Teaching RDA After 3R

Join us on Monday, August 19th for a 90 minute workshop on Teaching RDA After 3R with Brian Dobreski. Geared toward LIS instructors responsible for teaching RDA as well as practitioners who perform staff training, this webinar covers strategies for introducing students to the new RDA Toolkit. This webinar addresses how to teach students to use the new Toolkit, with an emphasis on how to navigate RDA and understand its setup, how to find what they need, and how they can take advantage of new functionality important to learners. Recommendations for background preparation for students will also be presented. Please note, this webinar assumes attendee familiarity with concepts and terminology stemming from the Library Reference Model (LRM) incorporation during 3R revisions.
Teaching RDA After 3R
Monday, August 19, 2019
12:00 pm Eastern | 11:00 am Central | 10:00 am Mountain | 9:00 am Pacific
To register and learn more click here.
Questions/comments? Contact us at rdatoolkit@ala.org.