First Issue vs. Latest Issue
Recent discussions on RDA-L have high-lighted that in RDA the description of resources issued in more than one part is based on the earliest issued or lowest numbered part (
JSC acknowledges that this is not a FRBR requirement and creates a barrier to the adoption of RDA. JSC notes that different approaches have different strengths and weaknesses: the earliest entry approach is considered to be more economical; but the latest entry approach emphasises convenience of the user.
JSC takes the view that data created under RDA should be sufficiently flexible to support any approach, without compromising the capability to control and link descriptions of serial resources.
JSC invites Deutsche Nationalbibliothek (DNB) to prepare a discussion paper for development of RDA to support a more flexible approach, while sustaining the process of harmonization with ISSN Network and ISBD.
The discussion paper should consider changes to RDA guidelines and instructions; evaluate probable impacts, including the effect on bibliographic control and linking of serial descriptions. Stakeholders should be consulted and their views clearly represented.
JSC recognises that this is a substantial task, which will take some time to realise. In the interim, agencies following the latest entry technique should continue to do so and may encode their records as RDA.
Date posted: 14 November 2012
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