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RDA Toolkit is an integrated, browser-based, online product that allows users to interact with a collection of cataloging-related documents and resources including RDA: Resource Description and keyword searching all documents; the ability to create, store, and share personal and local cataloging documents; and an unlimited number of profiles that allow individual users to set and save

RDA Toolkit Subscription Purchase Offline

For subscription purchases for more than 20 users or if you are not able to purchase online for any reason such as needing an invoice or not being able to use a credit card or purchase order, please follow these two steps.

Other RDA-Related Resources

Print resources included here may be available in multiple formats including bundles of print/electronic formats. Please follow the links for further details.


AACR2 in RDA Toolkit

An online version of AACR2 has been included in the RDA Toolkit subscription since its launch in July 2010. As catalogers and other metadata professionals prepare to implement RDA, having access to both RDA and AACR2 through the same subscription should increase efficiency and productivity. 

RDA in Translation – Finnish

RDA-ohjeiden (Resource Description and Access) suomennos julkaistaan RDA Toolkit –palvelussa joulukuussa 2015.

Kansalliskirjasto suomensi englanninkielisen RDA-tekstin vuosien 2012-2015 aikana. Sopimus suomennoksen julkaisemisesta RDA Toolkitissa allekirjoitettiin Kansalliskirjaston ja RDAn julkaisijayhteisön (the RDA Co-Publishers) kesken marraskuussa 2014.

RDA in Translation - Italian

Nel 2014 è stato firmato l’accordo tra ALA Publishing, per conto dei co-editori di RDA, e l’Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico delle Biblioteche Italiane (ICCU) per i diritti di traduzione dello standard internazionale per la descrizione e l'accesso alle risorse RDA Resource Description and Access.