RDA Toolkit Release - October 10, 2017

A new release of RDA Toolkit will be published on October 10, 2017. When there is a new release for RDA Toolkit, it is typically made on the second Tuesday of the month. Releases typically contain changes to content and metadata, enhancements to RDA Toolkit functionality, and fixes to existing bugs. The details of the October release follow.
Content Updates
There will be no changes to English RDA content in this release as required by the 3R Project. There will be an update to the Catalan language RDA to bring it in line with the April 2017 Update. The French translation was expected to update with these release and the Norwegian translation was expected to debut. However both these translations have been delayed. The French update is expected in December, the Norwegian translation a month or so later.
The release will also include some minor corrections to the German translation and updates to the policy statements from Committee for Library Standards for the application of RDA in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, known as Anwendungsrichtlinien (D-A-CH AWRs). The updates apply to both German and French of the AWRs.
Finally, Music Library Association Best Practices will include corrections to typos and the addition of a licensing statement in MLA BP for 0.0.
Development Updates
The synchronization of the Toolkit and the Registry that began in August 2016 will continue in the October release with the extension of the synchronization process to the Catalan translation and will continue with the implementation of the new process to the other translations in upcoming releases.