RDA Toolkit (RDA)

Path prefix

Diversity of Data Event: Presentations Available

We are pleased to provide all presentations and notes from the Diversity of Data: RDA in the international context at the National Library of Malaysia this past August. We do not have the welcome address available here but were very appreciative to Dato Nafisah binti Ahmad, Director General at the National Library of Malaysia, for starting off this event.


Next Release to the RDA Toolkit Beta Site

The next release to the RDA Toolkit beta site was expected to be ready in late September. However, the release will be delayed to October 9th in order to include a substantial update to the MARC 21 mapping, in both content and display. The display change will include organizing the mappings into separate ordered lists for bibliographic and authority mappings.

New Beta Release

Statement on Instruction Numbering

The publishers of RDA Toolkit and the RDA Steering Committee have been closely monitoring feedback on the new RDA Toolkit beta site. Based on comments provided via the online form, public forums, and various discussion lists, it has become clear that the absence of instruction numbers is challenging for some users, especially those involved in cataloging training and education.

Statement on Instruction Numbering

A Practical Introduction to the New RDA Toolkit

At the ALA Annual Conference in New Orleans in June, the members of the RDA Steering Committee and friends organized a day-long event called "A Practical Introduction to the New RDA Toolkit". If you missed the event, you can still learn a thing or two about the new RDA Toolkit through slides and video from the event, all linked below. 

ALA Annual logo