Save the Dates: RSC Public Sessions 2025

Save the Dates: RSC Public Sessions 2025

RSC at ALA Washington Office on 11 November 2024. Standing on steps outside the building. Back row: Angela Quiroz, Ahava Cohen, Szabolcs Dancs, Charlene Chou, Anne Welsh. Middle row: Elisa Sze, Jessica Grzegorski, Colleen Barbus, James Hennelly, Robert Maxwell. Front row: Charlotte Christensen, Renate Behrens, Damian Iseminger, Christopher Holden.

At its meeting in Washington last week, the RSC set the dates for its meetings in 2025. They will all take place asynchronously via Basecamp with some synchronous Zoom meetings, including the following Public Sessions, to which anyone can register as an observer:

Wednesday 22 January 2025 at 7pm UTC (There is a handy time converter here).

Tuesday 8 April 2025 at 6pm UTC (There is a handy time converter here).

Tuesday 15 July 2025 at 6pm UTC (There is a handy time converter here).

Tuesday 18 November 2025 at 7pm UTC (There is a handy time converter here).

Each meeting will last up to 2 hours (depending on the number of proposals / discussion papers).

Please bookmark this page and / or save the dates. The RSC Secretary will issue a call for observers closer to the time of each meeting.



Image: The RSC outside the ALA Washington Office in November 2024.

Back row: Ángela Quiroz (RDA Board, invited special observer), Ahava Cohen (Europe Representative), Szabolcs Dancs (Translations Team Liaison Officer and Back-up Europe Representative), Charlene Chou (Wider Community Engagement Officer), Anne Welsh (RSC Secretary).

Middle row: Elisa Sze (Education and Orientation Officer), Colleen Barbus (Chair of the RDA Board), James Hennelly (Director of ALA Digital Reference), Robert Maxwell (North America Representative).

Front row: Charlene Christensen (Oceania Representative), Renate Behrens (RSC Chair), Damian Iseminger (Technical Team Liaison Officer), Christopher Holden (Incoming Technical Team Liaison Officer).