Robert Maxwell Awarded 2024 Margaret Mann Citation

Members of the RSC would like to add their congratulations to those of the American library community on the award of the Margaret Mann Citation to Robert Maxwell, who, amongst his many roles is the North American Representative to the RSC.
The award "recognizes outstanding professional achievement in cataloging or classification either through publication of significant professional literature, participation in professional cataloging associations, or valuable contributions to practice in individual libraries". In its press release, the American Library Association said that "the selection committee chose Maxwell as the 2024 Citation recipient due to the tremendous impact he has had (and continues to have) on the field of cataloging and classification. The committee agreed unanimously that Maxwell’s extensive work with the Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC), the RDA Steering Committee (RSC), and the American Library Association’s Subject Analysis Committee (SAC) and Committee on Cataloging: Description and Access (CC:DA), as well as his influential and award-winning publications, such as Maxwell’s Guide to Authority Work (2002) and Maxwell’s Handbook for RDA: Explaining and Illustrating Resource Description and Access (2013), merited his receipt of the Margaret Mann Citation."
Fellow PCC and RSC member Charlene Chou was in the audience at the ALA Conference this weekend when the presentation was made, and took the attached picture.