RDA Training Materials from JSC Constituencies
The training documentation used by the National Library of Australia for the RDA train-the-trainer courses held in late 2012 is now published on the ACOC Website (http://www.nla.gov.au/acoc/training-materials-for-resource-description-and-access).
These training materials are freely available to be used by individuals or institutions for information, background or for use in training. These documents are available under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia license. Use of these materials should be attributed as follows:
“From (or adapted from) Teaching RDA: Train-the-trainer course RDA: Resource description and access presented by the National Library of Australia in 2012 and made available under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia License.”
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The Pan-Canadian Working Group on Cataloguing with RDA has adapted the LC modules and made the modules freely available. The working group members offer assistance in planning training sessions.
The site for Francophone users of RDA contains information about training opportunities offered in French in Canada.
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The training material that was produced by Library of Congress and the Program for Cooperative Cataloging can be found at:
It includes links to general training materials with a focus on bibliographic records, RDA in NACO training materials (including series training), and CONSER program RDA training materials.
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[Information from Germany and the United Kingdom will be announced later.]
Date posted: 25 March 2013
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