JSC encourages the translation of RDA Supporting Documentation by national bibliographic agencies or other interested parties. RDA Supporting Documentation refers to documents produced by JSC to support the development and implementation of RDA. Examples of RDA Supporting Documentation include: 5JSC/Sec/6 [Deferred issues]; 5JSC/Sec/6 [AACR2 Changes]; 5JSC/RDA/Element Analysis.
Explanation of JSC document numbering:
Base JSC document numbers consist of 3 parts:
[Sequence designation] / [Originator of proposal or Descriptive Title] / [Proposal number or designation]
For example:
If there are responses or follow-ups, the number is extended:
There are a number of ongoing activities of the JSC that will be incorporated into the work on RDA.
For a calendar of past and future presentations, see Presentations on RDA. Where possible, links are made to presentation slides.