Minutes of the July 2024 RSC Meeting and Publication of RSC/ExtentWG/2024/1/rev2

Minutes of the July 2024 RSC Meeting and Publication of RSC/ExtentWG/2024/1/rev2

The Minutes of the RSC Meeting in July (RSC/Minutes/469-482) are available on the RSC website and, with permanent URI, on ALAIR

Members of the wider RDA cataloguing community may be particularly interested in Item 476, the discussion of RSC/ExtentWG/2024/1. Following the discussion and initial reactions from the RSC and observers, the Working Group has updated its Discussion Paper. RSC/ExtentWG/2024/1/rev2 has been published on the RSC website and archived to ALAIR. We are aware that many communities are interested in this Discussion Paper, and we hope that its publication now gives plenty of time for those who wish to translate it into other languages to do so. It will be discussed at the next RSC Meeting in November.

The Public Session will take place on Tuesday 12 November. Exact times will be announced soon, but please note that as the RSC will be meeting in Washington DC, it will be afternoon in that time zone. The RSC Secretary will call for registration from online observers closer to the time. In-person attendance by members of the local cataloguing community may be possible, and this will be announced soon. Please do not make plans to travel unless and until attendance is confirmed. 

If you would like to be amongst the first to know about the November Public Session, please email Anne Welsh - rscsecretary@rdatoolkit.org - and ask to be added to her list of observers.