Subscribers: Please Take Our Customer Survey!

As we move closer to the completion of the 3R Project and the December switchover of the beta site, we would like to reinforce our continued commitment to collecting community feedback on the redesigned RDA Toolkit, and our support service during this period of transition. Toward that end, we’ve prepared this four-question survey that should take you just a couple of minutes to complete .
Of course, candid and thorough feedback is completely welcomed, and we especially encourage you to take your time answering the two open-ended questions that close the survey. This is an ongoing survey that you’re free to fill out any time this spring or summer. User feedback is essential to our ongoing improvements to RDA Toolkit performance and customer service. So it is always welcome, whether through this survey, the submit feedback button on the beta Toolkit, or through emails to
We thank you in advance for providing your feedback! You can take our survey here.