December 2022 RDA Toolkit Release

A new release of RDA Toolkit was posted on December 16, 2022. It included updates to both the English and Finnish versions of RDA. There were changes to the English RDA text related to RSC approval of two proposals at its July meeting. These changes added instructions to two Item and two Manifestation elements to make them consistent with other RDA elements that permit recording methods for non-RDA vocabulary encoding schemes, and made additions to the “Recording an unstructured description” section of five elements
The Finnish translation was updated to make it current with the English language version in this release. Policy statements from the Library of Congress - Program for Cooperative Cataloging, the British Library, the Music Library Association Best Practices, the National Library of New Zealand, and the Suomalaiset linjaukset were also updated.
Finally, the release includes a formatting change to the display of options. Options that are associated with a Condition now display in an indented grey box with the caption "CONDITION OPTION". Options that are not associated with a condition appear in a grey box that is not indented and has a caption that reads "OPTION".
Read more about the release in the December 2022 Release Notes.