Explore the Recent Changes to RDA and RDA Toolkit

RDA Online Orientation Series
The English language version of RDA stabilized in April 2019. In July, the RDA Online Orientations, a program of educational events, will roll out. These events will provide an introduction to illustrative examples of the many changes to RDA and RDA Toolkit introduced during the 3R Project.
New Concept Series
This series of webinars explores both new entities introduced by the IFLA Library Reference Model (LRM) and other key concepts. This series includes the following presentations:
- Nomens and Appellations
- Timespan and Place
- Representative Expression and Manifestation Statements
- Relationship Elements
- Fictitious and Non-human Personages
Special Topics Series
This series dives into the practices prescribed in the revised RDA and RDA Toolkit. This series covers the following topics:
- Application Profiles
- Aggregates and Diachronic Works
- Data Provenance
- Recording Methods and Transcription Guidelines
- Authority Control and Creating Access Points