
Welcome to the new

We are excited to roll out a new site! Just to clarify is this very information and communication site that serves as a kind of entrance way to the RDA Toolkit proper.

Welcome to the new RDA Site

RDA in Print

This full-text print version of RDA offers a snapshot that serves as an offline access point to help solo and part-time catalogers evaluate RDA, as well as to support training and classroom use in any size institution.  An index is included. The online RDA Toolkit includes PDFs, but purchasing the print version offers a convenient, time saving-option.

Free Trials & Event Support

Informed decisions are typically better decisions. To insure that you are fully aware of all the features and benefits of RDA Toolkit and prepared to make the best possible decision for your institution, we are happy to offer the RDA Toolkit Free Trial.

Kickoff Announcement

In 2017 the Co-Publishers of RDA and RDA Toolkit will undertake a major project to enhance the RDA Toolkit website so that it can better meet the needs of its users and play a more productive role in their work. The Toolkit debuted in 2010 and by any standard practice it is time for a site redesign to adjust to changes to the online environment.

3R Project logo