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SAVE THE DATE: Thursday 18 May 2023

The RDA Steering Committee (RSC) will meet in Chicago on 17-19 May 2023, and would be delighted to welcome observers to its public session on Thursday 18 May.

March 2023 RDA Toolkit Release

A new release of RDA Toolkit was ready on March 24, 2023, but due to some technical issues, its posting was delayed until March 27th. The release was a small one compared to past releases. Minor changes to English language RDA were made for the purpose of clarity and consistency.

Teaching RDA in the LIS Classroom

On 24 February, RSC Education and Orientation Officer Elisa Sze gave a webinar on Teaching RDA in the LIS Classroom, which talked through her recent report and solicited further feedback from those engaged in teaching RDA in Information Studies programs.

RSC Action Plan 2023-2025

The RSC updates its Action Plan annually, providing an overview for the next three years, with the immediate year's plan being more detailed than the later two years as specific tasks are planned and set in motion.