January 2024 RDA Toolkit Release

A new release was posted to RDA Toolkit this week. The January 2024 release includes a couple of improvements to the RDA Toolkit, a couple of element name changes, and the introduction of a policy statements from Library and Archives Canada/Bibliothèque et Archives Canada in both English and French (LAC PS and BAC ÉP respectively).
One new enhancement to the Toolkit is a new display of locally shared notes in user's profile collection. Once users are logged into their profiles, they can click on "Bookmarks and Notes" in the top menu bar, and they will now find a separate section for locally shared notes. Reminder: Locally shared notes are shared only with profiles associated with the same institutional account.
The other new feature is that all policy statement sets are now available to view no matter which RDA language you select. For example, users can now read the French language BAC ÉP while viewing the English language RDA text, and vice versa. Please read "Setting Up Multilingual Display in RDA Toolkit" to activate this new feature.
Revisions to RDA terminology and practice include two changes to element names that arose from a proposal (RSC/PlacesWG/2023/2) by the Place/Jurisdiction Working Group that were accepted by the RDA Steering Committee at their October meeting.
The release updates the French and Norwegian translations, bringing them up to date with the September 2023 release of the Toolkit. The Finnish translation is current with the English RDA text. Updates to policy statements from the British Library, Library of Congress - Program for Cooperative Cataloging, National Library of Finland and National Library of New Zealand were updated as well. The new LAC PS/BAC ÉP are limited to Manifestation elements in this release.
Learn more about the January 2024 Release.
The next release of RDA Toolkit will be in March 2024.