

Please note that these documents are being made available as a means of providing outreach to both library and non-library resource description communities and assisting the Joint Steering Committee in its work. Under no circumstances should the documents be copied or re-transmitted without prior consultation with the Chair of the Joint Steering Committee. Drafts and proposals are not an official part of RDA until they have received final approval from JSC and have been formally published.


This site contains working documents used by the JSC and constituencies in the preparation of RDA from 2005 onwards. JSC documents of an administrative or restricted nature are not included. When documents are regularly revised, only the latest version is made available. See also the Explanation of JSC document numbering.

Translations of RDA

RDA Supporting Documentation does not include the text of RDA. The RDA text is strictly the copyright of the American Library Association (ALA), the Canadian Library Association (CLA), and the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP). Translations must be licensed by the copyright holders. ALA handles translation licenses on behalf of the copyright holders, and any enquiries should be sent to James Hennelly, ALA Publishing.

New JC Documents

TK--this will link to a view of all documents ordered by date, from most recent to oldest.

Background Documents

Constituency Proposals

TK--This will link to a view of the Constituency Proposals ordered by Constituency.

Other Documents

Meeting Minutes

Policy Documents

Explanation of JSC document numbering

Base JSC document numbers consist of 3 parts:

[Sequence designation] / [Originator of proposal or Descriptive Title] / [Proposal number or designation]

For example:

5JSC/LC/7 (The 7th proposal from LC in the 5JSC sequence. The 5JSC numbering sequence will be used until the publication of RDA.)

5JSC/Annual report/2005 (2005 annual report)

If there are responses or follow-ups, the number is extended:

[Sequence designation] / [Originator of proposal or Descriptive Title] / [Proposal number or designation] / [Designation of response/follow-up/revision] / [Number of response/follow-up/revision - if required]

For example:

5JSC/ACOC/1/CILIP response (CILIP response to the first proposal from ACOC in the 5JSC sequence)

5JSC/RDA/Part I/Chair follow-up/6 (6th Chair follow-up to the draft of RDA part I)

5JSC/LC/1/Rev/ALA response (ALA response to the revised version of LC/1)

The collection of the original proposal and all responses and follow-ups is known as the document series.

Site Section