Explanation of JSC document numbering
Explanation of JSC document numbering:
Base JSC document numbers consist of 3 parts:
[Sequence designation] / [Originator of proposal or Descriptive Title] / [Proposal number or designation]
For example:
- 5JSC/LC/7 (The 7th proposal from LC in the 5JSC sequence. The 5JSC numbering sequence will be used until the publication of RDA.)
- 5JSC/Annual report/2005 (2005 annual report)
If there are responses or follow-ups, the number is extended:
[Sequence designation] / [Originator of proposal or Descriptive Title] / [Proposal number or designation] / [Designation of response/follow-up/revision] / [Number of response/follow-up/revision - if required]
For example:
- 5JSC/ACOC/1/CILIP response (CILIP response to the first proposal from ACOC in the 5JSC sequence)
- 5JSC/RDA/Part I/Chair follow-up/6 (6th Chair follow-up to the draft of RDA part I)
- 5JSC/LC/1/Rev/ALA response (ALA response to the revised version of LC/1)
The collection of the original proposal and all responses and follow-ups is known as the document series.
Last updated: 26 October 2011
Webmaster: JSC Secretary