RSC announcement regarding IFLA-LRM
Following their November meeting in Frankfurt, the RDA Steering Committee (RSC) announced their plans for the implementation of IFLA's Library Reference Model (LRM) in RDA.
Following their November meeting in Frankfurt, the RDA Steering Committee (RSC) announced their plans for the implementation of IFLA's Library Reference Model (LRM) in RDA.
This past November the La Biblioteca Nacional de España (BNE) announced that it will adopt RDA as the standard for cataloging its collection. The English translation of the announcement follows. The Spanish version of the announcement can be found here.
This is the first of what will be a series of status updates on the progress of the 3R project. You may recall from the October announcement that 3R stands for the RDA Toolkit Restructure and Redesign.
Effective immediately, Keri Cascio will represent the American Library Association (ALA) on the Board of Directors for Resource, Description and Access (RDA), a unified cataloging standard designed for the global, digital world and metadata users in many environments.
We are excited to roll out a new site! Just to clarify is this very information and communication site that serves as a kind of entrance way to the RDA Toolkit proper.
This full-text print version of RDA offers a snapshot that serves as an offline access point to help solo and part-time catalogers evaluate RDA, as well as to support training and classroom use in any size institution. An index is included. The online RDA Toolkit includes PDFs, but purchasing the print version offers a convenient, time saving-option.
RDA Essentials by Thomas Brenndorfer
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