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Appointments to the RDA Steering Committee

The RDA Steering Committee is pleased to announce two new appointments.

Kathy Glennan is the new Chair-Elect.

Ebe Kartus is the new Wider Community Engagement Officer.

RDA Preconference at ALA Midwinter

Registration is open for the preconference "RDA Toolkit Redesign Update and Preview," which will be held at the ALA Midwinter meeting in Denver on Friday, February 9, 2018 from 8:30 am - 4:00 pm in the Colorado Convention Center, Room 201.

RSC Recruitments Underway

The RDA Steering Committee is looking for a Wider Community Engagement Officer for a two-year, part-time appointment beginning in early 2018.

We hope to find an energized and experienced individual who is knowledgable about RDA and its current development, and has a track record of presenting RDA information to groups. Fluency in more than one language is desirable.

RSC Outreach Event in Madrid: "Preparing for the new RDA Toolkit"

The RSC outreach meeting "Preparing for the new RDA Toolkit", to be held 09.00 to 13.00 on Monday 23 October 2017 at the Biblioteca Nacional de España in Madrid, will include a progress report on the 3R Project, and three topics for open public discussion:

Serial Harmonization

Members of the RSC participated in a meeting on "Impact of the IFLA Library Reference Model on ISBD, RDA and other bibliographic standards" at Wrocław University Library on 25 August 2017, following the IFLA World Library and Information Congress.