Watch Free RDA Toolkit Demos in French and Spanish

In December 2021 and January 2022, the American Library Association offered free RDA Toolkit demos in the French and Spanish languages respectively. Those thirty-minute demos were presented by two librarians with RDA expertise: Ángela Quiroz of Biblioteca del Congreso Nacional de Chile, and Daniel Paradis of Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec.
Each demo featured an overview of RDA Toolkit's features and functionality, followed by time for the presenters to answer questions live from both new and experienced RDA Toolkit users. Demos were recorded and posted to our YouTube channel for viewing at your convenience.
Our French-language demo can now be viewed here.
Our Spanish-language demo can now be viewed here.
Public English-language demos will resume this year and be announced in the coming months. Past English-language demos can be viewed on our YouTube channel along with all of our other virtual events.