Oceania RDA Discussion List
ORDAC, in collaboration with The National Library of Australia, maintains an email discussion list for RDA as it relates specifically to the Oceania region. A forum for discussing RDA cataloguing issues, the list is an opportunity to build professional networks, and learn about new products and services related to RDA and its implementation. The rdaoceania list will be used by ORDAC as the main tool for directly updating the region about RDA. It may also be used by national resource description communities such as LIANZA CatSIG (New Zealand) and ACORD (Australia) to communicate information about activities such as conferences, training courses and other events that are of relevance to the RDA community in those countries.
How to subscribe to rdaoceania
To subscribe to the list send a message to:sympa@nla.gov.au
In the subject line of your message, type in: subscribe rdaoceania Firstname Name (replace Firstname Name with your own first name and last name).
For example: subscribe rdaoceania Mary Smith
Leave the message body blank
You should then receive a welcome message with details of how to post messages to the list etc.
To unsubscribe from the list send a message to:sympa@nla.gov.au
In the subject line of your message, type in: unsubscribe rdaoceania
Leave the message body blank
Note that to unsubscribe your message must be sent from the same email address as your original subscription request