Learning Resources

Learning Resources

Online resources about cataloguing and data creation using RDA exist to support teaching and training activities. We welcome suggestions for new resources or events to include on this page. 

Resources maintained by RDA Toolkit and the RDA Steering Committee (RSC)

  • RDA Toolkit YouTube channel contains instructional videos on how to use the RDA Toolkit and recordings of RDA-related presentations. All demonstrations and presentations from the RDA Toolkit webinar series are posted to this channel.
  • RSC Presentations links to PDFs of slides used in presentations by RSC members or other RDA experts. It is part of the broader RSC website which contains important documentation, updates, and reports on RSC activities, as well as RDA-related announcements.
  • RDA Toolkit News and Information provides updates on RDA Toolkit releases and development and announcements about RDA-related events and activities.


Resources for educators

Report on approaches to teaching RDA in the LIS classroom -- This report offers library and information science (LIS) educators a possible approach for incorporating the official RDA Toolkit into courses about metadata creation and cataloguing. It includes tips for teaching with RDA. Report by Elisa Sze, November 2022.

RDA teaching & training tips -- This handout offers tips for educators and trainers who plan to incorporate RDA into a course or training program on knowledge organization, metadata schemas, or resource description (including cataloguing). Handout by Elisa Sze, January 2024.

  • Spanish translation: RDA Consejos de Enseñanza y Capacitación --  Este folleto ofrece consejos para educadores y formadores que planean incorporar RDA en un curso o programa de capacitación sobre organización del conocimiento, esquemas de metadatos o descripción de recursos (incluida la catalogación). Traducción al Español: Ángela Quiroz Ubierna.

Template RDA teaching slides -- These slides were developed for educators to adapt, customize, and use in various teaching settings where RDA is being introduced to students. These slides are being made freely available for use, under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license. The slides include:

  • Plain language explanations of certain concepts;
  • Examples that educators are encouraged to customize;
  • Direct links to specific pages and passages of the RDA Toolkit; and
  • Citation numbers to options where appropriate.
  • A separate Outline accompanies these slides, but educators are free to include, rearrange, or extract as much or as little content from the template as needed.


Community-based training materials on the official RDA Toolkit

The following training materials were developed by various communities to support the transition of their members from the original to the official RDA Toolkit. These materials are neither created nor endorsed by the RDA Steering Committee, but they are linked from this page to support trainers and instructors who seek examples of training materials. 

German National Library on behalf of the Committee for Library Standards (STA)

Training materials on STA documentation platform: Here you can find training materials for the STA documentation platform and its standards. The training materials initially refer to the RDA DACH standard. RDA DACH is the RDA based standard for German-speaking countries. Further training materials will be added gradually. No login required.

National Library of New Zealand (NLNZ)

  • Training plan. Publication date: December 2023.
  • Training modules began to be released in December 2024, with additional content being integrated over time. The modules can be accessed via Niche Academy portal. No login is required.
  • The modules include:
    • RDA phase 1 training
    • RDA phase 2 training
    • RDA practical cataloguing (updated February 2025)
    • RDA practical cataloguing - bonus lessons
    • Resources to support your RDA training

Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC)

  • Phase 1: PCC Introductory RDA Training materials. These materials were developed by members of the PCC Standing Committee on Training (SCT) RDA Training Task Group: Monographs. Refer to the PCC website for information regarding reuse and acknowledgements. First release date: December 2023.
  • Phase 1: PCC Introductory RDA Training Webinars. Recordings from the webinars held from March to May 2024, which were based on the SCT RDA Training Task Group: Monographs training materials. No login required.


If your community has published training materials and would like to see a link to that content included on this webpage, contact rdatoolkit@ala.org.


Past presentations on the RDA Toolkit Restructure and Redesign (3R) Project 

The following resources were developed to introduce existing RDA users to the 3R Project, which resulted in the launch of the official RDA Toolkit in December 2020:

Information on the Library Reference Model (LRM)

The IFLA Library Reference Model (LRM) is the high-level, entity-relationship based conceptual model that underlies RDA and informs the structure of the official RDA Toolkit. Published in 2017, it harmonized and superseded the Functional Requirements family of models (FRBR, FRAD, and FRSAD). 

Key RDA concepts

The 3R Project introduced new concepts to RDA and also presented new approaches to established concepts. Some of these concepts are covered in the links that follow. 

RDA and Linked Data

One of the original goals of RDA is to align its instructions with linked data principles. The links below address how this goal is being met. 

  • RDA Linked Data Stuff -- pdf of presentation by Gordon Dunsire at the ALA Annual Conference. From June 2019. 

RDA Exercises

  • RDA Toolkit Workshop -- all of the slides and handouts from the workshop held at the 2020 ALA Midwinter Meetings. There are 4 exercises with answers. From January 2020.


Learning resources related to the original RDA Toolkit have been retained for historical reference.