New RSC Documents 2024

New RSC Documents 2024

Documents posted in 2024.

Distribution DateDocument DateDocument Number or TitleSubject
15 July 202415 July 2024RSC/ReligionsWG/2024/1/summary

Formal responses to RSC/TechnicalWG/2024/1/rev – Proposal to Revise Name of Corporate Body

15 July 202415 July 2024RSC/ReligionsWG/2024/1/TTWG responseResponse to RSC/ReligionsWG/2024/1, Proposal to Revise Name of Corporate Body
15 July 202415 July 2024RSC/ReligionsWG/2024/1/TranslationsTLO

Formal response to RSC/ReligionsWG/2024/1 - Proposal to name of corporate body

15 July 202415 July 2024RSC/ReligionsWG/2024/1/WCEO response


Formal response to RSC/ReligionsWG/2024/1, Proposal to Revise Name of Corporate Body

13 July 202411 July 2024*RSC/ReligionsWG/2024/1/NARDAC response

Response to RSC/ReligionsWG/2024/1 – Proposal to Revise Name of Corporate Body

* Document dated 11 July, but was submitted to the RSC Secretary on 12 July (Utah time) / 13 July (London time)

12 July 202412 July 2024RSC/ReligionsWG/2024/1/EOOFormal response to RSC/ReligionsWG/2024/1 – Proposal to Revise Name of Corporate Body
11 July 202411 July 2024RSC/ReligionsWG/2024/1/EURIG responseFormal response to RSC/ReligionsWG/2024/1 - Proposal to revise name of corporate body
9 July 20249 July 2024RSC/ReligionsWG/2024/1/Examples Editor responseFormal response to RSC/ReligionsWG/2024/1, Proposal to Revise Name of Corporate Body
9 July 20249 July 2024RSC/Agenda/469-482July RSC Meeting Agenda
8 July 20248 July 2024RSC/TechnicalWG/2024/1/rev/DecisionsProposal to Revise the Element Hierarchy for Appellations of Work Groups
5 July 20245 July 2024RSC/ReligionsWG/2024/1/ORDAC responseFormal response to RSC/ReligionsWG/2024/1 - Proposal to revise name of corporate body
26 June 202426 June 2024RSC/ExtentWG/2024/1/revDiscussion paper on the development of extent elements in RDA
25 June 202416 May 2024RSC/ExtentWG/2024/1Discussion paper on the development of extent elements in RDA
25 June 20244 April 2024RSC/ReligionsWG/2024/1Proposal to Revise Name of Corporate Body
30 May 202430 May 2024RSC/Minutes/456-468April RSC Meeting Minutes
18 April 202418 April 2024RSC/Chair/2024/12Translations Working Group, 2024
11 April 202411 April 2024RSC/Chair/2024/11Technical Working Group, 2024
8 April 20248 April 2024RSC/Agenda/456-468April RSC Meeting Agenda
8 April 202412 March 2024RSC/Chair/2024/9Discharge of Place/Jurisdiction Working Group
8 April 20245 March 2024RSC/Chair/2024/8Discharge of Official Languages Working Group
2 April 20242 April 2024RSC/TechnicalWG/2024/1/rev/summaryFormal responses to RSC/TechnicalWG/2024/1/rev – Proposal to revise the element hierarchy for appellations of work groups
30 March 202430 March 2024RSC/ORDAC/2024/1/summaryFormal responses to RSC/ORDAC/2024/1 – [Proposal on] Dual-language naming of Corporate Body and Place
29 March 202428 March 2024RSC/ORDAC/2024/1/TTWG ResponseResponse to RSC/ORDAC/2024/1: Proposal on Dual-language naming of
Corporate Body and Place
29 March 202427 March 2024RSC/ORDAC/2024/1/WCEOFormal response to RSC/ORDAC/2024/1, Dual-language naming of Corporate Body and Place
25 March 202425 March 2024RSC/TechnicalWG/2024/1/rev/ORDACFormal response to RSC/TechnicalWG/2024/1/rev - Proposal to revise the
element hierarchy for appellations of work groups
25 March 202425 March 2024RSC/TechnicalWG/2024/1/rev/EOOFormal response to RSC/TechnicalWG/2024/1/rev – Proposal to revise the element
hierarchy for appellations of work groups
25 March 202425 March 2024RSC/ORDAC/2024/1/EOOFormal response to RSC/ORDAC/2024/1 – Dual-language naming of corporate body
and place
25 March 202424 March 2024RSC/TechnicalWG/2024/1/rev/EURIGFormal response to RSC/TechnicalWG/2024/1- Proposal to revise the
element hierarchy for appellations of work groups
25 March 202424 March 2024RSC/ORDAC/2024/1/EURIGFormal response to RSC/ORDAC/2024/1/ - Dual-language naming of
corporate body and place
25 March 202422 March 2024RSC/TechnicalWG/2024/1/rev/Examples EditorFormal response to RSC/TechnicalWG/2024/1/rev, Proposal to revise the
element hierarchy for appellations of work groups
25 March 202422 March 2024RSC/ORDAC/2024/1/Examples EditorFormal response to RSC/ORDAC/2024/1, Dual-language naming of Corporate
Body and Place
25 March 202422 March 2024RSC/TechnicalWG/2024/1/rev/NARDACResponse to RSC/TechnicalWG/2024/1/rev - Proposal to revise the element
hierarchy for appellations of work groups
25 March 202422 March 2024RSC/ORDAC/2024/1/NARDACResponse to RSC/ORDAC/2024/1 - Dual-language naming of Corporate Body and
25 March 202421 March 2024RSC/TechnicalWG/2024/1/rev/TranslationsTLOResponse to RSC/TechnicalWG/2024/1/rev - Proposal to revise the element
hierarchy for appellations of work groups
25 March 202421 March 2024RSC/ORDAC/2024/1/TranslationsTLOResponse to RSC/ORDAC/2024/1 - Dual-language naming of Corporate Body and
20 March 202426 July 2023RSC/Chair/2023/3/revProtocol between the RSC and the IFLA Committee on Standards (CoS)
14 March 202414 March 2024RSC/TechnicalWG/2024/1/revProposal to revise the element hierarchy for appellations of work groups
6 March 20245 March 2024RSC/TechnicalWG/2024/1Proposal to revise the element hierarchy for appellations of work groups
4 March 20244 March 2024RSC/ORDAC/2024/1[Proposal on] Dual-language naming of Corporate Body and Place
19 February 202431 January 2024RSC/Operations/5/2024Guidelines for Discussion Papers, Proposals, and Responses to Them
19 February 202431 January 2024RSC/Operations/4/2024Policies and Procedures for Updating RDA Content
17 February 202417 February 2024RSC/FT2024-03/DecisionsFT2024-03: Ordinal numbers
17 February 202417 February 2024RSC/FT2024-02/DecisionsFT2024-02: Definition for “issuing agent of”, etc.
17 February 202417 February 2024RSC/FT2024-01/DecisionsFT2024-01: Definition for “printer agent of”, etc.
17 February 202417 February 2024RSC/Minutes/444-455Minutes [of the] January 2024 RSC Meeting, Asynchronous, via Basecamp and Zoom, 29 January – 1 February 2024
30 January 202430 January 2024RSC/Annual Report/2023RSC Annual Report for 2023
30 January 202430 January 2024RSC/Chair/2024/6Translations Working Group, 2024
30 January 202430 January 2024RSC/Chair/2024/5Technical Working Group, 2024
30 January 202430 January 2024RSC/Chair/2024/4Religions in RDA Working Group, 2024
30 January 202430 January 2024RSC/Chair/2024/3Extent Working Group, 2024
30 January 202430 January 2024RSC/Chair/2024/2Examples Working Group, 2024
30 January 202430 January 2024RSC/Chair/2024/1RSC Action Plan 2024-2026
23 January 202423 January 2024RSC/PlacesWG/2023/2/DecisionsDecisions on proposal RSC/PlacesWG/2023/2, implemented in January 2024
23 January 202423 January 2024RSC/ReligionsWG/2023/2/DecisionsDecisions on proposal RSC/ReligionsWG/2023/2, implemented in January 2024
10 January 202410 January 2024RSC/Agenda/444-455Agenda [for the] January 2024 Meeting [of the RDA Steering Committee], Asynchronous, via Basecamp and Zoom, 29 January - 1 February 2024
9 January 2024October 2023RSC/ExamplesEditor/2023/1RDA Examples Editorial Guide, approved October 2023
9 January 202415 October 2023RSC/Operations/1 last updated: 15 October 2023Policies and Procedures for RSC Operations
3 January 202420 October 2023RSC/Chair/2023/8/revExamples Working Group, 2023-2024 [updates RSC/Chair/2023/8 with a new member recruited at WLIC 2023]
3 January 202419 October 2023RSC/Chair/2023/11Translations Working Group, 2023-2024 [superseded RSC/Chair/2021/3]
3 January 20243 January 2024RSC/Chair/2023/12RSC Action Plan 2023-2025 [updated and approved at the RSC Meeting in October 2023]
2 January 20242 January 2024RSC/Minutes/413-443Minutes [of the] October 2023 Meeting [of the RDA Steering Committee], OBVSG Headquarters, Vienna, 17-20 October 2023
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