New RSC Documents 2021

New RSC Documents 2021

Documents posted in 2021.

Distribution DateDocument DateDocument Number or TitleSubject
31 December 202131 December 2021RSC/TechnicalWG/2021/2/RSC Decisions/revRSC Decisions on the proposal Implementing the Collections Model in RDA (Revised)
31 December 202131 December 2021RSC/Public Agenda/312-320January 2022 RSC Asynchronous Meeting Agenda
22 December 202121 December 2021RSC/TechnicalWG/2021/1/RSCDecisions/revRSC Decisions on proposal for Realignment of Expression to Expression Relationship Elements (Revised)
06 December 202106 December 2021RSC/EURIG/2021/1/RSC Decisions/revRSC Decisions on proposal to adjust label, definition, and alternate labels for Expression: relief type (Revised)
19 November 202112 November 2021RSC/TechnicalWG/2021/2/RSC DecisionsRSC Decisions on the proposal Implementing the Collections Model in RDA
15 November 202115 November 2021RSC/Minutes/Public/280-293July 2021 RSC Asynchronous Meeting Public Minutes
02 November 202102 November 2021RSC/Chair/2021/4RDA-MARC 21 Alignment Task Force: Terms of Reference
28 October 202128 October 2021RSC/Papers/2021/13R Project Final Report
13 October 202113 October 2021RSC/Public Agenda/294-311October 2021 RSC Virtual Meeting Public Agenda
17 September 202117 September 2021RSC/Public Agenda/294-311October 2021 RSC Virtual Meeting Public Agenda Draft
30 August 202130 August 2021RSC/Operations/7Information for new RSC members and backups
30 August 202130 August 2021RSC/TechnicalWG/2021/1/RSCDecisionsRSC Decisions on proposal for Realignment of Expression to Expression Relationship Elements
03 August 202102 August 2021RSC/TechnicalWG/2021/2 - Part 1: Implementing the Collections Model in RDA
RSC/TechnicalWG/2021/2 - Part 2: Subject Hierarchy Revisions to Accommodate Collection Level Description
RSC/TechnicalWG/2021/2 - Part 3: Collection Descriptions
RSC/TechnicalWG/2021/2 - Part 4: Agents Related to Collections and Their Descriptions
Proposal: Implementing the Collections Model in RDA (in four parts)
18 June 202118 June 2021RSC/Public Agenda/280-293July 2021 RSC Asynchronous Meeting Public Agenda
16 June 202114 June 2021RSC/EURIG/2021/1Proposal to adjust label, definition, and alternate labels for Expression: relief type
11 June 202115 June 2021RSC/TechnicalWG/2021/1Proposal for Realignment of Expression to Expression Relationship Elements
29 May 202128 May 2021RSC/Minutes/Public/270-279April 2021 RSC Asynchronous Meeting Public Minutes
11 May 202111 May 2021RSC/Chair/2021/2Technical Working Group: Terms of reference, 2021 membership and tasks (final version)
06 May 202106 May 2021RSC/Annual Report/2020Annual Report for 2020
04 May 202104 May 2021RSC/Chair/2021/3Translations Working Group: Terms of reference, 2021 membership and tasks (final version)
01 April 202131 March 2021RSC/Minutes/Public/261-269January 2021 RSC Asynchronous Meeting Public Minutes
01 April 202131 March 2021RSC/Minutes/Public/236-260October 2020 RSC Virtual Meeting Public Minutes
19 March 202119 March 2021RSC/Public Agenda/270-279April 2021 RSC Asynchronous Meeting Public Agenda
19 March 202118 March 2021RSC/Chair/2021/3Translations Working Group: Terms of reference, 2021 membership and tasks Draft
19 March 202118 March 2021RSC/Chair/2021/2Technical Working Group: Terms of reference, 2021 membership and tasks Draft
26 February 202126 February 2021RSC/Operations/1Policy and Procedures for RSC Operations
[updated February 2021]
26 February 202126 February 2021RSC/Operations/2RSC Position Responsibilities
[updated February 2021]
12 February 202112 February 2021RSC/Operations/6Policies and Procedures for RSC Meetings
[updated February 2021]
12 February 202112 February 2021RSC/Operations/4Policies and Procedures for Updating RDA Content
[updated February 2021]
12 February 202112 February 2021RSC/Operations/3General Terms of Reference for RSC Working Groups [updated February 2021]
26 January 202126 January 2021RSC/Chair/2021/1RSC Action Plan 2021-2023
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