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Revising AACR2 to Accommodate Seriality

  • Revising AACR2 to Accommodate Seriality

    The Joint Steering Committee charged Jean Hirons of the Library of Congress with recommending rule revisions in support of the recommendations in the paper, “Issues Related to Seriality” presented at the Toronto Conference by Jean Hirons and Crystal Graham. The first result was a report containing specific recommendations, but without rule revision proposals; this report was submitted in April 1999 and considered at the

  • AACR3

  • AACR3

    Initial work on RDA was based on the development of a product with the working title of “AACR3 : Resource Description and Access.” After consideration at the April 2005 meeting of the feedback from the review of the draft of part I of AACR3, the JSC decided on a change of direction.