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2013 Meeting of the Joint Steering Committee

The 2013 meeting of the Joint Steering Committee for Development of RDA (JSC) will be the week of November 4-9, 2013, in Washington, D.C., USA. The deadline for proposals for this November 2013 meeting is August 5, 2013. Proposals for revision of RDA instructions emanating from within the author countries of RDA should be submitted through their respective constituent bodies of JSC. Proposals for revision of RDA instructions emanating from outside the author countries of RDA should be submitted to Barbara Tillett, Chair of the JSC.

RDA Toolkit Schedule for 2013

[Reposting the announcement from the RDA Toolkit blog] The RDA Toolkit release schedule for 2013 has been revised. RDA Toolkit releases will take place in May, July, and November in 2013. Releases always take place on the second Tuesday of a release month. 2013 RDA Toolkit Release Schedule:
  • May 14
  • July 9
  • November 12
The May release is expected to include French and German translations of RDA as well as the complete rewording of RDA as requested by the U.S. RDA Test Coordinating Committee.

RDA Training Materials from JSC Constituencies

AUSTRALIA The training documentation used by the National Library of Australia for the RDA train-the-trainer courses held in late 2012 is now published on the ACOC Website ( These training materials are freely available to be used by individuals or institutions for information, background or for use in training. These documents are available under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia license. Use of these materials should be attributed as follows:

"New" JSC Members

Christine Frodl and Kevin Marsh joined the Joint Steering Committee for Development of RDA (JSC) in January 2012. Kevin Marsh replaced Deirdre Kiorgaard as the representative of the Australian Committee on Cataloguing (ACOC). In December 2012, David Reser replaced Barbara Tillett as the Library of Congress representative to the JSC. Information about these three JSC members is belatedly given below. = = = = =

2012 Approved RDA Proposals

The final versions of the proposals approved by the Joint Steering Committee for Development of RDA during and after its November 2012 meeting have been posted on this web site. See the "Sec final" documents listed in the table of new working documents or consult a specific proposal in the constituency proposals section.

Revising AACR2 to Accommodate Seriality

  • Revising AACR2 to Accommodate Seriality

    The Joint Steering Committee charged Jean Hirons of the Library of Congress with recommending rule revisions in support of the recommendations in the paper, “Issues Related to Seriality” presented at the Toronto Conference by Jean Hirons and Crystal Graham. The first result was a report containing specific recommendations, but without rule revision proposals; this report was submitted in April 1999 and considered at the