
RDA in Translation

One of the stated goals of RDA: Resource Description and Access is to be standard that is "... able to be used in other language communities". To this end the RDA Copyright Holders have pursued translation agreements with outside organizations in order to provide high quality translations of RDA in a range of non-English languages.

RDA en français

Au nom des co-éditeurs de RDA, ALA Publishing a conclu en 2012 avec l’ASTED (Association pour l’avancement des sciences et des techniques de la documentation) un accord pour la traduction en langue française de RDA: Resource Description and Access.

RDA in Translation - German

Die deutsche Übersetzung von RDA: Resource Description and Access wurde von der Arbeitsstelle für Standardisierung der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek erstellt und am 14. Mai 2013 erstmals im RDA-Toolkit veröffentlicht.

RDA in Translation - Chinese

In 2012 ALA Publishing, on behalf of the RDA Co-Publishers, and National Library of China Publishing House announced an agreement for the translation of RDA: Resource Description and Access into the Chinese language. The National Library of China Publishing House will translate and publish a print version of RDA in Chinese and distribute it in China and globally.

Other Webinars

This is the other webinars page.

RDA Toolkit Essentials

The webinar RDA Toolkit Essentials serves as an introduction and guide to using RDA Toolkit. Unlike past webinars, it is not a one-off event.

Full Record Examples of RDA Cataloging

In order to facilitate RDA education and training, the RDA Steering Committee (RSC) issued the examples of RDA cataloging in 2016. The links below will download PDF files of RDA cataloging examples based on Original RDA. Each document is bookmarked to allow for easy navigation between examples.