An Update on Issues Related to the Server Migration

Unfortunately we have encountered several unexpected problems with the server migration. I apologize for how these problems have negatively affected users work and events. I did want to give everyone a detailed run down of the issues we are facing and the current status of our attempts to resolve these issues.
- Profile logins -- currently many profile logins are not working due to repeated usernames associated with both accounts and free trials. This issue is our top priority, and we are still trying to identify a solution. I'm hoping we can have this resolved in the next couple of days.
- Concurrency denials -- many are experiencing denied logins due to concurrency maximums. We have made some adjustments to how the new authentication system counts users. This issue is now resolved (1/23).
- Original RDA Toolkit browse -- the left column browse of the original Toolkit is not fully expanding as it should and the Glossary browse is out of alphabetical order. This feature used an application that has since fallen out of general use and is not well supported in the current environment. We are still working on finding a solution. This issue is now resolved (1/25).
- Documents section -- the documents section, where users can create and share RDA-related documents on the Toolkit, is currently inaccessible. I hope to get this resolved this week. This issue is now resolved (1/24).
- Admin access -- the admin site is no longer accessible. The migration included the outsourcing of account authentication to a new service. The new admin interface will be markedly different from the old one, and it will take a week or two for us to get it up and running. In the interim users can contact us at for assistance with any information or actions they require. I will share further information on the admin site as it becomes available.
Again I want to apologize for these disruptions to the service you are accustomed to, and thank you for your patience as we work toward a restoring the site to its normal behavior.
James Hennelly
Director, RDA Toolkit