RDA Today - Outreach Event in Washington DC (and online)

RDA Today - Outreach Event in Washington DC (and online)

Ceiling of the interior dome of the Thomas Jefferson Building of the Library of Congress - downloaded from https://loc.getarchive.net/

RSC Chair Renate Behrens would like to thank RDA Board member Judith Cannan and her Library of Congress colleagues for hosting the RSC Meeting in November. As well as the usual hybrid Public Session of the Meeting itself (Tuesday 12 November, from 2pm US Eastern Time), there will be an outreach event on Wednesday 13 November, for which registration will soon open for both in-person and online attendees. 

The outreach day offers the opportunity to hear from experts about the implementation of RDA in the DACH Region (Germany (D), Austria (A) and Switzerland (CH)) and New Zealand as well as the latest from the Library of Congress on their BIBFRAME work. There will be a tour of the Jefferson Building in the morning, and the closing session (3-4pm) will allow for general discussion and questions.

A full agenda will be published soon, when we will ask you to register by emailing RSC Secretary Anne Welsh - RSCsecretary@rdatoolkit.org - and letting her know whether you would like to attend the Tuesday afternoon Public Session OR the Wednesday Outreach Day OR both. If you would like to be added to the list of observers (who are always informed of Public Session and outreach events first), please contact her on the same email. (Note: we promise not to use your email for any other purpose. Indeed under UK GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) laws, email addresses can only be used for the purpose for which they are collected). 

Please note: lunches are not provided, but there are places to buy and eat food within easy walking distance.

Addendum 17 October 2024: Registration is now open for this event - details here.


Image: Main reading Room. Interior of dome. Library of Congress Thomas Jefferson Building, Washington, D.C. -- Carol Highsmith Collection, Library of Congress; downloaded from the Public Domain Media section of https://loc.getarchive.net/ on 8 October 2024.