked - RSC/Secretary/2022/1 - Proposal to improve consistency in “supertype” elements
24 March 2022 News and Announcements Added announcement: New Release of RDA Toolkit and RDA Registry
21 March 2022 RSC Minutes Updated content: Updated information about January 2022 RSC Asynchronous Meeting minutes
21 March 2022 RSC Presentations 2022 Added content: Added a link to the slides for the presentation at CEAL by Charlene Chou
21 March 2022 Annual Reports Added document: 2021 RSC Annual Report
18 March 2022 RSC Meeting Agendas Added document: Public agenda for the April 2022 asynchronous RSC meeting
17 March 2022 RSC Presentations 2022 Added content: Added a link to the slides with transcript, and to the video presentation with captions, to the presentation by Elisa Sze
15 March 2022 RSC Presentations 2022 Added content: Added a link to the video presentation on application profiles by Melissa Parent
14 March 2022 News and Announcements Added announcement: RSC Meeting Calendar for 2022
14 March 2022 RSC/Operations/2 Updated document: An updated version of RSC Position Responsibilities
14 March 2022 RSC/Operations/1 Updated document: An updated version of Policy and Procedures for RSC Operations
8 March 2022 RSC Presentations 2022 Added content: A new presentation on application profiles by Melissa Parent added on this page
2 March 2022 News and Announcements Added announcement: RSC Secretary position available
23 February 2022 RDA Action Plan 2022-2024 Added document: New three-year action plan published
22 February 2022 RDA FAQ (English) Updated content: List of translations and links adjusted
21 February 2022 RDA FAQ (French) Added content: French translation of the RDA FAQ added
21 February 2022 RSC Presentations 2021 Added content: A new presentation by Daniel Paradis demonstrating the RDA Toolkit added on this page
17 February 2022 RSC Regions: Europe Added content: Preliminary information about the 2022 EURIG annual meeting
14 February 2022 RSC Presentations 2022 Added content: A new presentation by Renate Behrens added on that page
11 February 2022 RSC Members Updated content: Updated end date for Technical Team Liaison Officer and Oceania regional representative
11 February 2022 RSC Regions: Oceania Updated content: Update to membership of ORDAC
10 February 2022 News and Announcements Added announcement: New on the RSC website
7 February 2022 RSC Presentations 2022 Added content: New page added for 2022 presentations, and a new presentation by Elisa Sze added on that page
7 February 2022 RSC/Chair/2022/2 Updated document: Official Languages Working Group membership list
1 February 2022 Additions and changes to website Added content: New page for additions and changes to website
1 February 2022 Earlier RSC Documents (2015-2020) Updated content: Re-named page from "Historical Documents 2015-17" and added content to cover 3R Project years
31 January 2022 Chair Documents Updated content: split long list of Chair Documents into pages for current and earlier
31 January 2022 RSC/Minutes/Public/294-311 Added document: Minutes of the October 2021 Meeting
26 January 2022 RSC/Outcomes/2021 Added document: Outcomes of the October 2021 RSC Meeting
24 January 2022 RSC/Chair/2022/4 Added document: Religions in RDA Working Group, 2022-2023
[Terms of reference, membership, specific tasks]
24 January 2022 RSC/Chair/2022/3 Added document: Place/Jurisdiction Working Group, 2022-2023
[Terms of reference, membership, specific tasks]
24 January 2022 RSC/Chair/2022/2 Added document: Official Languages Working Group, 2022-2023
[Terms of reference, membership, specific tasks]
24 January 2022 RSC/Chair/2022/1 Added document: Extent Working Group, 2022-2023
[Terms of reference, membership, specific tasks]
17 January 2022 RSC Members Updated content: contact information
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