3R Project Status Report #5

This is the fifth status report for the RDA Toolkit Restructure and Redesign Project (3R) project.
Changes to 3R Rollout and Schedule
The initial release of the redesigned RDA Toolkit remains June 13th. Because of the complexity of changes to both the content and structure of the RDA standard, however, expectations for that initial release and the subsequent revision timetable have changed. The June 13th release will be a beta version of the new site in English only. It will include the following:
- An initial implementation of LRM
- Reorganized RDA instructions
- Redesigned Personal and Institutional Profile capabilities
- Search and navigation functions
- Cross-Reference and Cross-Reference Preview functions
- Ready Reference feature for each RDA element
- Introduction of responsive design and greatly improved accessibility to the overall site
The URL for the RDA Toolkit will not change. A button will be added to the current site to link users to the beta version.
There will be periodic updates (likely September and December, and February) to both the RDA standard and the Toolkit site during the months that follow the initial release. These updates will include the following:
- Refinements to the wording of the RDA standard
- Introduction of a graphical browse tool
- Translations of the RDA standard
- Introduction of policy statements and integrated display
The goal for having the site fully functional with most (if not all) the translations and policy statements is early 2019. Once this goal is met then the 12-month clock on the old Toolkit site will begin.
In the weeks following the June release of the initial phase of 3R, we will collect user feedback on both the features and functions of the redesigned site and the revisions to the RDA standard. Toolkit users will be able to share their thoughts with Toolkit developers and the RDA Steering Committee through an online submission form and through a number of forums including live events at ALA Annual, IFLA’s World Library Congress, online, and elsewhere. The RSC will make direct appeals to special interests groups for feedback on specific issues.
During the multi-stage rollout of the 3R Project, the content in the current Toolkit will be frozen but available to users without any breaking of links.