Please note that these documents are being made available as a means of providing outreach to both library and non-library resource description communities and assisting the Joint Steering Committee in its work. Under no circumstances should the documents be copied or re-transmitted without prior consultation with the Chair of the Joint Steering Committee. Drafts and proposals are not an official part of RDA until they have received final approval from JSC and have been formally published.
NOTE: The documents below are available in a PDF
(Portable Document Format) version only. You will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader software to view or print this document. You can
download Adobe Acrobat Reader software free of charge from Adobe Systems Incorporated.
This site contains working documents used by the JSC and constituencies in the preparation of RDA from 2005 onwards. JSC documents of an administrative or restricted nature are not included. When documents are regularly revised, only the latest version is made available. A status summary is included for each series.
RDA Drafts
Draft of RDA - Part I
Status: Responses to the draft of RDA part I were discussed at the April 2006 meeting. Discussion of the detailed comments began at the October 2006 meeting, and the JSC members will use 5JSC/RDA/Part I/Sec follow-up/Rev as a mechanism for completing the process. As decided at the April 2006 meeting, part A of RDA will cover the elements originally proposed for inclusion in part I. A revised draft of chapter 3 was issued in March 2007.
5JSC/RDA/Part I [2005/12/09]
5JSC/RDA/Part I/Chapter 3 [2006/01/16]
Responses and follow-ups
5JSC/RDA/Part I/Chair follow-up/1 [2006/03/07]
5JSC/RDA/Part I/Chair follow-up/2 [2006/03/07]
5JSC/RDA/Part I/Chair follow-up/3 [2006/03/07]
5JSC/RDA/Part I/Chair follow-up/4 [2006/03/07]
5JSC/RDA/Part I/Chair follow-up/5 [2006/03/07]
5JSC/RDA/Part I/LC response [2006/03/10]
5JSC/RDA/Part I/CCC response [2006/03/17]
5JSC/RDA/Part I/Chapter 3/CCC response [2006/03/17]
5JSC/RDA/Part I/ACOC response [2006/03/20]
5JSC/RDA/Part I/ALA response [2006/03/20]
5JSC/RDA/Part I/BL response [2006/03/20]
5JSC/RDA/Part I/CILIP response [2006/03/20]
5JSC/RDA/Part I/Chair follow-up/6 [2006/04/04]
5JSC/RDA/Part I/Sec follow-up [2006/06/05]
5JSC/RDA/Part I/Sec follow-up/Rev [2006/10/02]
5JSC/RDA/Part I/Sec follow-up/Rev/2 [2006/12/01]
Return to list of document series
RDA Categorization of content and carrier
Status: Discussed at the October 2006 meeting. Revised sections 3.2, 3.3, and 4.2 were included in the March 2007 draft of chapter 3.
5JSC/RDA/Part A/Categorization [2006/08/08]
Responses and follow-ups
5JSC/RDA/Part A/Categorization/BL response [2006/09/12]
5JSC/RDA/Part A/Categorization/ACOC response [2006/09/15]
5JSC/RDA/Part A/Categorization/CCC response [2006/09/15]
5JSC/RDA/Part A/Categorization/ALA response [2006/09/18]
5JSC/RDA/Part A/Categorization/CILIP response [2006/09/18]
5JSC/RDA/Part A/Categorization/LC response [2006/09/18]
5JSC/RDA/Part A/Categorization/Chair follow-up/1 [2006/09/19]
Return to list of document series
Draft of RDA - Part A, Chapter 3 (Revised)
Status: Comment period is closed. Discussion of comments continued at the April 2008 meeting.
5JSC/RDA/Part A/Chapter 3/Rev [2007/03/21]
Responses and follow-ups
5JSC/RDA/Part A/Chapter 3/Rev/ACOC response [2007/07/06]
5JSC/RDA/Part A/Chapter 3/Rev/CCC response [2007/07/09]
5JSC/RDA/Part A/Chapter 3/Rev/Chair follow-up/1 [Sweden - 2007/07/10]
5JSC/RDA/Part A/Chapter 3/Rev/LC response [2007/07/11]
5JSC/RDA/Part A/Chapter 3/Rev/Chair follow-up/2 [Norway - 2007/07/13]
5JSC/RDA/Part A/Chapter 3/Rev/Chair follow-up/3 [Germany - 2007/07/13]
5JSC/RDA/Part A/Chapter 3/Rev/Chair follow-up/4 [France - 2007/07/14]
5JSC/RDA/Part A/Chapter 3/Rev/CILIP response [2007/07/16]
5JSC/RDA/Part A/Chapter 3/Rev/ALA response [2007/09/04]
5JSC/RDA/Part A/Chapter 3/Rev/BL response [2007/09/17]
Return to list of document series
Draft of RDA - Part A, Chapters 6-7
Status: General comments in responses to the draft were discussed at the October 2006 meeting. Discussion continued at the April 2007 meeting. See the revised drafts issued in June 2007.
5JSC/RDA/Part A/Chapters 6-7 [2006/06/20]
Responses and follow-ups
5JSC/RDA/Part A/Chapters 6-7/Chair follow-up/1 [Germany - 2006/08/03]
5JSC/RDA/Part A/Chapters 6-7/Chair follow-up/2 [Spain - 2006/08/28]
5JSC/RDA/Part A/Chapters 6-7/Chair follow-up/3 [France - 2006/08/31]
5JSC/RDA/Part A/Chapters 6-7/Chair follow-up/4 [Sweden - 2006/09/01]
5JSC/RDA/Part A/Chapters 6-7/Chair follow-up/5 [Norway - 2006/09/04]
5JSC/RDA/Part A/Chapters 6-7/LC response [2006/09/18]
5JSC/RDA/Part A/Chapters 6-7/CCC response [2006/09/19]
5JSC/RDA/Part A/Chapters 6-7/BL response [2006/09/22]
5JSC/RDA/Part A/Chapters 6-7/ACOC response [2006/09/25]
5JSC/RDA/Part A/Chapters 6-7/ALA response [2006/09/25]
5JSC/RDA/Part A/Chapters 6-7/CILIP response [2006/09/25]
Return to list of document series
Draft of RDA - Part A, Chapters 6-7 (Revised)
Status: Discussion of comments was completed at the April 2008 meeting.
5JSC/RDA/Part A/Chapters 6-7/Rev [2007/06/18]
Responses and follow-ups
5JSC/RDA/Part A/Chapters 6-7/Rev/LC response [2007/09/13]
5JSC/RDA/Part A/Chapters 6-7/Rev/Chair follow-up/1 [2007/09/14]
5JSC/RDA/Part A/Chapters 6-7/Rev/BL response [2007/09/14]
5JSC/RDA/Part A/Chapters 6-7/Rev/ACOC response [2007/09/17]
5JSC/RDA/Part A/Chapters 6-7/Rev/CCC response [2007/09/17]
5JSC/RDA/Part A/Chapters 6-7/Rev/CILIP response [2007/09/17]
5JSC/RDA/Part A/Chapters 6-7/Rev/Chair follow-up/2 [2007/09/18]
5JSC/RDA/Part A/Chapters 6-7/Rev/Chair follow-up/3 [2007/09/18]
5JSC/RDA/Part A/Chapters 6-7/Rev/Chair follow-up/4 [2007/09/18]
5JSC/RDA/Part A/Chapters 6-7/Rev/Chair follow-up/5 [2007/09/18]
5JSC/RDA/Part A/Chapters 6-7/Rev/ALA response [2007/09/21]
Return to list of document series
Draft of RDA - Sections 2-4, 9
Status: Comment period is closed. Discussion of responses began at the April 2008 meeting.
5JSC/RDA/Sections 2-4, 9 [2007/12/17]
Responses and follow-ups
5JSC/RDA/Sections 2-4, 9/LC response [2008/03/06]
5JSC/RDA/Sections 2-4, 9/Chair follow-up/1 [Norway - 2008/03/13]
5JSC/RDA/Sections 2-4, 9/BL response [2008/03/13]
5JSC/RDA/Sections 2-4, 9/Chair follow-up/2 [Sweden - 2008/03/14]
5JSC/RDA/Sections 2-4, 9/CCC response [2008/03/17]
5JSC/RDA/Sections 2-4, 9/CILIP response [2008/03/17]
5JSC/RDA/Sections 2-4, 9/Chair follow-up/3 [Germany - 2008/03/17]
5JSC/RDA/Sections 2-4, 9/ACOC response [2008/03/18]
5JSC/RDA/Sections 2-4, 9/Chair follow-up/4 [France - 2008/03/21]
5JSC/RDA/Sections 2-4, 9/ALA response [2008/03/28]
5JSC/RDA/Sections 2-4, 9/ALA response/ALA follow-up [2008/03/31]
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RDA Full draft
Status: To access the draft see the separate Web page: Full draft of RDA. Responses to the draft were discussed at the March 2009 JSC meeting.
5JSC/RDA/Full draft [Cover - 2008/11/17]
5JSC/RDA/Full draft/Table of contents [2008/11/17] Note: Replaced by TOC file on a temporary constituency review site. For the Table of Contents, see the separate web page: Full draft of RDA.
5JSC/RDA/Full draft/Addenda [2008/11/17]
5JSC/RDA/Full draft/Addenda/Appendix D [2008/11/17]
5JSC/RDA/Full draft/Workflows/Book [2008/11/17]
5JSC/RDA/Full draft/Workflows/Transcription [2008/11/17]
Responses and follow-ups
5JSC/RDA/Full draft/ACOC response [2009/02/09]
5JSC/RDA/Full draft/ALA response [2009/02/09]
5JSC/RDA/Full Draft/BL response [2009/01/29]
5JSC/RDA/Full draft/CCC response [2009/02/03]
5JSC/RDA/Full Draft/CILIP response [2009/01/26]
5JSC/RDA/Full Draft/LC response [2009/01/26]
5JSC/RDA/Full Draft/Chair follow-up/1 [2009/01/29 - Norway]
5JSC/RDA/Full Draft/Chair follow-up/2 [2009/01/30 - New Zealand]
5JSC/RDA/Full Draft/Chair follow-up/3 [2009/02/02 - Spain]
5JSC/RDA/Full Draft/Chair follow-up/4 [2009/02/01 - Sweden]
5JSC/RDA/Full Draft/Chair follow-up/5 [2009/02/02 - ISSN]
5JSC/RDA/Full Draft/Chair follow-up/6 [2009/02/02 - Germany]
5JSC/RDA/Full Draft/Chair follow-up/7 [2009/02/05 - France]
Return to list of document series
AACR3 Draft part I
Status: The draft of AACR3 part I was issued to the constituencies for review in December 2004. It has now been superseded by RDA drafts. See the Outcomes of the April 2005 meeting for information on the change from AACR3 to RDA.
5JSC/AACR3/I [2004/12/17]
Responses and follow-ups
5JSC/AACR3/I/CCC response [2005/03/24]
5JSC/AACR3/I/LC response [2005/03/25]
5JSC/AACR3/I/CILIP response [2005/03/28]
5JSC/AACR3/I/ALA response [2005/03/28]
5JSC/AACR3/I/ACOC response [2005/03/28]
5JSC/AACR3/I/BL response [2005/03/31]
5JSC/AACR3/I/ALA rep response [2005/03/31]
5JSC/AACR3/I/Chair follow-up/1 [2005/04/01]
5JSC/AACR3/I/Chair follow-up/2 [2005/04/01]
5JSC/AACR3/I/Chair follow-up/3 [2005/04/01]
5JSC/AACR3/I/Chair follow-up/4 [2005/04/01]
5JSC/AACR3/I/Chair follow-up/5 [2005/04/01]
5JSC/AACR3/I/Chair follow-up/6 [2005/04/01]
5JSC/AACR3/I/Chair follow-up/7 [2005/04/11]
5JSC/AACR3/I/Discussion guide [2005/04/18]
5JSC/AACR3/I/Chair follow-up/8 [2005/04/20]
5JSC/AACR3/I/Editor follow-up/1 [2005/05/07]
5JSC/AACR3/I/Editor follow-up/1/LC response [2005/06/02]
5JSC/AACR3/I/Chair follow-up/9 [2005/06/03]
5JSC/AACR3/I/Editor follow-up/1/ALA response [2005/06/13]
5JSC/AACR3/I/Editor follow-up/1/CCC response [2005/06/13]
5JSC/AACR3/I/Editor follow-up/1/ACOC response [2005/06/13]
5JSC/AACR3/I/Discussion guide/Sec follow-up [cover sheet] [2005/06/17]
5JSC/AACR3/I/Discussion guide/Sec follow-up [2005/06/17]
5JSC/AACR3/I/Editor follow-up/1/CILIP response [2005/06/19]
5JSC/AACR3/I/Editor follow-up/1/BL response [2005/08/11]
5JSC/AACR3/I/LC response/ALA response [2005/09/09]
5JSC/AACR3/I/Discussion guide/Sec follow-up/Rev [cover sheet] [2005/09/16]
5JSC/AACR3/I/Discussion guide/Sec follow-up/Rev [2005/09/16]
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RDA Document Series
RDA Objectives and Principles
Status: Revised in July 2009.
5JSC/RDA/Objectives and Principles/Rev/3 [2009/07/01]
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RDA Prospectus
Status: Revised in July 2009.
5JSC/RDA/Prospectus/Rev/7 [2009/07/01]
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RDA Scope and Structure
Status: Revised in July 2009.
5JSC/RDA/Scope/Rev/4 [2009/07/01]
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RDA Element Analysis
Status: Revised in July 2009.
5JSC/RDA/Element analysis/Rev/3 [2009/07/01]
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RDA Element Analysis Table
6JSC/RDA/Element analysis table/rev [2013/06/04]
6JSC/RDA/Element analysis table/rev/2 [2014/03/07]
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RDA to FRBR mapping
Status: Revised in July 2009.
5JSC/RDA/RDA to FRBR mapping/Rev/3 [2009/07/01]
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RDA to FRAD mapping
Status: Revised in July 2009.
5JSC/RDA/RDA to FRAD mapping/Rev/2 [2009/07/01]
Return to list of document series
FRBR to RDA mapping
Status: Revised in July 2009.
5JSC/RDA/FRBR to RDA mapping/Rev [2009/07/01]
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FRAD to RDA mapping
Status: Revised in July 2009.
5JSC/RDA/FRAD to RDA mapping/Rev [2009/07/01]
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Editor's Guide
Status: Revised in January 2011.
6JSC/RDA/Editor's Guide/Rev/1/Cover sheet [2011/01/21]
6JSC/RDA/Editor's Guide/Rev/1 [2011/01/21]
6JSC/RDA/Editor's Guide/Rev/1/Addendum/Recurring Phrases [2011/01/18]
6JSC/RDA/Editor's guide/rev/2 [2013/12/17]
6JSC/RDA/Editor's guide/rev/2/Appendix A [2013/06/00]
6JSC/RDA/Editor's guide/rev/2/Appendix B [2013/12/17]
Return to list of document series
Complete Examples for RDA Toolkit 2010
Status: Revised in June 2010.
6JSC/RDA/Complete Examples/Cover sheet [2010/06/17]
6JSC/RDA/Complete Examples (Bibliographic)/Revised [2010/06/17]
6JSC/RDA/Complete Examples (Authority)/Revised [2010/06/17]
6JSC/RDA/Complete Examples (Bibliographic) [2010/05/14]
6JSC/RDA/Complete Examples (Authority) [2010/05/18]
6JSC/RDA/Complete Examples/ALA Rep addendum [2010/05/19]
Return to list of document series
Complete Examples for RDA Toolkit Revised 2012
Status: Revised in February 2012.
6JSC/RDA/Complete Examples (Bibliographic)/Revised/2012 [2012/02/13]
6JSC/RDA/Complete Examples (Authority)/Revised/2012 [2012/02/21]
6JSC/RDA/Complete Examples (Authority)/Revised/2012/rev [2012/04/25]
Return to list of document series
Strategic plans
5JSC/Strategic/1 Strategic plan for RDA 2005-2009
Status: Revised after the October 2007 JSC meeting.
5JSC/Strategic/1/Rev/2 [2007/11/01]
Return to list of document series
JSC Document Lists
5JSC Document Lists
5JSC/Documents list/2004 [2005/02/07]
5JSC/Documents list/2005 [2006/02/13]
5JSC/Documents list/2006 [2007/01/22]
5JSC/Documents list/2007 [2008/03/07]
5JSC/Documents list/2008 [2009/01/15]
5JSC/Documents list/2009 [2010/03/24]
6JSC Document Lists
6JSC/Documents list/2010 [2011/02/11]
6JSC/Documents list/2011 [2012/06/08]
6JSC/Documents list/2012 [2014/05/26]
6JSC/Documents list/2013 [2014/05/26]
6JSC/Documents list/2014 [2015/03/12]
ACOC Document Series
5JSC/ACOC/1 Persistent identifiers and URLs
Status: The original proposal and responses were discussed at the April 2006 JSC meeting. Constituency responses to the revised version were discussed at the April 2007 meeting.
5JSC/ACOC/1 [2006/02/10]
5JSC/ACOC/1/LC response [2006/03/10]
5JSC/ACOC/1/BL response [2006/03/22]
5JSC/ACOC/1/CCC response [2006/03/23]
5JSC/ACOC/1/CILIP response [2006/03/26]
5JSC/ACOC/1/ALA response [2006/03/27]
5JSC/ACOC/1/Rev [2006/08/07]
5JSC/ACOC/1/Rev/CILIP response [2006/09/01]
5JSC/ACOC/1/Rev/BL response [2006/09/11]
5JSC/ACOC/1/Rev/LC response [2006/09/13]
5JSC/ACOC/1/Rev/CCC response [2006/09/15]
5JSC/ACOC/1/Rev/ALA response [2006/09/18]
Return to list of document series
5JSC/ACOC/2 Initial articles in Maori & Pacific Island languages
Status: Proposal was approved at the October 2006 meeting.
5JSC/ACOC/2 [2006/08/01]
5JSC/ACOC/2/ALA response [2006/08/30]
5JSC/ACOC/2/CILIP response [2006/09/01]
5JSC/ACOC/2/BL response [2006/09/11]
5JSC/ACOC/2/LC response [2006/09/11]
5JSC/ACOC/2/CCC response [2006/09/15]
Return to list of document series
5JSC/ACOC rep/1 Levels of description, access, and authority control
Status: Proposal and responses were discussed at the October 2005 meeting and as a result a list of mandatory data elements was included in the draft of RDA part I. At the April 2007 meeting JSC agreed to use the labels “required” and “optional” at RDA elements.
5JSC/ACOC rep/1 [2005/07/01]
5JSC/ACOC rep/1 Table 1 [2005/07/01]
5JSC/ACOC rep/1 Table 2 [2005/07/01]
5JSC/ACOC rep/1/CILIP response [2005/08/30]
5JSC/ACOC rep/1/LC response [2005/09/09]
5JSC/ACOC rep/1/ACOC response [2005/09/12]
5JSC/ACOC rep/1/ALA response [2005/09/12]
5JSC/ACOC rep/1/CCC response [2005/09/12]
5JSC/ACOC rep/1/BL response [2005/10/03]
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5JSC/ACOC rep/2 Additions to RDA based on MARC 21 elements
Status: Discussed at the April 2007 JSC meeting.
5JSC/ACOC rep/2 [2007/02/05]
5JSC/ACOC rep/2/LC response [2007/03/09]
5JSC/ACOC rep/2/BL response [2007/03/13]
5JSC/ACOC rep/2/CCC response [2007/03/16]
5JSC/ACOC rep/2/ALA response [2007/03/19]
5JSC/ACOC rep/2/CILIP response [2007/03/19]
5JSC/ACOC rep/2/ACOC response [2007/4/11]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/ACOC/1 Revision of RDA, Names Written in a Non-preferred Script
Status: This document was discussed at the November 2011 JSC meeting. ACOC prepared a revised version of the document incorporating decisions at this meeting. No response to 6JSC/ACOC/1/rev is required.
6JSC/ACOC/1 [2011/08/12]
6JSC/ACOC/1/LC response [2011/09/09]
6JSC/ACOC/1/BL response [2011/09/19]
6JSC/ACOC/1/Chair follow-up/1 [2011/09/26 - New Zealand]
6JSC/ACOC/1/CCC response [2011/09/27]
6JSC/ACOC/1/ALA response [2011/09/30]
6JSC/ACOC/1/rev [2011/12/12]
6JSC/ACOC/1/rev/Sec final [2012/02/23]
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6JSC/ACOC/2 Revision of RDA, , etc., Recording Place of Production, etc.
Status: Proposal and responses were discussed at the November 2011 meeting.
6JSC/ACOC/2 [2011/08/12]
6JSC/ACOC/2/LC response [2011/09/09]
6JSC/ACOC/2/BL response [2011/09/19]
6JSC/ACOC/2/CCC response [2011/09/19]
6JSC/ACOC/2/Chair follow-up/1 [2011/09/21 - New Zealand]
6JSC/ACOC/2/ALA response [2011/09/26]
6JSC/ACOC/2/Sec final [2012/03/16]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/ACOC/3 Revision of RDA 2.5.2, Designation of Edition. etc.
Status: Proposal and responses were discussed at the November 2011 meeting.
6JSC/ACOC/3 [2011/08/12]
6JSC/ACOC/3/LC response [2011/09/09]
6JSC/ACOC/3/BL response [2011/09/19]
6JSC/ACOC/3/CCC response [2011/09/19]
6JSC/ACOC/3/ALA response [2011/09/26]
6JSC/ACOC/4 MARC to RDA gap analysis
Status: Submitted for information, not requiring responses by the JSC or JSC discussion. Noted at the November 2011 JSC meeting.
6JSC/ACOC/4 [2011/09/07]
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6JSC/ACOC/5 Compilations in RDA chapter 6, Discussion paper
Status: Discussion paper and responses were discussed at the November 2012 meeting; ACOC will submit a proposal.
6JSC/ACOC/5 [2012/07/31]
6JSC/ACOC/5/CCC response [2012/09/17]
6JSC/ACOC/5/DNB response [2012/10/01]
6JSC/ACOC/5/LC response [2012/10/04]
6JSC/ACOC/5/CILIP response [2012/10/05]
6JSC/ACOC/5/BL response [2012/10/04]
6JSC/ACOC/5/ALA response [2012/10/08]
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6JSC/ACOC/6 Revision of RDA, Recording transmission speed
Status: Proposal and responses were discussed at the November 2012 meeting; proposal was accepted with revision.
6JSC/ACOC/6 [2012/07/31]
6JSC/ACOC/6/CILIP response [2012/09/05]
6JSC/ACOC/6/CCC response [2012/09/17]
6JSC/ACOC/6/DNB response [2012/10/01]
6JSC/ACOC/6/LC response [2012/10/04]
6JSC/ACOC/6/BL response [2012/08/14]
6JSC/ACOC/6/ALA response [2012/10/03]
6JSC/ACOC/6/Sec final [2013/01/27]
6JSC/ACOC/6/Sec final/rev [2013/06/03]
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6JSC/ACOC/7 Compilers and editors of compilations – Amendments to RDA 20.2.1
Status: Proposal and responses to be discussed at the November 2013 meeting; proposal accepted with revision.
6JSC/ACOC/7 [2013/07/05]
6JSC/ACOC/7/ALA response [2013/09/04]
6JSC/ACOC/7/CILIP response [2013/09/16]
6JSC/ACOC/7/LC response [2013/09/16]
6JSC/ACOC/7/BL response [2013/09/04]
6JSC/ACOC/7/CCC response [2013/09/30]
6JSC/ACOC/7/DNB response [2013/10/04]
6JSC/ACOC/7/Sec final [2014/02/07]
6JSC/ACOC/7/Sec final/rev [2014/03/24]
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6JSC/ACOC/8 Addition of the Copyright holder relationship – Amendments to RDA and Appendix I
Status: Proposal and responses to be discussed at the November 2013 meeting; proposal withdrawn by ACOC.
6JSC/ACOC/8 [2013/07/12]
6JSC/ACOC/8/ALA response [2013/09/13]
6JSC/ACOC/8/LC response [2013/09/26]
6JSC/ACOC/8/CILIP response [2013/10/02]
6JSC/ACOC/8/BL response [2013/10/02]
6JSC/ACOC/8/CCC response [2013/09/30]
6JSC/ACOC/8/DNB response [2013/10/04]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/ACOC/9 Qualifications after an identifier – Amendments to RDA
Status: Proposal and responses to be discussed at the November 2013 meeting; proposal accepted with revision.
6JSC/ACOC/9 [2013/07/29]
6JSC/ACOC/9/rev [2013/08/06]
6JSC/ACOC/9/rev/LC response [2013/08/22]
6JSC/ACOC/9/rev/CILIP response [2013/09/16]
6JSC/ACOC/9/rev/ALA response [2013/09/19]
6JSC/ACOC/9/rev/BL response [2013/10/02]
6JSC/ACOC/9/rev/CCC response [2013/10/01]
6JSC/ACOC/9/rev/DNB response [2013/10/04]
6JSC/ACOC/9/rev/Sec final [2014/02/07]
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ALA Document Series
5JSC/ALA rep/1 Prototype for a single sequence of rules for description
Status: This document was prepared in response to the December 2004 draft of AACR3 part I. At the April 2005 meeting, JSC decided on the structure for RDA.
5JSC/ALA rep/1 [2005/03/29]
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5JSC/ALA/1 CC:DA Task Force on Rules for Technical Description of Digital Media
Status: This report was discussed at the October 2005 JSC meeting.
5JSC/ALA/1 [2005/09/09]
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5JSC/ALA/2 Rule revision proposals relating to technical description of digital media
Status: Discussed at the October 2006 meeting. Revised instructions were included in the March 2007 draft of chapter 3.
5JSC/ALA/2 [2006/03/30]
5JSC/ALA/2/BL response [2006/09/11]
5JSC/ALA/2/LC response [2006/09/13]
5JSC/ALA/2/ACOC response [2006/09/15]
5JSC/ALA/2/CCC response [2006/09/15]
5JSC/ALA/2/CILIP response [2006/09/18]
Return to list of document series
5JSC/ALA/3 List of Specialist Cataloguing Manuals for RDA
Status: Discussed at the October 2006 meeting. The lists submitted by ALA will be maintained on the JSC Web site after the publication of RDA. 5JSC/ALA/3/Rev was discussed at the April 2008 meeting.
5JSC/ALA/3 [2006/08/06]
5JSC/ALA/3/ALA follow-up [2006/08/28]
5JSC/ALA/3/BL response [2006/09/12]
5JSC/ALA/3/ALA follow-up/BL response [2006/09/12]
5JSC/ALA/3/ACOC response [2006/09/13]
5JSC/ALA/3/CCC response [2006/09/15]
5JSC/ALA/3/ALA follow-up/CCC response [2006/09/15]
5JSC/ALA/3/CILIP response [2006/09/15]
5JSC/ALA/3/LC response [2006/09/18]
5JSC/ALA/3/Rev [2008/02/15]
Return to list of document series
5JSC/ALA/4 Change to AACR2 rule 5.5B1 (RDA Extent of item for notated music, and Glossary definition of “Score”
Status: Discussed at the April 2007 JSC meeting.
5JSC/ALA/4 [2007/02/05]
5JSC/ALA/4/CCC response [2007/03/16]
5JSC/ALA/4/LC response [2007/03/16]
5JSC/ALA/4/BL response [2007/03/19]
5JSC/ALA/4/CILIP response [2007/03/19]
5JSC/ALA/4/ACOC response [2007/03/20]
Return to list of document series
5JSC/ALA/5 Comments on RDA Scope and Structure
Status: Discussed at the April 2007 JSC meeting.
5JSC/ALA/5 [2007/03/26]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/ALA/1 Revision of RDA Reports of one court
Status: This document was discussed at the November 2011 JSC meeting. ALA prepared a revised version of the document incorporating decisions at this meeting. No response to 6JSC/ALA/1/rev is required.
6JSC/ALA/1 [2011/02/15]
6JSC/ALA/1/LC response [2011/03/25]
6JSC/ALA/1/BL response [2011/09/13]
6JSC/ALA/1/ACOC response [2011/09/16]
6JSC/ALA/1/CCC response [2011/09/19]
6JSC/ALA/1/rev [2011/11/28]
6JSC/ALA/1/rev/Sec final [2012/02/23]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/ALA/2 Revision of RDA 11.2.2: Heads of State and Heads of Government
Status: Proposal and responses were discussed at the November 2011 meeting.
6JSC/ALA/2 [2011/07/05]
6JSC/ALA/2/BL response [2011/09/13]
6JSC/ALA/2/LC response [2011/09/16]
6JSC/ALA/2/ACOC response [2011/09/13]
6JSC/ALA/2/CCC response [2011/09/19]
6JSC/ALA/2/rev [2011/12/15]
6JSC/ALA/2/rev/LC response [2012/01/04]
6JSC/ALA/2/rev/CCC response [2012/01/06]
6JSC/ALA/2/rev/ACOC response [2012/01/09]
6JSC/ALA/2/rev/BL response [2012/01/09]
6JSC/ALA/2/rev/Sec final [2012/03/16]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/ALA/3 Revision of RDA 9.13, Affiliation
Status: Proposal and responses were discussed at the November 2011 meeting.
6JSC/ALA/3 [2011/08/11]
6JSC/ALA/3/LC response [2011/09/09]
6JSC/ALA/3/BL response [2011/09/13]
6JSC/ALA/3/ACOC response [2011/09/13]
6JSC/ALA/3/Chair follow-up/1 [2011/09/26 - New Zealand]
6JSC/ALA/3/CCC response [2011/09/27]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/ALA/4 Change to RDA 7.24 and Glossary, Artistic and/or Technical Credit
Status: This document was discussed at the November 2011 JSC meeting. ALA prepared a revised version of the document incorporating decisions at this meeting. JSC response to 6JSC/ALA/4/rev is required by 19 December 2011.
6JSC/ALA/4 [2011/08/11]
6JSC/ALA/4/BL response [2011/09/13]
6JSC/ALA/4/LC response [2011/09/16]
6JSC/ALA/4/ACOC response [2011/09/26]
6JSC/ALA/4/Chair follow-up/1 [2011/09/26 - New Zealand]
6JSC/ALA/4/CCC response [2011/09/27]
6JSC/ALA/4/rev [2011/11/28]
6JSC/ALA/4/rev/ACOC response [2011/12/19]
6JSC/ALA/4/rev/BL response [2011/12/19]
6JSC/ALA/4/rev/CCC response [2011/12/19]
6JSC/ALA/4/rev/LC response [2011/12/13]
6JSC/ALA/4/rev/Sec final [2012/03/16]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/ALA/5 Revision of RDA 6.21 (Other distinguishing characteristics of a legal work) and (Additions to access points representing treaties, etc.)
Status: Proposal and responses were discussed at the November 2012 meeting; proposal was accepted as proposed.
6JSC/ALA/5 [2012/04/27]
6JSC/ALA/5/LC response [2012/06/07]
6JSC/ALA/5/ACOC response [2012/08/21]
6JSC/ALA/5/CCC response [2012/09/17]
6JSC/ALA/5/DNB response [2012/10/02]
6JSC/ALA/5/CILIP response [2012/10/05]
6JSC/ALA/5/BL response [2012/09/14]
6JSC/ALA/5/Sec final [2013/01/28]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/ALA/6 Revision of RDA (Recording Associated Institutions) and (Recording Affiliations)
Status: Proposal and responses were discussed at the November 2012 meeting; proposal was accepted with revision.
6JSC/ALA/6 [2012/04/27]
6JSC/ALA/6/LC response [2012/06/06]
6JSC/ALA/6/ACOC response [2012/07/27]
6JSC/ALA/6/CILIP response [2012/09/05]
6JSC/ALA/6/CCC response [2012/09/24]
6JSC/ALA/6/DNB response [2012/10/05]
6JSC/ALA/6/BL response [2012/09/14]
6JSC/ALA/6/Sec final [2013/01/30]
6JSC/ALA/6/Sec final/rev [2013/02/25]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/ALA/7 Revision of RDA 2.12.8 and 2.12.16, regarding recording ISSNs
Status: Proposal and responses were discussed at the November 2012 meeting; proposal was accepted with revision.
6JSC/ALA/7 [2012/05/30]
6JSC/ALA/7/LC response [2012/06/08]
6JSC/ALA/7/ACOC response [2012/08/21]
6JSC/ALA/7/CILIP response [2012/09/05]
6JSC/ALA/7/CCC response [2012/09/24]
6JSC/ALA/7/DNB response [2012/10/02]
6JSC/ALA/7/BL response [2012/10/04]
6JSC/ALA/7/Sec final [2013/01/28]
6JSC/ALA/7/Sec final/rev [2013/06/03]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/ALA/8 Revision of RDA, Additions to access points representing musical works with titles that are not distinctive
Status: Proposal and responses were discussed at the November 2012 meeting; proposal was accepted with revision.
6JSC/ALA/8 [2012/05/30]
6JSC/ALA/8/LC response [2012/06/08]
6JSC/ALA/8/ACOC response [2012/08/21]
6JSC/ALA/8/CILIP response [2012/09/05]
6JSC/ALA/8/CCC response [2012/09/17]
6JSC/ALA/8/DNB response [2012/10/02]
6JSC/ALA/8/BL response [2012/09/14]
6JSC/ALA/8/Sec final [2013/01/28]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/ALA/9 Initial Articles in Place Names (RDA
Status: Proposal and responses were discussed at the November 2012 meeting; proposal was accepted with revision.
6JSC/ALA/9 [2012/05/31]
6JSC/ALA/9/LC response [2012/06/15]
6JSC/ALA/9/ACOC response [2012/08/21]
6JSC/ALA/9/CCC response [2012/09/17]
6JSC/ALA/9/DNB response [2012/10/02]
6JSC/ALA/9/CILIP response [2012/10/05]
6JSC/ALA/9/BL response [2012/09/14]
6JSC/ALA/9/Sec final [2013/01/30]
6JSC/ALA/9/Sec final/rev [2013/03/02]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/ALA/10 Revision of RDA, Recording Edition Statements
Status: Proposal and responses were discussed at the November 2012 meeting; proposal was accepted with revision.
6JSC/ALA/10 [2012/06/18]
6JSC/ALA/10/LC response [2012/06/20]
6JSC/ALA/10/ACOC response [2012/08/24]
6JSC/ALA/10/CCC response [2012/09/24]
6JSC/ALA/10/DNB response [2012/10/02]
6JSC/ALA/10/CILIP response [2012/10/05]
6JSC/ALA/10/BL response [2012/09/25]
6JSC/ALA/10/Sec final [2013/01/28]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/ALA/11 Revision of RDA (Recording Copyright Dates)
Status: Proposal and responses were discussed at the November 2012 meeting; proposal was accepted with revision.
6JSC/ALA/11 [2012/07/25]
6JSC/ALA/11/ACOC response [2012/08/22]
6JSC/ALA/11/LC response [2012/09/13]
6JSC/ALA/11/CCC response [2012/09/17]
6JSC/ALA/11/DNB response [2012/10/02]
6JSC/ALA/11/CILIP response [2012/10/05]
6JSC/ALA/11/BL response [2012/09/25]
6JSC/ALA/11/Sec final [2013/01/28]
6JSC/ALA/11/Sec final/rev [2013/02/22]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/ALA/12 Revision of RDA (Recording Medium of Performance)
Status: Proposal and responses were discussed at the November 2012 meeting; 0.12 change withdrawn by ALA; other accepted with revision.
6JSC/ALA/12 [2012/07/25]
6JSC/ALA/12/ACOC response [2012/09/24]
6JSC/ALA/12/LC response [2012/09/25]
6JSC/ALA/12/CCC response [2012/09/18]
6JSC/ALA/12/DNB response [2012/10/02]
6JSC/ALA/12/CILIP response [2012/10/05]
6JSC/ALA/12/BL response [2012/09/25]
6JSC/ALA/12/Sec final [2013/01/28]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/ALA/13 Revision of RDA instructions relating to librettos and lyrics for musical works (RDA,, Appendix I.2.1, and Glossary)
Status: Proposal and responses were discussed at the November 2012 meeting; proposal was accepted with revision.
6JSC/ALA/13 [2012/07/25]
6JSC/ALA/13/ACOC response [2012/08/09]
6JSC/ALA/13/CILIP response [2012/09/05]
6JSC/ALA/12/LC response/rev [2012/09/27]
6JSC/ALA/13/CCC response [2012/10/01]
6JSC/ALA/13/DNB response [2012/10/02]
6JSC/ALA/13/BL response [2012/09/25]
6JSC/ALA/13/Sec final [2013/01/28]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/ALA/14 Revision of RDA instructions for arrangements and adaptations of musical works (RDA and
Status: Proposal and responses were discussed at the November 2012 meeting; proposal was accepted with revision.
6JSC/ALA/14 [2012/07/25]
6JSC/ALA/14/CILIP response [2012/09/05]
6JSC/ALA/14/ACOC response [2012/09/24]
6JSC/ALA/14/CCC response [2012/09/17]
6JSC/ALA/14/DNB response [2012/10/02]
6JSC/ALA/14/LC response [2012/10/05]
6JSC/ALA/14/BL response [2012/09/14]
6JSC/ALA/14/Sec final [2013/01/28]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/ALA/15 Hearings in RDA
Status: Proposal and responses were discussed at the November 2012 meeting; proposal was accepted with revision.
6JSC/ALA/15 [2012/07/25]
6JSC/ALA/15/LC response [2012/08/29]
6JSC/ALA/15/ACOC response [2012/09/20]
6JSC/ALA/15/CCC response [2012/09/17]
6JSC/ALA/15/DNB response [2012/10/02]
6JSC/ALA/15/CILIP response [2012/10/05]
6JSC/ALA/15/BL response [2012/09/25]
6JSC/ALA/15/Sec final [2013/01/28]
6JSC/ALA/15/Sec final/rev [2013/02/25]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/ALA/16 Revision of RDA 3.19.3 for video encoding formats and addition of a new element for optical disc characteristics
Status: Proposal and responses were discussed at the November 2012 meeting; proposal was withdrawn by ALA.
6JSC/ALA/16 [2012/07/06]
6JSC/ALA/16/LC response [2012/09/13]
6JSC/ALA/16/CCC response [2012/09/17]
6JSC/ALA/16/DNB response [2012/10/02]
6JSC/ALA/16/ACOC response [2012/09/24]
6JSC/ALA/16/CILIP response [2012/10/05]
6JSC/ALA/16/BL response [2012/09/14]
6JSC/ALA/16/EURIG response [2012/09/27]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/ALA/17 Machine-Actionable Data Elements in RDA Chapter 3: Discussion Paper
Status: Discussion paper and responses were discussed at the November 2012 meeting; ALA was asked to develop proposals.
6JSC/ALA/17 [2012/07/09]
6JSC/ALA/17/ACOC response [2012/09/07]
6JSC/ALA/17/CCC response [2012/09/24]
6JSC/ALA/17/DNB response [2012/10/02]
6JSC/ALA/17/LC response [2012/10/04]
6JSC/ALA/17/CILIP response [2012/10/05]
6JSC/ALA/17/BL response [2012/09/25]
6JSC/ALA/17/EURIG response [2012/09/27]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/ALA/18 Proposed Revision of RDA Instructions for Government and Non-Government Corporate Bodies
Status: Proposal and responses were discussed at the November 2012 meeting; proposal was accepted with revision.
6JSC/ALA/18 [2012/08/08]
6JSC/ALA/18/CILIP response [2012/09/05]
6JSC/ALA/18/LC response [2012/09/06]
6JSC/ALA/18/ACOC response [2012/09/07]
6JSC/ALA/18/CCC response [2012/09/17]
6JSC/ALA/18/DNB response [2012/10/05]
6JSC/ALA/18/BL response [2012/09/25]
6JSC/ALA/18/EURIG response [2012/10/01]
6JSC/ALA/18/Sec final [2013/02/02]
6JSC/ALA/18/Sec final/rev [2013/06/03]
6JSC/ALA/18/Sec final/rev/2 [2013/06/19]
6JSC/ALA/18/Sec final/rev/3 [2013/06/21]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/ALA/18/Addendum Proposed Revision of RDA Instructions for Government and Non-Government Corporate Bodies: Examples
6JSC/ALA/18/Addendum [2012/08/08]
6JSC/ALA/18/Addendum/CCC response [2012/09/17]
6JSC/ALA/18/Addendum/DNB response [2012/10/05]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/ALA/19 Proposed Revision of RDA 16.2.2 (Preferred Name for the Place)
Status: Proposal and responses were discussed at the November 2012 meeting; proposal was accepted with revision.
6JSC/ALA/19 [2012/08/01]
6JSC/ALA/19/CILIP response [2012/09/05]
6JSC/ALA/19/CCC response [2012/09/24]
6JSC/ALA/19/ACOC response [2012/10/03]
6JSC/ALA/19/DNB response [2012/10/05]
6JSC/ALA/19/LC response [2012/10/05]
6JSC/ALA/19/BL response [2012/09/25]
6JSC/ALA/19/EURIG response [2012/09/25]
6JSC/ALA/19/Sec final [2013/02/01]
6JSC/ALA/19/Sec final/rev [2013/03/02]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/ALA/20 Proposed revision of RDA and, Basis for Identification of the Resource
Status: Proposal and responses were discussed at the November 2012 meeting; proposal was accepted with revision.
6JSC/ALA/20 [2012/08/08]
6JSC/ALA/20/ACOC response [2012/09/24]
6JSC/ALA/20/CCC response [2012/09/17]
6JSC/ALA/20/DNB response [2012/10/02]
6JSC/ALA/20/LC response [2012/10/04]
6JSC/ALA/20/CILIP response [2012/10/05]
6JSC/ALA/20/BL response [2012/09/25]
6JSC/ALA/20/Sec final [2013/01/28]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/ALA/21 Proposed Revisions of RDA instructions on Sources of Information (RDA
Status: Proposal and responses were discussed at the November 2012 meeting; proposal was accepted with revision.
6JSC/ALA/21 [2012/08/08]
6JSC/ALA/21/ACOC response [2012/09/07]
6JSC/ALA/21/CCC response [2012/09/24]
6JSC/ALA/21/DNB response [2012/10/02]
6JSC/ALA/21/CILIP response [2012/10/05]
6JSC/ALA/21/LC response [2012/10/05]
6JSC/ALA/21/BL response [2012/09/25]
6JSC/ALA/21/Sec final [2013/01/30]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/ALA/22 Revision of A.29, Capitalization of Hyphenated Compounds; changes in Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edition (2010)
Status: Proposal and responses to be discussed at November 2013 JSC meeting. Proposal withdrawn by ALA; two heading-related corrections accepted.
6JSC/ALA/22 [2013/06/17]
6JSC/ALA/22/ACOC response [2013/09/20]
6JSC/ALA/22/LC response [2013/09/30]
6JSC/ALA/22/DNB response [2013/10/01]
6JSC/ALA/22/CILIP response [2013/10/03]
6JSC/ALA/22/BL response [2013/09/26]
6JSC/ALA/22/CCC response [2013/10/01]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/ALA/23 Revision proposal for RDA instructions for treaties
Status: Proposal and responses to be discussed at November 2013 JSC meeting; revised proposal accepted with further revision after January 2014 email discussion.
6JSC/ALA/23 [2013/07/18]
6JSC/ALA/23/CILIP response [2013/09/16]
6JSC/ALA/23/ACOC response [2013/09/20]
6JSC/ALA/23/LC response [2013/09/23]
6JSC/ALA/23/BL response [2013/10/02]
6JSC/ALA/23/CCC response [2013/10/01]
6JSC/ALA/23/DNB response [2013/10/04]
6JSC/ALA/23/rev [2013/12/16]
6JSC/ALA/23/rev/Sec final [2014/02/14]
6JSC/ALA/23/rev/Sec final/rev [2014/03/24]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/ALA/24 Variant title as access point (RDA,,,,
Status: Proposal and responses to be discussed at November 2013 JSC meeting; proposal not accepted. Agreement to delete paragraphs to remove inconsistencies and to add examples.
6JSC/ALA/24 [2013/07/18]
6JSC/ALA/24/LC response [2013/09/16]
6JSC/ALA/24/DNB response [2013/10/01]
6JSC/ALA/24/ACOC response [2013/10/01]
6JSC/ALA/24/CILIP response [2013/10/03]
6JSC/ALA/24/BL response [2013/09/11]
6JSC/ALA/24/CCC response [2013/10/01]
6JSC/ALA/24/Sec final [2014/02/12]
6JSC/ALA/24/Sec final/rev [2014/03/24]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/ALA/25 RDA Appendix K Revision and Expansion
Status: Proposal and responses to be discussed at November 2013 JSC meeting; proposal not accepted. ALA Task Force will develop revised proposals.
6JSC/ALA/25 [2013/08/02]
6JSC/ALA/25/LC response [2013/09/27]
6JSC/ALA/25/ACOC response [2013/10/01]
6JSC/ALA/25/CILIP response [2013/10/03]
6JSC/ALA/25/BL response [2013/10/02]
6JSC/ALA/25/CCC response [2013/10/01]
6JSC/ALA/25/DNB response [2013/10/04]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/ALA/26 Colour Content (RDA 7.17)
Status: Proposal and responses to be discussed at November 2013 JSC meeting; proposal withdrawn by ALA. Gordon Dunsire to prepare proposal based on CILIP response for 2014 JSC meeting.
6JSC/ALA/26 [2013/08/02]
6JSC/ALA/26/LC response [2013/09/26]
6JSC/ALA/26/DNB response [2013/10/01]
6JSC/ALA/26/ACOC response [2013/10/01]
6JSC/ALA/26/CILIP response [2013/10/03]
6JSC/ALA/26/BL response [2013/10/02]
6JSC/ALA/26/CCC response [2013/10/01]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/ALA/27 Revision of RDA and Source of numbering within series and subseries
Status: Proposal and responses to be discussed at November 2014 JSC meeting; accepted as proposed.
6JSC/ALA/27 [2014/07/23]
6JSC/ALA/27/CILIP response [2014/09/25]
6JSC/ALA/27/DNB response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/ALA/27/ACOC response [2014/09/14]
6JSC/ALA/27/BL response [2014/09/29]
6JSC/ALA/27/LC response [2014/09/26]
6JSC/ALA/27/CCC response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/ALA/27/Sec final [2015/01/26]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/ALA/28 Creating a priority order for Sources of Information in Date of Manufacture element (RDA
Status: Proposal and responses to be discussed at November 2014 JSC meeting; accepted as proposed.
6JSC/ALA/28 [2014/07/08]
6JSC/ALA/28/CILIP response [2014/09/25]
6JSC/ALA/28/DNB response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/ALA/28/ACOC response [2014/08/23]
6JSC/ALA/28/BL response [2014/09/29]
6JSC/ALA/28/LC response [2014/09/26]
6JSC/ALA/28/CCC response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/ALA/28/Sec final [2015/01/26]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/ALA/29 Clarifying core element status for “not identified” elements in the Distribution and Manufacture Statements (RDA 2.9 and 2.10)
Status: Proposal and responses to be discussed at November 2014 JSC meeting; accepted with revisions.
6JSC/ALA/29 [2014/07/23]
6JSC/ALA/29/CILIP response [2014/09/25]
6JSC/ALA/29/DNB response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/ALA/29/ACOC response [2014/08/23]
6JSC/ALA/29/BL response [2014/09/29]
6JSC/ALA/29/LC response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/ALA/29/CCC response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/ALA/29/rev [2014/11/18]
6JSC/ALA/29/rev/Sec final [2015/02/05]
6JSC/ALA/29/rev/Sec final/rev [2015/03/12]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/ALA/30 Using the mark of omission when recording titles (RDA 6.2)
Status: Proposal and responses to be discussed at November 2014 JSC meeting; accepted with revisions.
6JSC/ALA/30 [2014/07/24]
6JSC/ALA/30/CILIP response [2014/09/25]
6JSC/ALA/30/DNB response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/ALA/30/ACOC response [2014/09/14]
6JSC/ALA/30/BL response [2014/09/29]
6JSC/ALA/30/LC response [2014/10/01]
6JSC/ALA/30/CCC response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/ALA/30/Sec final [2015/02/21]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/ALA/31 Subject Relationship Element in RDA Chapter 23
Status: Proposal and responses to be discussed at November 2014 JSC meeting. Revised proposal prepared for JSC discussion via email; accepted with revisions.
6JSC/ALA/31 [2014/08/03]
6JSC/ALA/31/CILIP response [2014/09/25]
6JSC/ALA/31/DNB response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/ALA/31/ACOC response [2014/09/25]
6JSC/ALA/31/BL response [2014/09/29]
6JSC/ALA/31/LC response [2014/10/03]
6JSC/ALA/31/CCC response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/ALA/31/rev [2014/11/06]
6JSC/ALA/31/rev/Sec final [2015/03/12]
6JSC/ALA/31/rev/Sec final/rev [2015/04/10]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/ALA/32 Expanding the scope of Statement of Responsibility in RDA 2.4 and eliminating the instructions for Performers, Narrators, Presenters (RDA 7.23), and Artistic and/or Technical Credits (RDA 7.24)
Status: Proposal and responses to be discussed at November 2014 JSC meeting; accepted with revisions.
6JSC/ALA/32 [2014/07/23]
6JSC/ALA/32/CILIP response [2014/09/25]
6JSC/ALA/32/DNB response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/ALA/32/ACOC response [2014/10/03]
6JSC/ALA/32/BL response [2014/09/18]
6JSC/ALA/32/LC response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/ALA/32/CCC response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/ALA/32/Sec final [2015/02/07]
6JSC/ALA/32/Sec final/rev [2015/02/12]
6JSC/ALA/32/Sec final/rev/2 [2015/03/12]
6JSC/ALA/32/Sec final/rev/3 [2015/04/10]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/ALA/33 Clarifying instructions for Sequences of Plates (RDA
Status: Proposal and responses to be discussed at November 2014 JSC meeting. Revised proposal prepared for JSC discussion via email; accepted with revisions.
6JSC/ALA/33 [2014/07/23]
6JSC/ALA/33/CILIP response [2014/09/25]
6JSC/ALA/33/DNB response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/ALA/33/ACOC response [2014/09/28]
6JSC/ALA/33/BL response [2014/09/29]
6JSC/ALA/33/LC response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/ALA/33/CCC response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/ALA/33/rev [2014/11/20]
6JSC/ALA/33/rev/Sec final [2015/02/12]
6JSC/ALA/33/rev/Sec final/rev [2015/03/12]
6JSC/ALA/33/rev/Sec final/rev/2 [2015/04/10]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/ALA/34 Eliminating the instructions for Date of Expression of a Religious Work (RDA 6.24) and modifying the instructions for Authorized Access Point Representing an Expression of the Bible (RDA
Status: Proposal and responses to be discussed at November 2014 JSC meeting. Revised proposal prepared for JSC discussion via email; accepted with revisions.
6JSC/ALA/34 [2014/07/28]
6JSC/ALA/34/CILIP response [2014/09/25]
6JSC/ALA/34/DNB response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/ALA/34/ACOC response [2014/09/29]
6JSC/ALA/34/BL response [2014/09/29]
6JSC/ALA/34/LC response [2014/10/03]
6JSC/ALA/34/CCC response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/ALA/34/rev [2014/11/21]
6JSC/ALA/34/rev/Sec final [2015/02/12]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/ALA/35 Creating instructions for using nominative case for titles (RDA 6.2), names (RDA 8.5), and places (RDA 16.2)
Status: Proposal and responses to be discussed at November 2014 JSC meeting. Concerns of ALA noted but JSC decided not to take action now
6JSC/ALA/35 [2014/07/29]
6JSC/ALA/35/CILIP response [2014/09/25]
6JSC/ALA/35/DNB response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/ALA/35/ACOC response [2014/09/21]
6JSC/ALA/35/BL response [2014/09/29]
6JSC/ALA/35/LC response [2014/09/30]
6JSC/ALA/35/CCC response [2014/10/02]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/ALA/36 Clarifying instructions for Recording Duration (RDA 7.22) and Note on Carrier (RDA 3.21)
Status: Proposal and responses to be discussed at November 2014 JSC meeting; accepted with revisions.
6JSC/ALA/36 [2014/08/03]
6JSC/ALA/36/CILIP response [2014/09/25]
6JSC/ALA/36/DNB response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/ALA/36/ACOC response [2014/09/26]
6JSC/ALA/36/BL response [2014/09/29]
6JSC/ALA/36/LC response [2014/09/30]
6JSC/ALA/36/CCC response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/ALA/36/EURIG response [2014/10/03]
6JSC/ALA/36/rev [2014/12/02]
6JSC/ALA/36/rev/Sec final [2015/02/11]
6JSC/ALA/36/rev/Sec final/rev [2015/03/12]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/ALA/Discussion/1 Machine-Actionable Data Elements in RDA: Discussion Paper (2013)
Status: Paper and responses to be discussed at November 2013 JSC meeting. Revision proposals encouraged (JSC did not accept #2 and will forward #3 to JSC RDA/ONIX Framework Working Group).
6JSC/ALA/Discussion/1 [2013/07/12]
6JSC/ALA/Discussion/1/LC response [2013/09/30]
6JSC/ALA/Discussion/1/ACOC response [2013/10/01]
6JSC/ALA/Discussion/1/CILIP response [2013/10/03]
6JSC/ALA/Discussion/1/BL response [2013/10/02]
6JSC/ALA/Discussion/1/CCC response [2013/10/03]
6JSC/ALA/Discussion/1/DNB response [2013/10/04]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/ALA/Discussion/2 Treatment of Subjects in RDA
Status: Paper and responses to be discussed at November 2013 JSC meeting. No action at this time - waiting for reconciliation work by FRBR Review Group.
6JSC/ALA/Discussion/2 [2013/07/22]
6JSC/ALA/Discussion/2/CILIP response [2013/09/16]
6JSC/ALA/Discussion/2/ACOC response [2013/09/20]
6JSC/ALA/Discussion/2/LC response [2013/09/26]
6JSC/ALA/Discussion/2/BL response [2013/10/02]
6JSC/ALA/Discussion/2/CCC response [2013/10/01]
6JSC/ALA/Discussion/2/DNB response [2013/10/04]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/ALA/Discussion/3 Instructions for Recording Relationships: Discussion Paper
Status: Paper and responses to be discussed at November 2013 JSC meeting. Issues discussed; ALA Task Force will develop proposals.
6JSC/ALA/Discussion/3 [2013/08/02]
6JSC/ALA/Discussion/3/LC response [2013/09/26]
6JSC/ALA/Discussion/3/CILIP response [2013/10/03]
6JSC/ALA/Discussion/3/BL response [2013/10/02]
6JSC/ALA/Discussion/3/CCC response [2013/10/01]
6JSC/ALA/Discussion/3/ACOC response [2013/10/04]
6JSC/ALA/Discussion/3/DNB response [2013/10/04]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/ALA/Discussion/4 Transcription issues associated with the Production Statement (RDA 2.7)
Status: Paper and responses to be discussed at November 2014 JSC meeting. ALA to prepare a proposal for 2015 to rework instructions for unpublished resources into self-describing and non-self describing; also to look at a subset of “record” instructions and make general suggestions that can be added to the outcomes of the Technical WG task to investigate the composition of relationship data.
6JSC/ALA/Discussion/4 [2014/08/01]
6JSC/ALA/Discussion/4/CILIP response [2014/09/25]
6JSC/ALA/Discussion/4/DNB response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/ALA/Discussion/4/ACOC response [2014/10/03]
6JSC/ALA/Discussion/4/BL response [2014/09/29]
6JSC/ALA/Discussion/4/LC response [2014/10/03]
6JSC/ALA/Discussion/4/CCC response [2014/10/02]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/ALA Rep/1 Revision to: Categorization of content and carrier
Status: 6JSC/ALA rep/1/rev (in six files) to be discussed at November 2013 JSC meeting; written responses are not required. Document referred to the JSC RDA/ONIX Working Group.
6JSC/ALA Rep/1 [2010/07/19]
6JSC/ALA Rep/1/LC response [2010/08/04]
6JSC/RDA/Section 1/Categorization/LC response [2010/08/04]
6JSC/ALA Rep/1/BL response [2010/08/27]

6JSC/ALA Rep/1/CCC rep response [2010/08/30]
6JSC/ALA Rep/1/CILIP rep response [2010/08/31]
6JSC/ALA Rep/1/ACOC rep response [2010/09/17]
6JSC/ALA Rep/1/rev [pt.1] [2013/10/05]
6JSC/ALA Rep/1/rev [pt.2] [2013/10/05]
6JSC/ALA Rep/1/rev [pt.3] [2013/10/05]
6JSC/ALA Rep/1/rev [pt.4] [2013/10/05]
6JSC/ALA Rep/1/rev [pt.5] [2013/10/05]
6JSC/ALA Rep/1/rev [pt.6] [2013/10/05]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/ALA Rep/2 Missing instruction in RDA
6JSC/ALA Rep/3 [2010/11/09]
6JSC/ALA Rep/2/LC response [2010/11/17]
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6JSC/ALA Rep/3 Review of RDA Vocabularies: Extent terms
6JSC/ALA Rep/3 [2011/04/15]
6JSC/ALA Rep/3/ALA Rep Response [2011/04/29]
6JSC/ALA Rep/3/BL Rep Response [2011/04/28]
6JSC/ALA Rep/3/CCC Rep Response [2011/04/28]
6JSC/ALA Rep/3/CILIP Rep Response [2011/04/29]
6JSC/ALA Rep/3/LC Rep Response [2011/04/28]
6JSC/ALA Rep/3/ACOC Rep Response [2011/05/09]
6JSC/ALA Rep/3/ALA Rep Response/Rev [2011/05/09]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/ALA Rep/4 RDA Vocabularies: Miscellaneous Issues
Status: To be discussed at November 2012 JSC meeting; written responses are not required.
6JSC/ALA Rep/4 [2012/10/01]
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6JSC/ALA Rep/5 References in the RDA Glossary and the RDA namespace
Status: To be discussed at November 2012 JSC meeting; written responses are not required.
6JSC/ALA Rep/5 [2012/10/01]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/ALA Rep/6 Note on Manifestation and Item
Status: Proposal and responses to be discussed at November 2013 JSC meeting. Accepted Option 1 with revision.
6JSC/ALA Rep/6 [2013/08/05]
6JSC/ALA Rep/6/ALA response [2013/09/20]
6JSC/ALA Rep/6/LC response [2013/09/30]
6JSC/ALA Rep/6/DNB response [2013/10/01]
6JSC/ALA Rep/6/ACOC response [2013/10/01]
6JSC/ALA Rep/6/CILIP response [2013/10/03]
6JSC/ALA Rep/6/BL response [2013/09/26]
6JSC/ALA Rep/6/CCC response [2013/10/01]
6JSC/ALA Rep/6/Sec final [2014/02/10]
6JSC/ALA Rep/6/Sec final/rev [2014/03/24]
Return to list of document series
BL Document Series
6JSC/BL/1 Title of person
Status: Proposal and responses were discussed at the November 2011 meeting.
6JSC/BL/1 [2011/07/20]
6JSC/BL/1/LC response [2011/09/12]
6JSC/BL/1/ACOC response [2011/09/16]
6JSC/BL/1/CCC response [2011/09/27]
6JSC/BL/1/ALA response [2011/10/03]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/BL/2 3.11.4 Layout of tactile text and 3.13 Font Size
Status: Proposal and responses were discussed at the November 2012 meeting; proposal was accepted with revision.
6JSC/BL/2 [2012/06/18]
6JSC/BL/2/ACOC response [2012/08/14]
6JSC/BL/2/CCC response [2012/09/13]
6JSC/BL/2/DNB response [2012/10/05]
6JSC/BL/2/LC response [2012/10/04]
6JSC/BL/2/CILIP response [2012/10/05]
6JSC/BL/2/ALA response [2012/10/08]
6JSC/BL/2/Sec final [2013/01/28]
6JSC/BL/2/Sec final/rev [2013/03/21]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/BL/3 Terms of rank, honour or office: Revision of RDA 9.4.1 and 9.19.1
Status: Proposal and responses were discussed at the November 2012 meeting; proposal was accepted with revision.
Status: This proposal replaces 6JSC/BL/1, which was withdrawn, November 2011..
6JSC/BL/3 [2012/06/07]
6JSC/BL/3/ACOC response [2012/08/07]
6JSC/BL/3/LC response [2012/09/05]
6JSC/BL/3/CCC response [2012/09/24]
6JSC/BL/3/DNB response [2012/10/02]
6JSC/BL/3/CILIP response [2012/10/05]
6JSC/BL/3/ALA response [2012/10/08]
6JSC/BL/3/Rev [2012/11/07]
6JSC/BL/3/Rev/Sec final [2013/01/31]
6JSC/BL/3/Rev/Sec final/rev [2013/04/02]
6JSC/BL/3/Rev/Sec final/rev/2 [2013/04/30]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/BL/4 Other designation associated with the person: Revision of RDA 9.0, 9.6.1 and 9.19.1
Status: Proposal and responses were discussed at the November 2012 meeting; proposal was accepted with revision.
6JSC/BL/4 [2012/06/07]
6JSC/BL/4/ACOC response [2012/07/31]
6JSC/BL/4/CCC response [2012/09/24]
6JSC/BL/4/DNB response [2012/10/02]
6JSC/BL/4/LC response [2012/10/04]
6JSC/BL/4/CILIP response [2012/10/05]
6JSC/BL/4/ALA response [2012/10/08]
6JSC/BL/4/Sec final [2013/01/31]
6JSC/BL/4/Sec final/rev [2013/04/30]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/BL/5 Fuller forms of name: Revision of RDA, Optional addition
Status: Proposal and responses were discussed at the November 2012 meeting; proposal was withdrawn by BL.
6JSC/BL/5 [2012/06/07]
6JSC/BL/5/ACOC response [2012/07/27]
6JSC/BL/5/LC response [2012/09/05]
6JSC/BL/5/CCC response [2012/08/24]
6JSC/BL/5/DNB response [2012/10/02]
6JSC/BL/5/CILIP response [2012/10/05]
6JSC/BL/5/ALA response [2012/10/03]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/BL/6 Other place associated with the person: Revision of RDA 9.11
Status: Proposal and responses were discussed at the November 2012 meeting; proposal was accepted with revision.
6JSC/BL/6 [2012/06/07]
6JSC/BL/6/ACOC response [2012/07/31]
6JSC/BL/6/LC response [2012/09/05]
6JSC/BL/6/CCC response [2012/09/13]
6JSC/BL/6/DNB response [2012/10/02]
6JSC/BL/6/CILIP response [2012/10/05]
6JSC/BL/6/ALA response [2012/10/08]
6JSC/BL/6/Sec final [2013/01/28]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/BL/7 Change to Definition of Profession or Occupation
Status: Proposal and responses were discussed at the November 2012 meeting; proposal was accepted with revision.
6JSC/BL/7 [2012/06/18]
6JSC/BL/7/ACOC response [2012/08/14]
6JSC/BL/7/LC response [2012/09/11]
6JSC/BL/7/CCC response [2012/09/13]
6JSC/BL/7/DNB response [2012/10/02]
6JSC/BL/7/CILIP response [2012/10/05]
6JSC/BL/7/ALA response [2012/10/03]
6JSC/BL/7/Sec final [2013/02/11]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/BL/8 Change to 19.3 and Appendix I. Recording relationships to persons, families, and corporate bodies associated with works of unknown or uncertain origin.
Status: Proposal and responses were discussed at the November 2012 meeting; proposal was withdrawn by BL.
6JSC/BL/8 [2012/07/26]
6JSC/BL/8/ACOC response [2012/08/24]
6JSC/BL/8/LC response [2012/09/06]
6JSC/BL/8/CCC response [2012/09/24]
6JSC/BL/8/DNB response [2012/10/02]
6JSC/BL/8/CILIP response [2012/10/05]
6JSC/BL/8/ALA response [2012/10/08]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/BL/9 Change to 2.2.4 to remove parallel title proper
Status: Proposal and responses were discussed at the November 2012 meeting; proposal was accepted with revision.
6JSC/BL/9 [2012/06/18]
6JSC/BL/9/LC response [2012/08/29]
6JSC/BL/9/CCC response [2012/08/28]
6JSC/BL/9/DNB response [2012/10/02]
6JSC/BL/9/ACOC response [2012/09/24]
6JSC/BL/9/CILIP response [2012/10/05]
6JSC/BL/9/ALA response [2012/10/08]
6JSC/BL/9/Sec final [2013/01/28]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/BL/10 Revision of,,,,,,,,, B.1, B.11 to eliminate use of abbreviations for places
Status: Proposal and responses to be discussed at November 2013 meeting. No action at this time; issues to be forwarded to JSC Places Working Group. Follow-up document to be posted.
6JSC/BL/10 [2013/07/15]
6JSC/BL/10/ACOC response [2013/08/30]
6JSC/BL/10/CILIP response [2013/09/16]
6JSC/BL/10/ALA response [2013/09/21]
6JSC/BL/10/LC response [2013/09/26]
6JSC/BL/10/DNB response [2013/10/04]
6JSC/BL/10/CCC response [2013/10/03]
6JSC/BL/10/BL follow-up [2014/02/21]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/BL/11 Revision of RDA 11.4 and 11.13 and Glossary
Status: Proposal and responses to be discussed at November 2013 meeting; proposal accepted with revision.
6JSC/BL/11 [2013/07/30]
6JSC/BL/11/ACOC response [2013/08/30]
6JSC/BL/11/ALA response [2013/09/04]
6JSC/BL/11/CILIP response [2013/09/16]
6JSC/BL/11/LC response [2013/09/16]
6JSC/BL/11/DNB response [2013/10/01]
6JSC/BL/11/CCC response [2013/10/01]
6JSC/BL/11/Sec final [2014/02/11]
6JSC/BL/11/Sec final/rev [2014/03/24]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/BL/12 Revision of RDA 11.7 and 11.13
Status: Proposal and responses to be discussed at November 2013 meeting; proposal accepted with revision.
6JSC/BL/12 [2013/06/10]
6JSC/BL/12/rev [2013/07/29]
6JSC/BL/12/rev/ACOC response [2013/08/30]
6JSC/BL/12/rev/CILIP response [2013/09/16]
6JSC/BL/12/rev/LC response [2013/09/16]
6JSC/BL/12/rev/ALA response [2013/09/19]
6JSC/BL/12/rev/DNB response [2013/10/04]
6JSC/BL/12/rev/CCC response [2013/10/03]
6JSC/BL/12/rev/Sec final [2014/02/11]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/BL/13 Revision of RDA 9.6
Status: Proposal and responses to be discussed at November 2013 meeting; follow-up accepted with revision after January 2014 email discussion.
6JSC/BL/13 [2013/07/18]
6JSC/BL/13/ACOC response [2013/08/30]
6JSC/BL/13/ALA response [2013/09/05]
6JSC/BL/13/CILIP response [2013/09/16]
6JSC/BL/13/LC response [2013/09/30]
6JSC/BL/13/DNB response [2013/10/01]
6JSC/BL/13/CCC response [2013/10/04]
6JSC/BL/13/LC follow-up [2013/11/27]
6JSC/BL/13/Sec final [2014/02/12]
6JSC/BL/13/Sec final/rev [2014/03/24]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/BL/14 Revision of RDA
Status: Proposal and responses to be discussed at November 2013 meeting; proposal accepted with revision.
6JSC/BL/14 [2013/06/10]
6JSC/BL/14/rev [2013/07/30]
6JSC/BL/14/rev/LC response [2013/09/03]
6JSC/BL/14/rev/ACOC response [2013/09/05]
6JSC/BL/14/rev/CILIP response [2013/09/16]
6JSC/BL/14/rev/ALA response [2013/09/20]
6JSC/BL/14/rev/DNB response [2013/10/04]
6JSC/BL/14/rev/CCC response [2013/10/03]
6JSC/BL/14/rev/Sec final [2014/02/12]
6JSC/BL/14/rev/Sec final/rev [2014/03/24]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/BL/15 Revision of 0.6 Core Elements
Status: Proposal and responses to be discussed at November 2014 meeting; accepted with revisions.
6JSC/BL/15 [2014/04/30]
6JSC/BL/15/rev [2014/06/18]
6JSC/BL/15/rev/ALA response [2014/09/06]
6JSC/BL/15/rev/CILIP response [2014/09/25]
6JSC/BL/15/rev/DNB response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/BL/15/rev/ACOC response [2014/09/17]
6JSC/BL/15/rev/LC response [2014/10/01]
6JSC/BL/15/rev/CCC response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/BL/15/rev/Sec final [2015/03/12]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/BL/16 Merging Recording Base Material and 3.6.2 Base Material for Microfilm Microfiche, Photographic Film, and Motion Picture Film
Status: Proposal and responses to be discussed at November 2014 meeting; accepted with revisions (merged with 6JSC/MusicWG/9).
6JSC/BL/16 [2014/06/05]
6JSC/BL/16/ALA response [2014/09/10]
6JSC/BL/16/CILIP response [2014/09/25]
6JSC/BL/16/DNB response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/BL/16/ACOC response [2014/09/11]
6JSC/BL/16/LC response [2014/10/01]
6JSC/BL/16/CCC response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/BL/16/Sec final [2015/03/12]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/BL/17 Changes to Appendix D.0 and D.1.3.1
Status: Proposal and responses to be discussed at November 2014 meeting; accepted with revisions.
6JSC/BL/17 [2014/06/05]
6JSC/BL/17/ALA response [2014/09/10]
6JSC/BL/17/CILIP response [2014/09/25]
6JSC/BL/17/DNB response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/BL/17/ACOC response [2014/10/03]
6JSC/BL/17/LC response [2014/10/01]
6JSC/BL/17/CCC response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/BL/17/Sec final [2015/02/07]
6JSC/BL/17/Sec final/rev [2015/03/12]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/BL/18 “Between”, “Before” and “After” dates (Revision of RDA
Status: Proposal and responses to be discussed at November 2014 meeting; withdrawn by the BL.
6JSC/BL/18 [2014/07/01]
6JSC/BL/18/ALA response [2014/08/27]
6JSC/BL/18/CILIP response [2014/09/25]
6JSC/BL/18/DNB response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/BL/18/ACOC response [2014/09/24]
6JSC/BL/18/LC response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/BL/18/CCC response [2014/10/02]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/BL/19 Post-nominal letters as Other Designation (Additional examples for RDA and, and addition to Appendix E)
Status: Proposal and responses to be discussed at November 2014 meeting; accepted with revisions.
6JSC/BL/19 [2014/07/01]
6JSC/BL/19/ALA response [2014/08/27]
6JSC/BL/19/CILIP response [2014/09/25]
6JSC/BL/19/DNB response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/BL/19/ACOC response [2014/09/29]
6JSC/BL/19/LC response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/BL/19/CCC response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/BL/19/Sec final [2015/03/12]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/BL/20 Priority order for additions to authorized access points representing a person (Revision of RDA 9.19)
Status: Proposal and responses to be discussed at November 2014 meeting; accepted with revisions.
6JSC/BL/20 [2014/07/01]
6JSC/BL/20/ALA response [2014/08/27]
6JSC/BL/20/CILIP response [2014/09/25]
6JSC/BL/20/DNB response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/BL/20/ACOC response [2014/09/30]
6JSC/BL/20/LC response [2014/10/03]
6JSC/BL/20/CCC response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/BL/20/rev [2014/12/09]
6JSC/BL/20/rev/Sec final [2015/03/12]
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6JSC/BL/21 Fictitious Families and Corporate Bodies (Revision of RDA 10.0,,, 11.0,,
Status: Proposal and responses to be discussed at November 2014 meeting; discussion suspended pending work of FRBR Consolidation Expert Group.
6JSC/BL/21 [2014/07/09]
6JSC/BL/21/ALA response [2014/09/11]
6JSC/BL/21/CILIP response [2014/09/25]
6JSC/BL/21/DNB response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/BL/21/ACOC response [2014/09/30]
6JSC/BL/21/LC response [2014/10/03]
6JSC/BL/21/CCC response [2014/10/02]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/BL/22 Place Associated with the Corporate Body (Revision of RDA 11.3.1,
Status: Proposal and responses to be discussed at November 2014 meeting; accepted with revisions.
6JSC/BL/22 [2014/07/01]
6JSC/BL/22/rev [2014/07/08]
6JSC/BL/22/rev/ALA response [2014/08/27]
6JSC/BL/22/rev/CILIP response [2014/09/25]
6JSC/BL/22/rev/DNB response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/BL/22/rev/ACOC response [2014/09/24]
6JSC/BL/22/rev/LC response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/BL/22/rev/CCC response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/BL/22/rev/Sec final [2015/02/11]
6JSC/BL/22/rev/Sec final/rev [2015/03/12]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/BL/23 Field of Activity of the Corporate Body (Revision of RDA
Status: Proposal and responses to be discussed at November 2014 meeting; accepted with revisions.
6JSC/BL/23 [2014/07/01]
6JSC/BL/23/ALA response [2014/08/27]
6JSC/BL/23/CILIP response [2014/09/25]
6JSC/BL/23/DNB response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/BL/23/ACOC response [2014/09/28]
6JSC/BL/23/LC response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/BL/23/CCC response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/BL/23/Sec final [2015/01/26]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/BL/24 Full name as addition to Initialism or Acronym in Access Points for Corporate Bodies (Revision of RDA
Status: Proposal and responses to be discussed at November 2014 meeting; accepted with revisions.
6JSC/BL/24 [2014/07/01]
6JSC/BL/24/ALA response [2014/08/27]
6JSC/BL/24/CILIP response [2014/09/25]
6JSC/BL/24/DNB response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/BL/24/ACOC response [2014/10/03]
6JSC/BL/24/LC response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/BL/24/CCC response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/BL/24/Sec final [2015/02/11]
6JSC/BL/24/Sec final/rev [2015/03/12]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/BL rep/1 Simplification of RDA 2.7-2.10
Status: Paper and responses to be discussed at November 2014 meeting; BL will prepare proposal for 2015 and
include 2.11 (also include issues from 6JSC/CCC/15).
6JSC/BL rep/1 [2014/08/05]
6JSC/BL rep/1/CILIP response [2014/09/25]
6JSC/BL rep/1/ALA response [2014/09/29]
6JSC/BL rep/1/DNB response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/BL rep/1/ACOC response [2014/09/21]
6JSC/BL rep/1/LC response [2014/10/03]
6JSC/BL rep/1/CCC response [2014/10/02]
Return to list of document series
CCC Document Series
5JSC/CCC/1 Addition to Other agreements involving jurisdictions (
Status: Responses to 5JSC/CCC/1/LC response/LC follow-up/ALA follow-up were discussed at the October 2007 meeting.
5JSC/CCC/1 [2006/08/07]
5JSC/CCC/1/LC response [2006/09/11]
5JSC/CCC/1/BL response [2006/09/12]
5JSC/CCC/1/ACOC response [2006/09/13]
5JSC/CCC/1/CILIP response [2006/09/13]
5JSC/CCC/1/ALA response [2006/09/18]
5JSC/CCC/1/LC response/LC follow-up [2007/05/14]
5JSC/CCC/1/LC response/LC follow-up/ALA follow-up [2007/08/06]
5JSC/CCC/1/LC response/LC follow-up/ALA follow-up/CILIP response [2007/08/31]
5JSC/CCC/1/LC response/LC follow-up/ALA follow-up/BL response [2007/09/10]
5JSC/CCC/1/LC response/LC follow-up/ALA follow-up/LC response [2007/09/11]
5JSC/CCC/1/LC response/LC follow-up/ALA follow-up/ACOC response [2007/09/17]
5JSC/CCC/1/LC response/LC follow-up/ALA follow-up/CCC response [2007/09/17]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/CCC/1 Proposed revision to Glossary definition of vocal score
Status: This document was discussed at the November 2011 JSC meeting. CCC prepared a revised version of the document incorporating decisions at this meeting. No response to 6JSC/CCC/1/rev is required.
6JSC/CCC/1 [2011/08/09]
6JSC/CCC/1/LC response [2011/09/16]
6JSC/CCC/1/ACOC response [2011/09/16]
6JSC/CCC/1/BL response [2011/09/18]
6JSC/CCC/1/ALA response [2011/09/30]
6JSC/CCC/1/rev [2011/12/09]
6JSC/CCC/1/rev/Sec final [2012/03/16]
6JSC/CCC/1/rev/Sec final/rev [2012/04/04]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/CCC/2 Proposed revision to,, and, Compilations of Musical Works
Status: Proposal and responses were discussed at the November 2011 meeting.
6JSC/CCC/2 [2011/08/09]
6JSC/CCC/2/LC response [2011/09/15]
6JSC/CCC/2/BL response [2011/09/18]
6JSC/CCC/2/ACOC response [2011/09/26]
6JSC/CCC/2/Chair follow-up/1 [2011/09/26 - New Zealand]
6JSC/CCC/2/ALA response [2011/09/30]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/CCC/3 Proposed revision to, Instrumental Music Intended for One Performer to a Part
Status: This document was discussed at the November 2011 JSC meeting. CCC prepared a revised version of the document incorporating changes discussed at this meeting. JSC response to 6JSC/CCC/3/rev is required by 9 January 2012.
6JSC/CCC/3 [2011/08/09]
6JSC/CCC/3/LC response [2011/09/16]
6JSC/CCC/3/ACOC response [2011/09/16]
6JSC/CCC/3/BL response [2011/09/18]
6JSC/CCC/3/Chair follow-up/1 [2011/09/26 - New Zealand]
6JSC/CCC/3/ALA response [2011/09/30]
6JSC/CCC/3/rev [2011/12/09]
6JSC/CCC/3/rev/ACOC response [2011/12/19]
6JSC/CCC/3/rev/BL response [2011/12/19]
6JSC/CCC/3/rev/ALA response [2011/12/21]
6JSC/CCC/3/rev/LC response [2012/01/04]
6JSC/CCC/3/rev/Sec final [2012/02/23]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/CCC/4 Proposed revision to, Groups of Instruments
Status: This document was discussed at the November 2011 JSC meeting. CCC prepared a revised version of the document incorporating changes discussed at this meeting. JSC response to 6JSC/CCC/4/rev is required by 9 January 2012.
6JSC/CCC/4 [2011/08/09]
6JSC/CCC/4/ACOC response [2011/09/16]
6JSC/CCC/4/BL response [2011/09/18]
6JSC/CCC/4/LC response [2011/09/19]
6JSC/CCC/4/ALA response [2011/09/30]
6JSC/CCC/4/rev [2011/12/09]
6JSC/CCC/4/rev/ACOC response [2011/12/19]
6JSC/CCC/4/rev/BL response [2011/12/19]
6JSC/CCC/4/rev/ALA response [2011/12/21]
6JSC/CCC/4/rev/LC response [2012/01/04]
6JSC/CCC/4/rev/Sec final [2012/02/23]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/CCC/5 Proposed revision to, Accompaniment for Songs, Lieder, Etc.
Status: This document was discussed at the November 2011 JSC meeting. CCC prepared a revised version of the document incorporating changes discussed at this meeting. JSC response to 6JSC/CCC/5/rev is required by 9 January 2012.
6JSC/CCC/5 [2011/08/09]
6JSC/CCC/5/LC response [2011/09/16]
6JSC/CCC/5/ACOC response [2011/09/16]
6JSC/CCC/5/BL response [2011/09/18]
6JSC/CCC/5/ALA response [2011/09/30]
6JSC/CCC/5/rev [2011/12/09]
6JSC/CCC/5/rev/ACOC response [2011/12/19]
6JSC/CCC/5/rev/BL response [2011/12/19]
6JSC/CCC/5/rev/ALA response [2011/12/21]
6JSC/CCC/5/rev/LC response [2012/01/04]
6JSC/CCC/5/rev/Sec final [2012/02/23]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/CCC/6 Instruction for choosing the preferred title for choreographic works (RDA
Status: Proposal and responses were discussed at the November 2012 meeting; proposal was withdrawn by CCC.
6JSC/CCC/6 [2012/08/03]
6JSC/CCC/6/LC response [2012/08/29]
6JSC/CCC/6/CILIP response [2012/09/05]
6JSC/CCC/6/ACOC response [2012/09/11]
6JSC/CCC/6/DNB response [2012/10/01]
6JSC/CCC/6/BL response [2012/10/01]
6JSC/CCC/6/ALA response [2012/10/03]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/CCC/7 Proposed revision to instructions, "Two or More Parts,", "Compilations of Musical Works," and, "Two or More Parts"(RDA
Status: Proposal and responses were discussed at the November 2012 meeting; proposal was accepted with revision.
6JSC/CCC/7 [2012/08/07]
6JSC/CCC/7/CILIP response [2012/09/05]
6JSC/CCC/7/ACOC response [2012/09/24]
6JSC/CCC/7/LC response [2012/09/26]
6JSC/CCC/7/DNB response [2012/10/01]
6JSC/CCC/7/BL response [2012/08/14]
6JSC/CCC/7/ALA response [2012/10/08]
6JSC/CCC/7/Sec final [2013/01/28]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/CCC/8 Proposed revision to instruction, "Additions to Access Points Representing Compilations of Musical Works"
Status: Proposal and responses were discussed at the November 2012 meeting; proposal was accepted with revision.
6JSC/CCC/8 [2012/08/03]
6JSC/CCC/8/CILIP response [2012/09/05]
6JSC/CCC/8/ACOC response [2012/09/17]
6JSC/CCC/8/LC response [2012/09/26]
6JSC/CCC/8/DNB response [2012/10/01]
6JSC/CCC/8/BL response [2012/10/01]
6JSC/CCC/8/ALA response [2012/10/08]
6JSC/CCC/8/Sec final [2013/01/28]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/CCC/9 Proposed revision to instruction, "Recording Numeric Designations of Musical Works"
Status: Proposal and responses were discussed at the November 2012 meeting; proposal was accepted with revision.
6JSC/CCC/9 [2012/08/07]
6JSC/CCC/9/CILIP response [2012/09/05]
6JSC/CCC/9/ACOC response [2012/09/17]
6JSC/CCC/9/LC response [2012/09/26]
6JSC/CCC/9/DNB response [2012/10/01]
6JSC/CCC/9/BL response [2012/10/01]
6JSC/CCC/9/ALA response [2012/10/08]
6JSC/CCC/9/Sec final [2013/01/28]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/CCC/10 Proposed revision to Appendix B.1 General Guideline to explicitly include the usage of units of measure expressed as symbols
Status: Proposal and responses were discussed at the November 2012 meeting; proposal was accepted with revision.
6JSC/CCC/10 [2012/08/07]
6JSC/CCC/10/CILIP response [2012/09/05]
6JSC/CCC/10/ACOC response [2012/09/11]
6JSC/CCC/10/LC response [2012/09/13]
6JSC/CCC/10/DNB response [2012/10/01]
6JSC/CCC/10/BL response [2012/08/14]
6JSC/CCC/10/ALA response [2012/10/04]
6JSC/CCC/10/Sec final [2013/01/30]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/CCC/11 Revision of RDA (Titles of Parts, Sections, and Supplements) and RDA (Collective Title and Titles of Individual Contents)
Status: Proposal and responses to be discussed at November 2013 meeting; follow-up accepted with revision after January 2014 email discussion.
6JSC/CCC/11 [2013/08/05]
6JSC/CCC/11/ACOC response [2013/08/30]
6JSC/CCC/11/ALA response [2013/09/26]
6JSC/CCC/11/LC response [2013/09/30]
6JSC/CCC/11/CILIP response [2013/10/03]
6JSC/CCC/11/BL response [2013/10/02]
6JSC/CCC/11/DNB response [2013/10/04]
6JSC/CCC/11/follow-up [2013/11/14]
6JSC/CCC/11/Sec final [2014/02/10]
6JSC/CCC/11/Sec final/rev [2014/03/24]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/CCC/12 Revision of Appendix D regarding capitalization practice
Status: Proposal and responses to be discussed at November 2013 meeting; proposal withdrawn by CCC.
6JSC/CCC/12 [2013/08/05]
6JSC/CCC/12/LC response [2013/08/22]
6JSC/CCC/12/ACOC response [2013/08/30]
6JSC/CCC/12/CILIP response [2013/09/16]
6JSC/CCC/12/ALA response [2013/09/24]
6JSC/CCC/12/BL response [2013/09/13]
6JSC/CCC/12/DNB response [2013/10/04]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/CCC/13 Revision of RDA 1.7.3 (Punctuation)
Status: Proposal and responses to be discussed at November 2013 meeting; proposal accepted with revision.
6JSC/CCC/13 [2013/08/05]
6JSC/CCC/13/ACOC response [2013/08/30]
6JSC/CCC/13/LC response [2013/09/03]
6JSC/CCC/13/ALA response [2013/09/05]
6JSC/CCC/13/CILIP response [2013/09/16]
6JSC/CCC/13/DNB response [2013/10/01]
6JSC/CCC/13/BL response [2013/09/13]
6JSC/CCC/13/Sec final [2014/02/01]
6JSC/CCC/13/Sec final/rev [2014/03/24]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/CCC/14 Revision of RDA 3.5.3 (Dimensions of still images)
Status: Proposal and responses to be discussed at November 2013 meeting; proposal withdrawn by CCC. Issues to be forwarded to ALA Task Force on Machine-Actionable Data Elements.
6JSC/CCC/14 [2013/08/05]
6JSC/CCC/14/ACOC response [2013/08/30]
6JSC/CCC/14/LC response [2013/09/26]
6JSC/CCC/14/CILIP response [2013/10/03]
6JSC/CCC/14/BL response [2013/09/14]
6JSC/CCC/14/ALA response [2013/10/01]
6JSC/CCC/14/DNB response [2013/10/04]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/CCC/15 Add instructions to supply terms indicating the function recorded under the optional addition provisions at,, or, in a language and script preferred by the cataloguing agency
Status: Proposal and responses to be discussed at November 2014 meeting; BL will include in proposal for 2015 for 2.7-2.11.
6JSC/CCC/15 [2014/07/30]
6JSC/CCC/15/ALA response [2014/08/29]
6JSC/CCC/15/DNB response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/CCC/15/ACOC response [2014/10/03]
6JSC/CCC/15/BL response [2014/09/29]
6JSC/CCC/15/LC response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/CCC/15/CILIP response [2014/09/25]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/CCC/Discussion/1 Internationalization and RDA Appendix A Capitalization: Discussion Paper
Status: Paper and responses to be discussed at November 2014 meeting; referred to new working group on capitalization.
6JSC/CCC/Discussion/1 [2014/07/30]
6JSC/CCC/Discussion/1/ALA response [2014/09/09]
6JSC/CCC/Discussion/1/DNB response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/CCC/Discussion/1/ACOC response [2014/09/17]
6JSC/CCC/Discussion/1/BL response [2014/09/29]
6JSC/CCC/Discussion/1/LC response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/CCC/Discussion/1/CILIP response [2014/09/25]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/CCC rep/1 Undifferentiated name indicator: discrepancy between RDA Element Set View and RDA instructions
6JSC/CCC rep/1 [2010/12/22]
6JSC/CCC rep/1/LC rep response [2011/02/14]
6JSC/CCC rep/1/ALA rep response [2011/02/15]
6JSC/CCC rep/1/ACOC rep response [2011/02/18]
Return to list of document series
CILIP Document Series
5JSC/CILIP/1 Abbreviations in AACR3 - Principles
Status: Proposal and responses were discussed at the April 2005 and October 2005 JSC meetings. At the April 2006 meeting JSC decided to form an Appendices Working Group to examine Appendix A (Capitalization), Appendix B (Abbreviations), and Appendix C (Initial articles). See also 5JSC/Chair/9.
5JSC/CILIP/1 [2005/02/10]
5JSC/CILIP/1/CCC response [2005/03/24]
5JSC/CILIP/1/LC response [2005/03/24]
5JSC/CILIP/1/ALA response [2005/03/28]
5JSC/CILIP/1/ACOC response [2005/03/29]
5JSC/CILIP/1/BL response [2005/06/14]
Return to list of document series
5JSC/CILIP/2 Dimensions of binding and of item(s) contained therein
Status: Discussed at the October 2006 meeting. Revised instructions were included in the March 2007 draft of chapter 3.
5JSC/CILIP/2 [2006/08/02]
5JSC/CILIP/2/BL response [2006/09/08]
5JSC/CILIP/2/LC response [2006/09/11]
5JSC/CILIP/2/ACOC response [2006/09/13]
5JSC/CILIP/2/CCC response [2006/09/15]
5JSC/CILIP/2/ALA response [2006/09/18]
5JSC/CILIP/2/ACOC response/Rev [2006/10/04]
Return to list of document series
5JSC/CILIP/3 Accessible formats used by visually impaired people
Status: Discussed at the October 2006 meeting. Revised instructions were included in the March 2007 draft of chapter 3.
5JSC/CILIP/3 [2006/08/03]
5JSC/CILIP/3/BL response [2006/09/08]
5JSC/CILIP/3/ACOC response [2006/09/15]
5JSC/CILIP/3/CCC response [2006/09/15]
5JSC/CILIP/3/ALA response [2006/09/18]
5JSC/CILIP/3/LC response [2006/09/18]
Return to list of document series
5JSC/CILIP/4 Initial articles in Irish
Status: Proposal was approved at the October 2006 meeting.
5JSC/CILIP/4 [2006/08/03]
5JSC/CILIP/4/ALA response [2006/08/30]
5JSC/CILIP/4/ACOC response [2006/09/07]
5JSC/CILIP/4/BL response [2006/09/08]
5JSC/CILIP/4/LC response [2006/09/11]
5JSC/CILIP/4/CCC response [2006/09/15]
Return to list of document series
5JSC/CILIP/5 Removal of “Introductory words” instruction
Status: Discussed at the October 2007 meeting.
5JSC/CILIP/5 [2007/07/31]
5JSC/CILIP/5/BL response [2007/09/10]
5JSC/CILIP/5/LC response [2007/09/11]
5JSC/CILIP/5/ACOC response [2007/09/17]
5JSC/CILIP/5/CCC response [2007/09/17]
5JSC/CILIP/5/ALA response [2007/09/17]
Return to list of document series
5JSC/CILIP rep/1 IME ICC 5.2.4 Forms of Uniform titles
Status: Discussed at the October 2007 meeting.
5JSC/CILIP rep/1 [2007/08/06]
5JSC/CILIP rep/1/ALA response [2007/09/07]
5JSC/CILIP rep/1/BL response [2007/09/10]
5JSC/CILIP rep/1/LC response [2007/09/11]
5JSC/CILIP rep/1/CILIP response [2007/09/13]
5JSC/CILIP rep/1/ACOC response [2007/09/17]
5JSC/CILIP rep/1/CCC response [2007/09/17]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/CILIP/1 Chapters 12-16, 23, 33-37, Group 3 entities and "subject"
Status: Proposal and responses were discussed at the November 2011 meeting.
6JSC/CILIP/1 [2011/08/10]
6JSC/CILIP/1/LC response [2011/09/09]
6JSC/CILIP/1/BL response [2011/09/15]
6JSC/CILIP/1/ACOC response [2011/09/16]
6JSC/CILIP/1/CCC response [2011/09/27]
6JSC/CILIP/1/ALA response [2011/10/14]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/CILIP/2 Date of signing a treaty (,
Status: Proposal and responses were discussed at the November 2011 meeting.
6JSC/CILIP/2 [2011/08/10]
6JSC/CILIP/2/BL response [2011/09/15]
6JSC/CILIP/2/LC response [2011/09/16]
6JSC/CILIP/2/ACOC response [2011/09/16]
6JSC/CILIP/2/CCC response [2011/09/27]
6JSC/CILIP/2/ALA response [2011/10/03]
6JSC/CILIP/2/rev [2012/01/10]
6JSC/CILIP/2/rev/Sec final [2012/02/23]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/CILIP/3 Field of Activity (9.15) and Profession/Occupation (9.16)
Status: This document was discussed at the November 2011 JSC meeting. A revised version of the document incorporating changes discussed at this meeting has been prepared. JSC response to 6JSC/CILIP/3/rev is required by 19 December 2011.
6JSC/CILIP/3 [2011/08/10]
6JSC/CILIP/3/LC response [2011/09/09]
6JSC/CILIP/3/BL response [2011/09/15]
6JSC/CILIP/3/ACOC response [2011/09/26]
6JSC/CILIP/3/Chair follow-up/1 [2011/09/26 - New Zealand]
6JSC/CILIP/3/CCC response [2011/09/27]
6JSC/CILIP/3/ALA response [2011/10/03]
6JSC/CILIP/3/rev [2011/11/28]
6JSC/CILIP/3/rev/LC response [2011/12/12]
6JSC/CILIP/3/rev/ACOC response [2011/12/19]
6JSC/CILIP/3/rev/BL response [2011/12/19]
6JSC/CILIP/3/rev/CCC response [2011/12/19]
6JSC/CILIP/3/rev/Sec final [2012/03/16]
6JSC/CILIP/4 Colour content in RDA
Status: Proposal and responses to be discussed at November 2014 meeting; accepted with revisions.
6JSC/CILIP/4 [2014/08/01]
6JSC/CILIP/4/ALA response [2014/09/17]
6JSC/CILIP/4/DNB response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/CILIP/4/ACOC response [2014/09/21]
6JSC/CILIP/4/BL response [2014/09/29]
6JSC/CILIP/4/LC response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/CILIP/4/CCC response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/CILIP/4/Sec final [2015/03/12]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/CILIP Rep/1 Machine-actionability and interoperability of RDA value vocabularies: a discussion paper
Status: To be discussed at November 2012 JSC meeting; written responses are not required.
6JSC/CILIP Rep/1 [2012/10/01]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/CILIP Rep/2 RDF representation of RDA relationship designators: discussion paper
Status: To be discussed at November 2012 JSC meeting; written responses are not required.
6JSC/CILIP Rep/2 [2012/09/30]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/CILIP Rep/3 RDF representation of RDA relationship designators: a follow-up discussion paper
Status: To be discussed at November 2013 JSC meeting; recommendations reviewed. Some issues referred to JSC Technical Working Group.
6JSC/CILIP Rep/3 [2013/07/15]
6JSC/CILIP Rep/3/CILIP response [2013/09/16]
6JSC/CILIP Rep/3/LC response [2013/09/26]
6JSC/CILIP Rep/3/DNB response [2013/10/01]
6JSC/CILIP Rep/3/ACOC response [2013/09/23]
6JSC/CILIP Rep/3/ALA response [2013/09/27]
6JSC/CILIP Rep/3/BL response [2013/10/02]
6JSC/CILIP Rep/3/CCC response [2013/10/03]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/CILIP Rep/3/Appendix 1 RDF representation of RDA relationship designators. Appendix 1: Unconstrained properties for RDA relationship designators
Status: Paper and responses to be discussed at November 2013 JSC meeting.
6JSC/CILIP Rep/3/Appendix/1 [2013/07/15]
6JSC/CILIP Rep/3/Appendix/1/ACOC response [2013/10/01]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/CILIP Rep/3/Appendix 2 RDF representation of RDA relationship designators. Appendix 2: Inverse properties for RDA relationship designators
Status: Appendix and responses to be discussed at November 2013 JSC meeting.
6JSC/CILIP Rep/3/Appendix/2 [2013/07/15]
6JSC/CILIP Rep/3/Appendix/2/ACOC response [2013/10/01]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/CILIP Rep/3/Appendix 3 RDF representation of RDA relationship designators. Appendix 3: Property hierarchies for RDA relationship designators
Status: Appendix and responses to be discussed at November 2013 JSC meeting.
6JSC/CILIP Rep/3/Appendix/3 [2013/07/15]
6JSC/CILIP Rep/3/Appendix/3/ACOC response [2013/10/01]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/CILIP Rep/3/Appendix 4 RDF representation of RDA relationship designators. Appendix 4: Directional labels and definitions for RDF properties based on RDA relationship elements and designators
Status: Appendix and responses to be discussed at November 2013 JSC meeting.
6JSC/CILIP Rep/3/Appendix/4 [2013/07/15]
6JSC/CILIP Rep/3/Appendix/4/ACOC response [2013/10/01]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/CILIP Rep/3/Appendix 5 RDF representation of RDA relationship designators. Appendix 5: Issues relating to minor changes in the RDA Toolkit
Status: Appendix to be discussed in September 2013.
6JSC/CILIP Rep/3/Appendix/5 [2013/07/15]
6JSC/CILIP Rep/3/Appendix/5/ACOC response [2013/10/01]
6JSC/CILIP Rep/3/Appendix/5/CCC response [2013/10/03]
Return to list of document series
DNB Document Series
6JSC/DNB/1 Parts of the Bible: Books (RDA
Status: Proposal and responses to be discussed at November 2013 JSC meeting; proposal not accepted. Policy statement for DNB & colleagues; future proposal by DNB and LC.
6JSC/DNB/1 [2013/07/29]
6JSC/DNB/1/ACOC response [2013/08/30]
6JSC/DNB/1/ALA response [2013/09/20]
6JSC/DNB/1/LC response [2013/09/30]
6JSC/DNB/1/CILIP response [2013/10/03]
6JSC/DNB/1/BL response [2013/10/02]
6JSC/DNB/1/CCC response [2013/10/03]
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6JSC/DNB/2 Larger place – Revision of RDA (Recording the Preferred Name); 16.2.2;;;;;;;;;
Status: Proposal and responses to be discussed at November 2013 JSC meeting; no actions at this time. Issues forwarded to the JSC Places Working Group.
6JSC/DNB/2 [2013/07/29]
6JSC/DNB/2/ACOC response [2013/09/17]
6JSC/DNB/2/LC response [2013/09/30]
6JSC/DNB/2/ALA response [2013/10/02]
6JSC/DNB/2/CILIP response [2013/10/03]
6JSC/DNB/2/BL response [2013/09/09]
6JSC/DNB/2/CCC response [2013/10/03]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/DNB/3 Attributes of manifestations: Instructions for more than one instance of an element
Status: Proposal and responses to be discussed at November 2013 JSC meeting. 0.6.1 to be revised; other revisions not accepted. 0.6 review planned.
6JSC/DNB/3 [2013/07/29]
6JSC/DNB/3/LC response [2013/08/22]
6JSC/DNB/3/CILIP response [2013/09/16]
6JSC/DNB/3/ACOC response [2013/09/17]
6JSC/DNB/3/ALA response [2013/10/02]
6JSC/DNB/3/BL response [2013/09/09]
6JSC/DNB/3/CCC response [2013/10/03]
6JSC/DNB/3/Sec final [2014/02/07]
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6JSC/DNB/Discussion/1 Discussion paper: First issue v. latest (current) issue
Status: Paper and responses to be discussed at November 2013 JSC meeting; no action at this time. Policy statement for DNB and colleagues; paper with broader scope to be written by Gordon Dunsire with Barbara Tillett.
6JSC/DNB/Discussion/1 [2013/07/29]
6JSC/DNB/Discussion/1/ACOC response [2013/09/05]
6JSC/DNB/Discussion/1/LC response [2013/09/26]
6JSC/DNB/Discussion/1/ALA response [2013/10/01]
6JSC/DNB/Discussion/1/CILIP response [2013/10/03]
6JSC/DNB/Discussion/1/BL response [2013/10/02]
6JSC/DNB/Discussion/1/CCC response [2013/10/03]
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6JSC/DNB/Discussion/2 Discussion paper: Mixture of work level and manifestation level in RDA (Collective Title and Titles of Individual Contents), Optional Additions
Status: Paper and responses to be discussed at November 2014 meeting; accepted with revisions.
6JSC/DNB/Discussion/2 [2014/07/31]
6JSC/DNB/Discussion/2/ALA response [2014/08/29]
6JSC/DNB/Discussion/2/ACOC response [2014/09/01]
6JSC/DNB/Discussion/2/BL response [2014/10/03]
6JSC/DNB/Discussion/2/LC response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/DNB/Discussion/2/CCC response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/DNB/Discussion/2/CILIP response [2014/09/25]
6JSC/DNB/Discussion/2/Sec final [2015/02/18]
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6JSC/DNB/Discussion/3 Discussion paper: Hidden relationships in attributes (examples: RDA, 9.13, 10.6, 11.3, 16.2.2)
Status: Paper and responses to be discussed at November 2014 meeting; referred to the FRBR Consolidation Expert Group for background; referred to the JSC Technical Working Group to prepare a paper for 2015.
6JSC/DNB/Discussion/3 [2014/07/31]
6JSC/DNB/Discussion/3/ALA response [2014/09/22]
6JSC/DNB/Discussion/3/ACOC response [2014/09/24]
6JSC/DNB/Discussion/3/BL response [2014/09/29]
6JSC/DNB/Discussion/3/LC response [2014/10/03]
6JSC/DNB/Discussion/3/CCC response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/DNB/Discussion/3/CILIP response [2014/10/01]
Return to list of document series
JSC Music Working Group Document Series
6JSC/Music/1 Proposed revision to instructions, "Two or More Parts,", "Two or More Parts,", "Two or More Parts," and, "Two or More Parts"
Status: Proposal and responses to be discussed at November 2013 JSC meeting. Generalized revisions not accepted; others accepted with revision.
6JSC/Music/1 [2013/07/16]
6JSC/Music/1/ACOC response [2013/09/05]
6JSC/Music/1/LC response [2013/09/26]
6JSC/Music/1/DNB response [2013/10/01]
6JSC/Music/1/ALA response [2013/09/30]
6JSC/Music/1/CILIP response [2013/10/03]
6JSC/Music/1/BL response [2013/10/02]
6JSC/Music/1/CCC response [2013/09/30]
6JSC/Music/1/Sec final [2014/02/10]
6JSC/Music/1/Sec final/rev [2014/03/24]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/Music/2 Proposed revision to instruction, "Preferred Title Consisting Solely of the Name of One Type of Composition"
Status: Proposal and responses to be discussed at November 2013 JSC meeting; 2nd revision of proposal accepted with revision.
6JSC/Music/2 [2013/07/19]
6JSC/Music/2/rev [2013/07/29]
6JSC/Music/2/rev/ACOC response [2013/09/05]
6JSC/Music/2/rev/ALA response [2013/09/26]
6JSC/Music/2/rev/LC response [2013/09/26]
6JSC/Music/2/rev/CILIP response [2013/10/03]
6JSC/Music/2/rev/BL response [2013/10/02]
6JSC/Music/2/rev/CCC response [2013/09/30]
6JSC/Music/2/rev/DNB response [2013/10/04]
6JSC/Music/2/rev/2 [2013/10/24]
6JSC/Music/2/rev/2/Sec final [2014/02/13]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/Music/3 Proposed revisions for medium of performance (RDA 6.15.1,,, and Appendix E.1.1)
Status: Proposal and responses to be discussed at November 2013 JSC meeting; follow-up accepted with further revision after January 2014 email discussion.
6JSC/Music/3 [2013/08/01]
6JSC/Music/3/ACOC response [2013/09/05]
6JSC/Music/3/LC response [2013/09/27]
6JSC/Music/3/CILIP response [2013/10/03]
6JSC/Music/3/BL response [2013/10/02]
6JSC/Music/3/CCC response [2013/09/30]
6JSC/Music/3/ALA response [2013/10/02]
6JSC/Music/3/DNB response [2013/10/4]
6JSC/Music/3/follow-up [2013/11/26]
6JSC/Music/3/Sec final [2014/02/13]
6JSC/Music/3/Sec final/rev [2014/03/24]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/MusicWG/4 Revision proposal for RDA 6.28.3, Authorized Access Point Representing a Musical Expression
Status: Proposal and responses to be discussed at November 2014 meeting. Revised proposal prepared for JSC discussion via email; accepted with revisions.
6JSC/MusicWG/4 [2014/08/01]
6JSC/MusicWG/4/CILIP response [2014/09/25]
6JSC/MusicWG/4/ALA response [2014/09/30]
6JSC/MusicWG/4/DNB response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/MusicWG/4/ACOC response [2014/09/11]
6JSC/MusicWG/4/BL response [2014/09/29]
6JSC/MusicWG/4/LC response [2014/10/03]
6JSC/MusicWG/4/CCC response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/MusicWG/4/rev [2014/11/18]
6JSC/MusicWG/4/rev/Sec final [2015/02/13]
6JSC/MusicWG/4/rev/Sec final/rev [2015/03/12]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/MusicWG/5 Revision proposal for RDA and RDA
Status: Proposal and responses to be discussed at November 2014 meeting. Revised proposal prepared for JSC discussion via email; accepted with revisions.
6JSC/MusicWG/5 [2014/08/01]
6JSC/MusicWG/5/CILIP response [2014/09/25]
6JSC/MusicWG/5/ALA response [2014/09/28]
6JSC/MusicWG/5/DNB response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/MusicWG/5/ACOC response [2014/09/11]
6JSC/MusicWG/5/BL response [2014/09/29]
6JSC/MusicWG/5/LC response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/MusicWG/5/CCC response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/MusicWG/5/rev [2014/11/18]
6JSC/MusicWG/5/rev/2 [2014/11/21]
6JSC/MusicWG/5/rev/2/Sec final [2015/02/12]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/MusicWG/6 Revision proposal for choosing and recording preferred titles for music in RDA–
Status: Proposal and responses to be discussed at November 2014 meeting. Revised proposal prepared for JSC discussion via email; accepted with revisions.
6JSC/MusicWG/6 [2014/08/01]
6JSC/MusicWG/6/CILIP response [2014/09/25]
6JSC/MusicWG/6/ALA response [2014/10/01]
6JSC/MusicWG/6/DNB response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/MusicWG/6/ACOC response [2014/09/28]
6JSC/MusicWG/6/BL response [2014/09/29]
6JSC/MusicWG/6/LC response [2014/10/03]
6JSC/MusicWG/6/CCC response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/MusicWG/6/rev [2014/11/18]
6JSC/MusicWG/6/rev/Sec final [2015/03/12]
6JSC/MusicWG/6/rev/Sec final/rev [2015/04/10]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/MusicWG/7 Revision proposal for RDA,, Appendix B.3: Abbreviation for the part designation Number or its equivalent in another language
Status: Proposal and responses to be discussed at November 2014 meeting. Revised proposal prepared for JSC discussion via email; accepted with revisions.
6JSC/MusicWG/7 [2014/08/01]
6JSC/MusicWG/7/CILIP response [2014/09/25]
6JSC/MusicWG/7/ALA response [2014/10/01]
6JSC/MusicWG/7/DNB response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/MusicWG/7/ACOC response [2014/09/11]
6JSC/MusicWG/7/BL response [2014/09/29]
6JSC/MusicWG/7/LC response [2014/09/26]
6JSC/MusicWG/7/CCC response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/MusicWG/7/rev [2014/11/18]
6JSC/MusicWG/7/rev/Sec final [2015/02/13]
6JSC/MusicWG/7/rev/Sec final/rev [2015/03/2]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/MusicWG/8 Revision proposal for conventional collective titles in RDA and Glossary definitions for conventional collective titles and the term Type of Composition
Status: Proposal and responses to be discussed at November 2014 meeting. Revised proposal prepared for JSC discussion via email; accepted with revisions.
6JSC/MusicWG/8 [2014/08/02]
6JSC/MusicWG/8/CILIP response [2014/09/25]
6JSC/MusicWG/8/ALA response [2014/10/01]
6JSC/MusicWG/8/DNB response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/MusicWG/8/ACOC response [2014/10/03]
6JSC/MusicWG/8/BL response [2014/09/29]
6JSC/MusicWG/8/LC response [2014/10/01]
6JSC/MusicWG/8/CCC response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/MusicWG/8/rev [2014/11/18]
6JSC/MusicWG/8/rev/Sec final [2015/02/21]
6JSC/MusicWG/8/rev/Sec final/rev [2015/03/12]
6JSC/MusicWG/8/rev/Sec final/rev/2 [2015/04/10]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/MusicWG/9 Additional terms for Base Material in RDA and Applied Material in RDA
Status: Proposal and responses to be discussed at November 2014 meeting; merged with BL/16 and accepted with revisions.
6JSC/MusicWG/9 [2014/08/02]
6JSC/MusicWG/9/CILIP response [2014/09/25]
6JSC/MusicWG/9/ALA response [2014/09/28]
6JSC/MusicWG/9/DNB response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/MusicWG/9/ACOC response [2014/09/11]
6JSC/MusicWG/9/BL response [2014/09/29]
6JSC/MusicWG/9/LC response [2014/10/01]
6JSC/MusicWG/9/CCC response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/MusicWG/9/Sec final [2015/03/12]
Return to list of document series
JSC RDA/ONIX Framework Working Group Document Series
6JSC/ROFWG/1 Proposals for a namespace for the Framework
Status: Document to be discussed at November 2014 JSC meeting; constituency responses are not required. Accepted.
6JSC/ROFWG/1 [2014/09/03]
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6JSC/ROFWG/2 JSC recommendations for extension and revision of the Framework
Status: Document to be discussed at November 2014 JSC meeting; constituency responses are not required. Two
new values approved; WG asked to prepare guidelines for proposing new terms
6JSC/ROFWG/2 [2014/09/03]
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JSC Technical Working Group Document Series
6JSC/TechnicalWG/1 Meta-metadata elements in RDA
Status: Proposal and responses to be discussed at November 2014 JSC meeting; accepted.
6JSC/TechnicalWG/1 [2014/08/04]
6JSC/TechnicalWG/1/CILIP response [2014/09/25]
6JSC/TechnicalWG/1/ALA response [2014/09/28]
6JSC/TechnicalWG/1/DNB response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/TechnicalWG/1/ACOC response [2014/10/03]
6JSC/TechnicalWG/1/BL response [2014/09/29]
6JSC/TechnicalWG/1/LC response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/TechnicalWG/1/CCC response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/TechnicalWG/1/Sec final [2015/02/07]
6JSC/TechnicalWG/1/Sec final/rev [2015/03/12]
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6JSC/TechnicalWG/2 Note and related elements in RDA
Status: Proposal and responses to be discussed at November 2014 JSC meeting; accepted.
6JSC/TechnicalWG/2 [2014/08/04]
6JSC/TechnicalWG/2/CILIP response [2014/09/25]
6JSC/TechnicalWG/2/ALA response [2014/09/28]
6JSC/TechnicalWG/2/DNB response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/TechnicalWG/2/ACOC response [2014/10/03]
6JSC/TechnicalWG/2/BL response [2014/09/29]
6JSC/TechnicalWG/2/LC response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/TechnicalWG/2/CCC response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/TechnicalWG/2/Sec final [2015/03/12]
6JSC/TechnicalWG/2/Sec final/rev [2015/04/10]
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6JSC/TechnicalWG/3 High-level subject relationship in RDA
Status: Proposal and responses to be discussed at November 2014 JSC meeting. Accepted. ALA to prepare a proposal for designators for references to published citations
6JSC/TechnicalWG/3 [2014/08/04]
6JSC/TechnicalWG/3/CILIP response [2014/09/25]
6JSC/TechnicalWG/3/ALA response [2014/09/29]
6JSC/TechnicalWG/3/DNB response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/TechnicalWG/3/ACOC response [2014/10/03]
6JSC/TechnicalWG/3/BL response [2014/09/29]
6JSC/TechnicalWG/3/LC response [2014/10/03]
6JSC/TechnicalWG/3/CCC response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/TechnicalWG/3/Sec final [2015/03/12]
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6JSC/TechnicalWG/4 Court and Jurisdiction in RDA
Status: Proposal and responses to be discussed at November 2014 JSC meeting. Accepted in principle. BL, CCC, and DNB will investigate further and prepare proposal for 2015
6JSC/TechnicalWG/4 [2014/08/04]
6JSC/TechnicalWG/4/CILIP response [2014/09/25]
6JSC/TechnicalWG/4/ALA response [2014/10/01]
6JSC/TechnicalWG/4/DNB response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/TechnicalWG/4/ACOC response [2014/10/03]
6JSC/TechnicalWG/4/BL response [2014/09/29]
6JSC/TechnicalWG/4/LC response [2014/10/03]
6JSC/TechnicalWG/4/CCC response [2014/10/02]
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LC Document Series
5JSC/LC/1 A0 rules for what is being described, number of records, basis of description, sources; changes to A1.0 and A1.1B
Status: The revised proposal and responses were discussed at the October 2005 meeting. See also 5JSC/AACR3/I/Editor follow-up/1 and responses.
5JSC/LC/1 [2005/03/25]
5JSC/LC/1/Rev [2005/04/29]
5JSC/LC/1/Rev/ALA response [2005/06/13]
5JSC/LC/1/Rev/ACOC response [2005/06/13]
5JSC/LC/1/Rev/CILIP response [2005/06/19]
5JSC/LC/1/Rev/BL response [2005/08/11]
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5JSC/LC/2 AACR3 Area 4 Example of Simplified Rules
Status: The proposal and responses were discussed at the October 2005 meeting with decisions reflected in the December 2005 draft of RDA part I.
5JSC/LC/2 [2005/03/25]
5JSC/LC/2/ACOC response [2005/06/28]
5JSC/LC/2/CCC response [2005/07/22]
5JSC/LC/2/ALA response [2005/07/26]
5JSC/LC/2/CILIP response [2005/07/30]
5JSC/LC/2/BL response [2005/08/15]
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5JSC/LC/3 Rule proposals for archival and manuscript resources
Status: The original proposal was revised in light of the constituency responses, and 5JSC/LC/3/LC follow-up was discussed at the October 2005 meeting. Decisions arising from this proposal were included in 5JSC/RDA/Part I. At the April 2006 meeting there was a discussion on the issues in the proposal to do with the allocation of access points. At the April 2007 meeting there was a discussion on the issues to do with access point control.
5JSC/LC/3 [2005/08/01]
5JSC/LC/3/CILIP response [2005/08/26]
5JSC/LC/3/ACOC response [2005/09/12]
5JSC/LC/3/CCC response [2005/09/12]
5JSC/LC/3/ALA response [2005/09/14]
5JSC/LC/3/BL response [2005/09/19]
5JSC/LC/3/LC follow-up [2005/10/04]
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5JSC/LC/4 Rule proposals for musical format information (eliminating Musical presentation statement area (5.3))
Status: The proposal and responses were discussed at the October 2005 meeting with decisions reflected in the December 2005 draft of RDA part I.
5JSC/LC/4 [2005/08/01]
5JSC/LC/4/CILIP response [2005/08/30]
5JSC/LC/4/ACOC response [2005/09/12]
5JSC/LC/4/CCC response [2005/09/12]
5JSC/LC/4/ALA response [2005/09/15]
5JSC/LC/4/BL response [2005/09/19]
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5JSC/LC/5 RDA Part I Internationalization
Status: The original proposal and responses were discussed at the April 2006 JSC meeting, and in June LC prepared a revised version. There was discussion of chapter 3 instructions at the October 2006 meeting, and these were included in the March 2007 revised draft of chapter 3. The remaining instructions were discussed at the April 2007 meeting.
5JSC/LC/5 [2006/02/10]
5JSC/LC/5/BL response [2006/03/22]
5JSC/LC/5/ALA response [2006/03/24]
5JSC/LC/5/CCC response [2006/03/24]
5JSC/LC/5/CILIP response [2006/03/26]
5JSC/LC/5/ACOC response [2006/03/29]
5JSC/LC/5/Rev [2006/06/21]
5JSC/LC/5/Rev/ACOC response [2006/09/07]
5JSC/LC/5/Rev/BL response [2006/09/08]
5JSC/LC/5/Rev/CILIP response [2006/09/14]
5JSC/LC/5/Rev/CCC response [2006/09/15]
5JSC/LC/5/Rev/ALA response [2006/09/18]
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5JSC/LC/6 Family names
Status: This proposal and responses were discussed at the April 2006 meeting. Provision for recording family names as access points have been added to the draft of chapters 6 and 7 of RDA. Discussed in relation to Part B at the April 2007 meeting.
5JSC/LC/6 [2006/02/28]
5JSC/LC/6/BL response [2006/03/22]
5JSC/LC/6/CCC response [2006/03/24]
5JSC/LC/6/CILIP response [2006/03/26]
5JSC/LC/6/ACOC response [2006/03/27]
5JSC/LC/6/ALA response [2006/03/27]
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5JSC/LC/7 Breton initial articles (AACR2 E.1A)
Status: Proposal was approved at the October 2006 meeting.
5JSC/LC/7 [2006/04/20]
5JSC/LC/7/ALA response [2006/08/30]
5JSC/LC/7/CILIP response [2006/09/01]
5JSC/LC/7/ACOC response [2006/09/07]
5JSC/LC/7/BL response [2006/09/08]
5JSC/LC/7/CCC response [2006/09/15]
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5JSC/LC/8 Bible Uniform Titles
Status: Discussed at the April 2007 meeting. Responses to the Chair follow-up are due by August 6, 2007.
5JSC/LC/8 [2006/06/01]
5JSC/LC/8/BL response [2006/09/08]
5JSC/LC/8/CILIP response [2006/09/14]
5JSC/LC/8/CCC response [2006/09/15]
5JSC/LC/8/ALA response [2006/09/18]
5JSC/LC/8/ACOC response [2006/09/25]
5JSC/LC/8/Chair follow-up [2007/07/31]
5JSC/LC/8/Chair follow-up/BL response [2007/08/02]
5JSC/LC/8/Chair follow-up/CILIP response [2007/08/02]
5JSC/LC/8/Chair follow-up/LC response [2007/08/02]
5JSC/LC/8/Chair follow-up/ALA response [2007/08/03]
5JSC/LC/8/Chair follow-up/CCC response [2007/08/03]
5JSC/LC/8/Chair follow-up/ACOC response [2007/08/14]
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5JSC/LC/9 Video format characteristics
Status: Discussed at the October 2006 meeting. Revised instructions were included in the March 2007 draft of chapter 3.
5JSC/LC/9 [2006/07/31]
5JSC/LC/9/Rev [2006/08/09]
5JSC/LC/9/Rev/BL response [2006/09/12]
5JSC/LC/9/Rev/ACOC response [2006/09/15]
5JSC/LC/9/Rev/CCC response [2006/09/15]
5JSC/LC/9/Rev/CILIP response [2006/09/16]
5JSC/LC/9/Rev/ALA response [2006/09/18]
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5JSC/LC/10 Numbering for serials: alternative instruction
Status: Discussed at the April 2007 JSC meeting. The LC follow-up was discussed at the October 2007 meeting.
5JSC/LC/10 [2007/02/05]
5JSC/LC/10/ALA response [2007/03/16]
5JSC/LC/10/CCC response [2007/03/16]
5JSC/LC/10/BL response [2007/03/19]
5JSC/LC/10/CILIP response [2007/03/19]
5JSC/LC/10/ACOC response [2007/03/20]
5JSC/LC/10/LC follow-up [2007/08/02]
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5JSC/LC/11 Designation of Roles in RDA
Status: Responses were discussed at the April 2008 meeting.
5JSC/LC/11 [2008/02/05]
5JSC/LC/11/BL response [2008/03/14]
5JSC/LC/11/CILIP response [2008/03/15]
5JSC/LC/11/ALA response [2008/03/17]
5JSC/LC/11/CCC response [2008/03/17]
5JSC/LC/11/ACOC response [2008/03/18]
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5JSC/LC/12 Proposed revision of RDA chap. 6, Additional instructions for musical works and expressions
Status: 5JSC/LC/12/LC follow-up and 5JSC/LC/12/LC follow-up/2 were discussed at the March 2009 JSC meeting.
5JSC/LC/12 [2008/02/06]
5JSC/LC/12/ALA response [2008/03/13]
5JSC/LC/12/BL response [2008/03/14]
5JSC/LC/12/CILIP response [2008/03/15]
5JSC/LC/12/CCC response [2008/03/17]
5JSC/LC/12/ACOC response [2008/03/18]
5JSC/LC/12/ALA response/ALA follow-up [2008/04/10]
5JSC/LC/12/LC follow-up [2008/10/31]
5JSC/LC/12/LC follow-up/ACOC response [2009/02/10]
5JSC/LC/12/LC follow-up/ALA response [2009/02/09]
5JSC/LC/12/LC follow-up/BL response [2009/02/06]
5JSC/LC/12/LC follow-up/CCC response [2009/02/13]
5JSC/LC/12/LC follow-up/CILIP response [2009/02/02]
5JSC/LC/12/LC follow-up/LC response [2009/02/02]
5JSC/LC/12/LC follow-up/Chair follow-up/1 [2009/02/02 - Germany]
5JSC/LC/12/LC follow-up/Chair follow-up/2 [2009/02/05 - France]
5JSC/LC/12/LC follow-up/2 [2008/12/04]
5JSC/LC/12/LC follow-up/2/ACOC response [2009/02/13]
5JSC/LC/12/LC follow-up/2/ALA response [2009/02/09]
5JSC/LC/12/LC follow-up/2/BL response [2009/02/09]
5JSC/LC/12/LC follow-up/2/CCC response [2009/02/13]
5JSC/LC/12/LC follow-up/2/CILIP response [2009/02/02]
Return to list of document series
5JSC/LC rep/1 Self-describing vs. Not Self-describing items; Discussion Paper for the JSC
Status: This document was discussed at the October 2005 JSC meeting.
5JSC/LC rep/1 [2005/10/07]
Return to list of document series
5JSC/LC rep/2 RDA draft chapter 6: selected topics on naming the work
Status: This document was discussed at the April 2008 JSC meeting.
5JSC/LC rep/2 [2008/04/11]
Return to list of document series
5JSC/LC rep/3 Incorporating “changes over time” into RDA's instructions on naming the work
Status: Issued in May 2008, updated in June 2008.
5JSC/LC rep/3 [2008/05/15]
5JSC/LC rep/3/rev [2008/06/12]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/LC/1 RDA Appendix A
Status: Proposal and responses were discussed at the November 2011 meeting.
6JSC/LC/1 [2011/05/20]
6JSC/LC/1/ACOC response [2011/09/13]
6JSC/LC/1/CCC response [2011/09/19]
6JSC/LC/1/BL response [2011/09/20]
6JSC/LC/1/ALA response [2011/09/26]
6JSC/LC/1/rev [2012/01/18]
6JSC/LC/1/rev/Sec final [2012/03/16]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/LC/2 Date of manufacture (RDA 2.10.6)
Status: Proposal and responses were discussed at the November 2011 meeting.
6JSC/LC/2 [2011/05/20]
6JSC/LC/2/ACOC response [2011/09/13]
6JSC/LC/2/CCC response [2011/09/19]
6JSC/LC/2/BL response [2011/09/20]
6JSC/LC/2/ALA response [2011/09/26]
6JSC/LC/2/Sec final [2012/02/23]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/LC/3 Elimination of RDA treatment for 'names not conveying the idea of ...'
Status: Proposal and responses were discussed at the November 2011 meeting.
6JSC/LC/3 [2011/08/03]
6JSC/LC/3/BL response [2011/09/20]
6JSC/LC/3/ACOC response [2011/09/26]
6JSC/LC/3/ALA response [2011/09/26]
6JSC/LC/3/Chair follow-up/1 [2011/09/26 - New Zealand]
6JSC/LC/3/CCC response [2011/09/27]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/LC/4 Punctuation guidance for see also references used with relationship designators
Status: This document was discussed at the November 2011 JSC meeting. LC prepared a revised version of the document incorporating decisions at this meeting. No response to 6JSC/LC/4/rev is required.
6JSC/LC/4 [2011/08/03]
6JSC/LC/4/ACOC response [2011/09/13]
6JSC/LC/4/CCC response [2011/09/19]
6JSC/LC/4/BL response [2011/09/20]
6JSC/LC/4/ALA response [2011/09/26]
6JSC/LC/4/rev [2011/11/30]
6JSC/LC/4/rev/Sec final [2012/02/23]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/LC/5 Clarifying date associated with the person and core requirements
Status: Document 6JSC/LC/5 was discussed at the November 2011 JSC meeting. LC prepared a revised version of the document incorporating changes discussed at this meeting. JSC response to 6JSC/LC/5/rev is required by 19 December 2011.
6JSC/LC/5 [2011/08/03]
6JSC/LC/5/CCC response [2011/09/19]
6JSC/LC/5/BL response [2011/09/20]
6JSC/LC/5/ACOC response [2011/09/26]
6JSC/LC/5/ALA response [2011/09/26]
6JSC/LC/5/rev [2011/12/01]
6JSC/LC/5/rev/attachment [2011/12/01]
6JSC/LC/5/rev/ACOC response [2011/12/19]
6JSC/LC/5/rev/ALA response [2011/12/19]
6JSC/LC/5/rev/BL response [2011/12/19]
6JSC/LC/5/rev/CCC response [2011/12/19]
6JSC/LC/5/rev/Sec final [2012/02/23]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/LC/6 Additions to RDA (Corporate Bodies considered to be creators)
Status: This document was discussed at the November 2011 JSC meeting. LC prepared a revised version of the document incorporating decisions at this meeting. No response to 6JSC/LC/6/rev is required.
6JSC/LC/6 [2011/08/03]
6JSC/LC/6/CCC response [2011/09/19]
6JSC/LC/6/BL response [2011/09/20]
6JSC/LC/6/ACOC response [2011/09/26]
6JSC/LC/6/ALA response [2011/09/26]
6JSC/LC/6/rev [2011/12/01]
6JSC/LC/6/rev/Sec final [2012/03/16]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/LC/7 Changes in content characteristics
Status: This document was discussed at the November 2011 JSC meeting. LC prepared a revised version of the document incorporating changes discussed at this meeting. JSC response to 6JSC/LC/7/rev is required by 19 December 2011.
6JSC/LC/7 [2011/08/03]
6JSC/LC/7/ACOC response [2011/09/16]
6JSC/LC/7/CCC response [2011/09/19]
6JSC/LC/7/BL response [2011/09/20]
6JSC/LC/7/ALA response [2011/09/26]
6JSC/LC/7/rev [2011/12/01]
6JSC/LC/7/rev/ACOC response [2011/12/19]
6JSC/LC/7/rev/ALA response [2011/12/19]
6JSC/LC/7/rev/BL response [2011/12/19]
6JSC/LC/7/rev/CCC response [2011/12/19]
6JSC/LC/7/rev/Sec final [2012/02/23]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/LC/8 Revision of RDA and RDA
Status: This document was discussed at the November 2011 JSC meeting. LC prepared a revised version of the document incorporating changes discussed at this meeting. JSC response to 6JSC/LC/8/rev is required by 19 December 2011.
6JSC/LC/8 [2011/08/04]
6JSC/LC/8/ACOC response [2011/09/16]
6JSC/LC/8/CCC response [2011/09/19]
6JSC/LC/8/BL response [2011/09/20]
6JSC/LC/8/ALA response [2011/09/26]
6JSC/LC/8/rev [2011/12/08]
6JSC/LC/8/rev/ACOC response [2011/12/19]
6JSC/LC/8/rev/ALA response [2011/12/19]
6JSC/LC/8/rev/BL response [2011/12/19]
6JSC/LC/8/rev/CCC response [2011/12/19]
6JSC/LC/8/rev/Sec final [2012/03/16]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/LC/9 Revisions to Date Associated with the Person (RDA 9.3, 9.3.2, 9.3.3)
Status: Proposal and responses were discussed at the November 2012 meeting; proposal was accepted with revision.
6JSC/LC/9 [2012/06/08]
6JSC/LC/9/ACOC response [2012/07/26]
6JSC/LC/9/CILIP response [2012/09/05]
6JSC/LC/9/CCC response [2012/09/24]
6JSC/LC/9/DNB response [2012/10/02]
6JSC/LC/9/BL response [2012/09/14]
6JSC/LC/9/ALA response [2012/10/04]
6JSC/LC/9/Sec final [2013/01/28]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/LC/10 Revision to RDA (Number, date, location, of a conference, etc.)
Status: Proposal and responses were discussed at the November 2012 meeting; proposal was accepted with revision.
6JSC/LC/10 [2012/06/15]
6JSC/LC/10/ACOC response [2012/07/31]
6JSC/LC/10/CCC response [2012/09/24]
6JSC/LC/10/DNB response [2012/10/02]
6JSC/LC/10/CILIP response [2012/10/05]
6JSC/LC/10/BL response [2012/10/02]
6JSC/LC/10/ALA response [2012/10/08]
6JSC/LC/10/Sec final [2013/01/28]
6JSC/LC/10/Sec final/rev [2013/02/25]
6JSC/LC/10/Sec final/rev/2 [2013/06/03]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/LC/11 Revisions to Date associated with the corporate body (RDA 11.4, 11.4.3, 11.4.4, 0.6.4)
Status: Proposal and responses were discussed at the November 2012 meeting; proposal was accepted with revision.
6JSC/LC/11 [2012/06/08]
6JSC/LC/11/ACOC response [2012/08/27]
6JSC/LC/11/CILIP response [2012/09/05]
6JSC/LC/11/CCC response [2012/09/24]
6JSC/LC/11/DNB response [2012/10/05]
6JSC/LC/11/BL response [2012/09/14]
6JSC/LC/11/ALA response [2012/10/08]
6JSC/LC/11/Sec final [2013/01/28]
6JSC/LC/11/Sec final/rev [2013/04/02]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/LC/12 Priority order of additions to authorized access points representing a person (,,
Status: Proposal and responses were discussed at the November 2012 meeting; proposal was accepted with revision.
6JSC/LC/12 [2012/06/08]
6JSC/LC/12/ACOC response [2012/08/10]
6JSC/LC/12/CILIP response [2012/09/05]
6JSC/LC/12/CCC response [2012/09/24]
6JSC/LC/12/DNB response [2012/10/02]
6JSC/LC/12/EURIG response [2012/10/02]
6JSC/LC/12/BL response [2012/10/02]
6JSC/LC/12/ALA response [2012/10/04]
6JSC/LC/12/rev [2012/11/27]
6JSC/LC/12/rev/Sec final [2013/01/28]
6JSC/LC/12/rev/Sec final/rev [2013/04/30]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/LC/13 Adjustment to exception for recording acronym/initialism titles in favor of base instruction (, exception)
Status: Proposal and responses were discussed at the November 2012 meeting; proposal was accepted as proposed.
6JSC/LC/13 [2012/06/08]
6JSC/LC/13/ACOC response [2012/08/10]
6JSC/LC/13/CILIP response [2012/09/05]
6JSC/LC/13/CCC response [2012/08/15]
6JSC/LC/13/DNB response [2012/10/05]
6JSC/LC/13/BL response [2012/10/02]
6JSC/LC/13/ALA response [2012/10/03]
6JSC/LC/13/Sec final [2013/01/28]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/LC/14 Revision to RDA (Recording Dates Associated with Persons), H.1 (B.C. and A.D. Dates), and associated examples to clarify recording date spans
Status: Proposal and responses were discussed at the November 2012 meeting; proposal was accepted with revision.
6JSC/LC/14 [2012/06/08]
6JSC/LC/14/ACOC response [2012/08/10]
6JSC/LC/14/CILIP response [2012/09/05]
6JSC/LC/14/CCC response [2012/09/24]
6JSC/LC/14/DNB response [2012/10/02]
6JSC/LC/14/BL response [2012/09/14]
6JSC/LC/14/ALA response [2012/10/04]
6JSC/LC/14/Sec final [2013/01/28]
6JSC/LC/14/Sec final/rev [2013/03/24]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/LC/15 Reorganization of instruction on saints in
Status: Proposal and responses were discussed at the November 2012 meeting; proposal was accepted with revision.
6JSC/LC/15 [2012/06/08]
6JSC/LC/15/ACOC response [2012/08/10]
6JSC/LC/15/CCC response [2012/09/14]
6JSC/LC/15/DNB response [2012/10/02]
6JSC/LC/15/CILIP response [2012/10/05]
6JSC/LC/15/BL response [2012/09/14]
6JSC/LC/15/ALA response [2012/10/08]
6JSC/LC/15/Sec final [2013/01/28]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/LC/16 Additional exception in (Title or Other Designation Associated with the Person) for titles of religious rank
Status: Proposal and responses were discussed at the November 2012 meeting; proposal was accepted with revision.
6JSC/LC/16 [2012/06/08]
6JSC/LC/16/ACOC response [2012/08/10]
6JSC/LC/16/CCC response [2012/09/24]
6JSC/LC/16/DNB response [2012/10/02]
6JSC/LC/16/CILIP response [2012/10/05]
6JSC/LC/16/BL response [2012/09/14]
6JSC/LC/16/ALA response [2012/10/03]
6JSC/LC/16/Sec final [2013/02/01]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/LC/17 Reorganization of instructions for recording extent (,
Status: Proposal and responses were discussed at the November 2012 meeting; proposal was accepted with revision.
6JSC/LC/17 [2012/06/08]
6JSC/LC/17/ACOC response [2012/08/10]
6JSC/LC/17/CILIP response [2012/09/05]
6JSC/LC/17/CCC response [2012/09/24]
6JSC/LC/17/DNB response [2012/10/05]
6JSC/LC/17/BL response [2012/09/14]
6JSC/LC/17/ALA response [2012/10/03]
6JSC/LC/17/Sec final [2013/01/28]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/LC/18 Revisions to Change of Name of Jurisdiction or Locality (RDA
Status: Proposal and responses were discussed at the November 2012 meeting; proposal was accepted with revision.
6JSC/LC/18 [2012/06/08]
6JSC/LC/18/ACOC response [2012/08/10]
6JSC/LC/18/CILIP response [2012/09/05]
6JSC/LC/18/CCC response [2012/09/24]
6JSC/LC/18/DNB response [2012/10/02]
6JSC/LC/18/BL response [2012/09/14]
6JSC/LC/18/ALA response [2012/10/03]
6JSC/LC/18/Sec final [2013/01/28]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/LC/19 Additional instructions for preferred sources and preferred titles in different languages or scripts (RDA and
Status: Proposal and responses were discussed at the November 2012 meeting; proposal was accepted with revision.
6JSC/LC/19 [2012/06/15]
6JSC/LC/19/ACOC response [2012/08/10]
6JSC/LC/19/CILIP response [2012/09/05]
6JSC/LC/19/DNB response [2012/10/02]
6JSC/LC/19/CCC response [2012/09/14]
6JSC/LC/19/BL response [2012/09/14]
6JSC/LC/19/ALA response [2012/10/08]
6JSC/LC/19/Sec final [2013/01/28]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/LC/20 Revisions to RDA Chapter 6 to treat "Selections" as a work attribute
Status: Proposal and responses were discussed at the November 2012 meeting; proposal was accepted with revision.
6JSC/LC/20 [2012/07/25]
6JSC/LC/20/ACOC response [2012/08/10]
6JSC/LC/20/CILIP response [2012/09/05]
6JSC/LC/20/DNB response [2012/10/02]
6JSC/LC/20/CCC response [2012/09/14]
6JSC/LC/20/BL response [2012/09/14]
6JSC/LC/20/ALA response [2012/10/08]
6JSC/LC/20/Sec final [2013/02/01]
6JSC/LC/20/Sec final/rev [2013/06/03]
6JSC/LC/20/Sec final/rev/2 [2013/06/19]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/LC/21 Clarification of leaves and pages ( and Glossary)
Status: Proposal and responses were discussed at the November 2012 meeting; proposal was accepted with revision.
6JSC/LC/21 [2012/07/25]
6JSC/LC/21/ACOC response [2012/08/10]
6JSC/LC/21/CILIP response [2012/09/05]
6JSC/LC/21/DNB response [2012/10/02]
6JSC/LC/21/CCC response/rev [2012/10/05]
6JSC/LC/21/BL response [2012/10/02]
6JSC/LC/21/ALA response [2012/10/08]
6JSC/LC/21/Sec final [2013/01/28]
6JSC/LC/21/Sec final/rev [2013/02/14]
6JSC/LC/21/Sec final/rev/2 [2013/06/03]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/LC/22 Revisions to Date Associated with the Person (9.3) when recording more than a year alone
Status: Proposal and responses were discussed at the November 2012 meeting; proposal was accepted with revision.
6JSC/LC/22 [2012/07/25]
6JSC/LC/22/ACOC response [2012/08/10]
6JSC/LC/22/CILIP response [2012/09/05]
6JSC/LC/22/DNB response [2012/10/02]
6JSC/LC/22/CCC response [2012/09/24]
6JSC/LC/22/BL response [2012/09/14]
6JSC/LC/22/ALA response [2012/10/03]
6JSC/LC/22/Sec final [2013/02/01]
6JSC/LC/22/Sec final/rev [2013/03/23]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/LC/23 Language of the Family (10.8)
Status: Proposal and responses to be discussed at November 2013 meeting; proposal accepted with revision.
6JSC/LC/23 [2013/07/30]
6JSC/LC/23/ACOC response [2013/09/05]
6JSC/LC/23/ALA response [2013/09/05]
6JSC/LC/23/CILIP response [2013/10/03]
6JSC/LC/23/BL response [2013/09/25]
6JSC/LC/23/DNB response [2013/10/4]
6JSC/LC/23/CCC response [2013/09/27]
6JSC/LC/23/Sec final [2014/02/12]
6JSC/LC/23/Sec final/rev [2014/03/24]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/LC/24 Revisions to instructions for production, publication, distribution and manufacture statements (2.7, 2.8, 2.9, 2.10)
Status: Proposal and responses to be discussed at November 2013 meeting. "Grammatically separable" revisions withdrawn by LC; statement of function to be addressed by BL. Others accepted with revision.
6JSC/LC/24 [2013/08/01]
6JSC/LC/24/ACOC response [2013/09/17]
6JSC/LC/24/ALA response [2013/09/13]
6JSC/LC/24/CILIP response [2013/10/03]
6JSC/LC/24/BL response [2013/10/02]
6JSC/LC/24/DNB response [2013/10/4]
6JSC/LC/24/CCC response [2013/10/03]
6JSC/LC/24/Sec final [2014/02/11]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/LC/25 Recording dates in more than one calendar (RDA,,,,,
Status: Proposal and responses to be discussed at November 2013 meeting. Optional omission withdrawn by LC; others accepted with revision. Extended proposal to 2.11.
6JSC/LC/25 [2013/07/31]
6JSC/LC/25/rev [2013/08/23]
6JSC/LC/25/rev/ALA response [2013/09/09]
6JSC/LC/25/rev/ACOC response [2013/09/17]
6JSC/LC/25/rev/CILIP response [2013/10/03]
6JSC/LC/25/rev/BL response [2013/10/02]
6JSC/LC/25/rev/DNB response [2013/10/4]
6JSC/LC/25/rev/CCC response [2013/10/01]
6JSC/LC/25/rev/Sec final [2014/02/11]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/LC/26 Changes to instructions on liturgical works (
Status: Proposal and responses to be discussed at November 2013 meeting; proposal accepted with revision.
6JSC/LC/26 [2013/07/29]
6JSC/LC/26/ACOC response [2013/09/05]
6JSC/LC/26/ALA response [2013/09/13]
6JSC/LC/26/CILIP response [2013/10/03]
6JSC/LC/26/BL response [2013/09/11]
6JSC/LC/26/DNB response [2013/10/4]
6JSC/LC/26/CCC response [2013/10/01]
6JSC/LC/26/Sec final [2014/02/10]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/LC/27 Revision to RDA (Place Names for Jurisdictions)
Status: Proposal and responses to be discussed at November 2014 meeting; accepted as proposed.
6JSC/LC/27 [2014/07/25]
6JSC/LC/27/CILIP response [2014/09/25]
6JSC/LC/27/ALA response [2014/09/17]
6JSC/LC/27/DNB response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/LC/27/ACOC response [2014/09/28]
6JSC/LC/27/BL response [2014/09/29]
6JSC/LC/27/CCC response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/LC/27/Sec final [2015/02/11]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/LC/28 Revision to RDA (Noun Phrase Occurring with a Statement of Responsibility)
Status: Proposal and responses to be discussed at November 2014 meeting; accepted with revisions.
6JSC/LC/28 [2014/07/25]
6JSC/LC/28/ALA response [2014/09/02]
6JSC/LC/28/CILIP response [2014/09/25]
6JSC/LC/28/DNB response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/LC/28/ACOC response [2014/08/14]
6JSC/LC/28/BL response [2014/09/29]
6JSC/LC/28/CCC response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/LC/28/Sec final [2015/01/26]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/LC/29 Compilations of Works by Different Persons, Families, or Corporate Bodies (New
Status: Proposal and responses to be discussed at November 2014 meeting; accepted with revisions.
6JSC/LC/29 [2014/08/01]
6JSC/LC/29/CILIP response [2014/09/25]
6JSC/LC/29/ALA response [2014/10/01]
6JSC/LC/29/DNB response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/LC/29/ACOC response [2014/09/24]
6JSC/LC/29/BL response [2014/09/29]
6JSC/LC/29/CCC response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/LC/29/EURIG response [2014/10/03]
6JSC/LC/29/Sec final [2015/02/13]
6JSC/LC/29/Sec final/rev [2015/02/22]
6JSC/LC/29/Sec final/rev/2 [2015/03/12]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/LC/30 Works without titles
Status: Proposal and responses to be discussed at November 2014 meeting; accepted with revisions.
6JSC/LC/30 [2014/08/01]
6JSC/LC/30/CILIP response [2014/09/25]
6JSC/LC/30/ALA response [2014/09/29]
6JSC/LC/30/DNB response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/LC/30/ACOC response [2014/09/17]
6JSC/LC/30/BL response [2014/09/29]
6JSC/LC/30/CCC response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/LC/30/rev [2014/12/15]
6JSC/LC/30/rev/Sec final [2015/02/21]
6JSC/LC/30/rev/Sec final/rev [2015/02/22]
6JSC/LC/30/rev/Sec final/rev/2 [2015/03/12]
6JSC/LC/30/rev/Sec final/rev/3 [2015/04/10]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/LC/31 Revisions to instructions on Parts of the Bible (– and
Status: Proposal and responses to be discussed at November 2014 meeting; accepted with revisions.
6JSC/LC/31 [2014/08/01]
6JSC/LC/31/ALA response [2014/09/07]
6JSC/LC/31/ALA response/rev [2014/09/11]
6JSC/LC/31/CILIP response [2014/09/25]
6JSC/LC/31/DNB response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/LC/31/ACOC response [2014/09/11]
6JSC/LC/31/BL response [2014/09/29]
6JSC/LC/31/CCC response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/LC/31/rev [2014/12/15]
6JSC/LC/31/rev/Appendix E [2014/12/16]
6JSC/LC/31/rev/Sec final [2015/02/17]
6JSC/LC/31/rev/Sec final/rev [2015/03/12]
6JSC/LC/31/rev/Sec final/rev/2 [2015/04/10]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/LC rep/1 Three corrections for the RDA text
6JSC/LC rep/1 [2011/01/12]
6JSC/LC rep/1/ALA Rep addendum [2011/04/29]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/LC rep/2 "Selections" as used in RDA Chapter 6
Status: Proposal and responses were discussed at the November 2011 meeting.
6JSC/LC rep/2 [2011/05/20]
6JSC/LC rep/2/ACOC response [2011/09/16]
6JSC/LC rep/2/BL rep response [2011/09/27]
6JSC/LC rep/2/CCC response [2011/09/27]
6JSC/LC rep/2/ALA response [2011/10/14]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/LC rep/3 Chapters 12-16, 23, 33-37 (Group 3 entities and "subject")
Status: Proposal and responses were discussed at the November 2011 meeting.
6JSC/LC rep/3 [2011/05/20]
6JSC/LC rep/3/BL rep response [2011/06/24]
6JSC/LC rep/3/ACOC response [2011/09/26]
6JSC/LC rep/3/CCC response [2011/09/27]
6JSC/LC rep/3/ALA response [2011/10/14]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/LC rep/4 Treatment of Choreographic Works in RDA
Status: Paper and responses to be discussed at November 2013 meeting; LC to prepare proposal for 2014 JSC meeting based on discussion.
6JSC/LC rep/4 [2013/08/02]
6JSC/LC rep/4/DNB response [2013/10/01]
6JSC/LC rep/4/ACOC response [2013/10/01]
6JSC/LC rep/4/ALA response [2013/10/02]
6JSC/LC rep/4/CILIP response [2013/10/03]
6JSC/LC rep/4/BL response [2013/09/27]
6JSC/LC rep/4/CCC response [2013/10/03]
6JSC/LC rep/4/ALA response/ALA rep follow-up [2013/10/07]
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RDA Examples Group 3 Document Series
6JSC/Examples/Discussion/1 Contextual Examples in RDA
Status: To be discussed at November 2013 JSC meeting; written responses are not required. Examples Group will prepare an Examples Guide; option A accepted.
6JSC/Examples/Discussion/1 [2013/10/30]
Return to list of document series
Community Document Series
6JSC/EURIG/1 Addition of examples in RDA and 6.27.3
Status: Proposal and responses were discussed at the November 2012 meeting; proposal was withdrawn by BL for EURIG (BL will discuss with EURIG & submit new proposal for next meeting).
6JSC/EURIG/1 [2012/07/30]
6JSC/EURIG/1/CILIP response [2012/09/05]
6JSC/EURIG/1/ACOC response [2012/09/12]
6JSC/EURIG/1/CCC response [2012/08/14]
6JSC/EURIG/1/DNB response [2012/10/04]
6JSC/EURIG/1/LC response [2012/10/05]
6JSC/EURIG/1/BL response [2012/09/14]
6JSC/EURIG/1/ALA response [2012/10/08]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/EURIG/2 Date of expression - Revision of RDA and
Status: Proposal and responses were discussed at the November 2012 meeting; change to scope was accepted but JSC disagreed with remainder (BL will discuss with EURIG & submit new proposal for next meeting).
6JSC/EURIG/2 [2012/07/30]
6JSC/EURIG/2/LC response [2012/09/05]
6JSC/EURIG/2/ACOC response [2012/09/24]
6JSC/EURIG/2/CCC response [2012/09/13]
6JSC/EURIG/2/DNB response [2012/10/04]
6JSC/EURIG/2/CILIP response [2012/10/05]
6JSC/EURIG/2/BL response [2012/10/01]
6JSC/EURIG/2/ALA response [2012/10/08]
6JSC/EURIG/2/Sec final [2013/01/28]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/EURIG/3 Language of expression - Revision of RDA 6.11,,,,
Status: Proposal and responses were discussed at the November 2012 meeting; change to core status was accepted but JSC disagreed with remainder (BL will discuss with EURIG & submit new proposal for next meeting).
6JSC/EURIG/3 [2012/07/30]
6JSC/EURIG/3/LC response [2012/09/05]
6JSC/EURIG/3/ACOC response [2012/09/07]
6JSC/EURIG/3/CCC response [2012/09/24]
6JSC/EURIG/3/DNB response [2012/10/04]
6JSC/EURIG/3/CILIP response [2012/10/05]
6JSC/EURIG/3/BL response [2012/10/01]
6JSC/EURIG/3/ALA response [2012/10/08]
6JSC/EURIG/3/Sec final [2013/01/28]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/EURIG/4 Musical arrangements - Revision of RDA and
Status: Proposal and responses were discussed at the November 2012 meeting; proposal was withdrawn by EURIG.
6JSC/EURIG/4 [2012/07/30]
6JSC/EURIG/4/ACOC response [2012/09/21]
6JSC/EURIG/4/CCC response [2012/09/24]
6JSC/EURIG/4/DNB response [2012/10/04]
6JSC/EURIG/4/LC response [2012/10/05]
6JSC/EURIG/4/CILIP response [2012/10/05]
6JSC/EURIG/4/BL response [2012/10/04]
6JSC/EURIG/4/ALA response [2012/10/08]
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6JSC/EURIG/Discussion/1 Musical arrangements: discussion paper
Status: Discussion paper and responses were discussed at the November 2012 meeting; paper was withdrawn by EURIG.
6JSC/EURIG/Discussion/1 [2012/07/30]
6JSC/EURIG/Discussion/1/CCC response [2012/09/18]
6JSC/EURIG/Discussion/1/ACOC response [2012/10/02]
6JSC/EURIG/Discussion/1/DNB response [2012/10/04]
6JSC/EURIG/Discussion/1/LC response [2012/10/04]
6JSC/EURIG/Discussion/1/CILIP response [2012/10/05]
6JSC/EURIG/Discussion/1/BL response [2012/10/01]
6JSC/EURIG/Discussion/1/ALA response [2012/10/08]
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6JSC/EURIG/Discussion/2 Illustrative content and other augmentations: Discussion Paper
Status: Paper and responses to be discussed at November 2013 meeting. Not accepted (premature - wait for FRBR Review Group action); already flexibility in RDA.
6JSC/EURIG/Discussion/2 [2013/08/02]
6JSC/EURIG/Discussion/2/LC response [2013/09/30]
6JSC/EURIG/Discussion/2/ACOC response [2013/10/03]
6JSC/EURIG/Discussion/2/CILIP response [2013/10/03]
6JSC/EURIG/Discussion/2/ALA response [2013/10/02]
6JSC/EURIG/Discussion/2/BL response [2013/10/02]
6JSC/EURIG/Discussion/2/DNB response [2013/10/04]
6JSC/EURIG/Discussion/2/CCC response [2013/10/03]
6JSC/EURIG/Discussion/2/JSC response [2013/12/20]
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6JSC/EURIG/Discussion/3 Compilations of Works: Discussion paper
Status: Paper and responses to be discussed at November 2013 meeting. Not accepted: already flexibility in RDA. LC to do proposal for compilations for 2014 JSC meeting.
6JSC/EURIG/Discussion/3 [2013/08/02]
6JSC/EURIG/Discussion/3/LC response [2013/09/30]
6JSC/EURIG/Discussion/3/ALA response [2013/10/01]
6JSC/EURIG/Discussion/3/ACOC response [2013/10/03]
6JSC/EURIG/Discussion/3/CILIP response [2013/10/03]
6JSC/EURIG/Discussion/3/BL response [2013/10/03]
6JSC/EURIG/Discussion/3/DNB response [2013/10/04]
6JSC/EURIG/Discussion/3/CCC response [2013/10/03]
6JSC/EURIG/Discussion/3/JSC response [2013/12/20]
6JSC/EURIG/Discussion/3/JSC response/EURIG response [2014/10/03]
6JSC/EURIG/Discussion/3/JSC response/EURIG response/JSC response [2014/11/14]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/EURIG/Discussion/4 Representing date of works and expressions in RDA: Discussion Paper
Status: Paper and responses to be discussed at November 2013 meeting; referred to JSC Technical Working Group.
6JSC/EURIG/Discussion/4 [2013/08/02]
6JSC/EURIG/Discussion/4/LC response [2013/09/30]
6JSC/EURIG/Discussion/4/ALA response [2013/10/01]
6JSC/EURIG/Discussion/4/ACOC response [2013/10/03]
6JSC/EURIG/Discussion/4/CILIP response [2013/10/03]
6JSC/EURIG/Discussion/4/BL response [2013/10/02]
6JSC/EURIG/Discussion/4/DNB response [2013/10/04]
6JSC/EURIG/Discussion/4/CCC response [2013/10/03]
6JSC/EURIG/Discussion/4/JSC response [2013/12/10]
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6JSC/EURIG/Discussion/5 Representing language of expressions in RDA: Discussion Paper
Status: Paper and responses to be discussed at November 2013 meeting. Not accepted: already covered by RDA or application profile.
6JSC/EURIG/Discussion/5 [2013/08/02]
6JSC/EURIG/Discussion/5/LC response [2013/09/30]
6JSC/EURIG/Discussion/5/ALA response [2013/10/01]
6JSC/EURIG/Discussion/5/ACOC response [2013/10/03]
6JSC/EURIG/Discussion/5/CILIP response [2013/10/03]
6JSC/EURIG/Discussion/5/BL response [2013/10/02]
6JSC/EURIG/Discussion/5/DNB response [2013/10/04]
6JSC/EURIG/Discussion/5/CCC response [2013/10/03]
6JSC/EURIG/Discussion/5/JSC response [2013/12/10]
Return to list of document series
6JSC/IAML/1 Revision of RDA, Designation of Edition, addition in Chapter 2 of a core element for Format of Notated Music Statement …
Status: Proposal and responses were discussed at the November 2012 meeting; JSC disagreed with proposal.
6JSC/IAML/1 [2012/08/07]
6JSC/IAML/1/CCC response [2012/09/24]
6JSC/IAML/1/ACOC response [2012/10/02]
6JSC/IAML/1/DNB response [2012/10/04]
6JSC/IAML/1/LC response [2012/10/05]
6JSC/IAML/1/CILIP response [2012/10/05]
6JSC/IAML/1/BL response [2012/10/01]
6JSC/IAML/1/ALA response [2012/10/08]
6JSC/IAML/1/JSC response [2012/12/04]
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6JSC/ISBD/Discussion/1 Alignment of the ISBD element set with RDA element set – RDA, Appendix D.1
Status: To be discussed at November 2012 JSC meeting; written responses are not required. JSC to comment on mapping.
6JSC/ISBD/Discussion/1 [2012/09/25]
6JSC/ISBD/Discussion/1/JSC response (includes JSC response to 6JSC/ISBD/Discussion/2) [2013/02/18]
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6JSC/ISBD/Discussion/1/Alignment Alignment of the ISBD element set with RDA element set – RDA, Appendix D.1
Status: To be discussed at November 2012 JSC meeting; written responses are not required.
6JSC/ISBD/Discussion/1/Alignment [2012/09/24]
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6JSC/ISBD/Discussion/2 Mapping of ISBD Area 0 vocabularies to RDA/ONIX Framework vocabularies as part of the ISBD/RDA alignment
Status: To be discussed at November 2012 JSC meeting; written responses are not required. JSC to do comparable mapping.
6JSC/ISBD/Discussion/2 [2012/09/25]
6JSC/ISBD/Discussion/2/JSC response (includes JSC response to 6JSC/ISBD/Discussion/1) [2013/02/18]
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6JSC/ISBD/Discussion/2/Mapping Mapping of ISBD Area 0 vocabularies to RDA/ONIX Framework vocabularies as part of the ISBD/RDA alignment
Status: To be discussed at November 2012 JSC meeting; written responses are not required.
6JSC/ISBD/Discussion/2/Mapping [2012/09/24]
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6JSC/ISBD/Discussion/1 and 2/JSC response/ISBDRG response ISBD Review Group response to JSC Response to the two Discussion Papers from the ISBD Review Group
Status: Paper and responses to be discussed at November 2013 JSC meeting. Revised appendix accepted; future plan to move mapping to Tools tab.
6JSC/ISBD/Discussion/1 and 2/JSC response/ISBDRG response [2013/07/05]
6JSC/ISBD/Discussion/1 and 2/JSC response/ISBDRG response/DNB response [2013/10/01]
6JSC/ISBD/Discussion/1 and 2/JSC response/ISBDRG response/ACOC response [2013/10/01]
6JSC/ISBD/Discussion/1 and 2/JSC response/ISBDRG response/ALA response [2013/10/03]
6JSC/ISBD/Discussion/1 and 2/JSC response/ISBDRG response/CCC response [2013/10/03]
6JSC/ISBD/Discussion/1 and 2/JSC response/ISBDRG response/BL response [2013/10/02]
6JSC/ISBD/Discussion/1 and 2/JSC response/ISBDRG response/CILIP response [2013/10/02]
6JSC/ISBD/Discussion/1 and 2/JSC response/ISBDRG response/LC response [2013/10/26]
6JSC/ISBD/Discussion/1 and 2/JSC response/ISBDRG response/JSC response [2013/11/22]
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6JSC/ISBD/Discussion/1 and 2/JSC response/ISBDRG response/Appendix D ISBD Review Group response to JSC Response to the two Discussion Papers from the ISBD Review Group - Appendix D
Status: Appendix and responses to be discussed at November 2013 JSC meeting. Revised appendix accepted; future plan to move mapping to Tools tab.
6JSC/ISBD/Discussion/1 and 2/JSC response/ISBDRG response/Appendix D [2013/07/05]
6JSC/ISBD/Discussion/1 and 2/JSC response/ISBDRG response/Appendix D/ACOC response [2013/10/01]
6JSC/ISBD/Discussion/1 and 2/JSC response/ISBDRG response/Appendix D/CCC response [2013/10/03]
6JSC/ISBD/Discussion/1 and 2/JSC response/ISBDRG response/Appendix D/BL response [2013/10/02]
6JSC/ISBD/Discussion/1 and 2/JSC response/ISBDRG response/Appendix D/LC response [2013/10/26]
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6JSC/ISBD/Discussion/3 ISBD Profile in RDA: Constructing Functionally Interoperable Core Records
Status: To be discussed at November 2013 JSC meeting; written responses are not required. Brief response due to late receipt of paper and tight deadline for response to ISBD Review Group.
6JSC/ISBD/Discussion/3 [2013/10/07]
6JSC/ISBD/Discussion/3/JSC response [2013/11/22]
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6JSC/ISBD/Discussion/3/Profile ISBD Profile in RDA: Constructing Functionally Interoperable Core Records: Profile
Status: To be discussed at November 2013 JSC meeting; written responses are not required. Brief response due to late receipt of paper and tight deadline for response to ISBD Review Group.
6JSC/ISBD/Discussion/3/Profile [2013/05/27]
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6JSC/ISSN/1 Revision of RDA, and RDA regarding change in media type of serials
Status: Proposal and responses were discussed at the November 2012 meeting; proposal was accepted with revision.
6JSC/ISSN/1 [2012/08/08]
6JSC/ISSN/1/CILIP response [2012/09/05]
6JSC/ISSN/1/LC response [2012/09/13]
6JSC/ISSN/1/DNB response [2012/10/01]
6JSC/ISSN/1/CCC response [2012/09/12]
6JSC/ISSN/1/ACOC response [2012/09/25]
6JSC/ISSN/1/BL response [2012/09/14]
6JSC/ISSN/1/ALA response [2012/10/03]
6JSC/ISSN/1/Sec final [2013/01/28]
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6JSC/ISSN/2 Major title changes for serials in Chinese, Japanese and Korean (RDA, ISBD A.2.6.1 and ISSN 2.3.1), discussion paper about the "first five words" rule
Status: Proposal and responses were discussed at the November 2012 meeting; JSC will wait for study and proposals. ISSN response of July 26, 2013 to be discussed at the November 2013 meeting; no responses are required. Expressed interest in future proposal from ISSN.
6JSC/ISSN/2 [2012/08/08]
6JSC/ISSN/2/CILIP response [2012/09/05]
6JSC/ISSN/2/LC response [2012/09/13]
6JSC/ISSN/2/ACOC response/rev [2012/09/17]
6JSC/ISSN/2/DNB response [2012/10/01]
6JSC/ISSN/2/CCC response [2012/09/12]
6JSC/ISSN/2/BL response [2012/09/14]
6JSC/ISSN/2/ALA response [2012/10/08]
6JSC/ISSN/2/JSC response [2013/02/18]
6JSC/ISSN/2/JSC response/ISSN response [2013/07/26]
6JSC/ISSN/2/JSC response/ISSN response/DNB response [2013/10/01]
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6JSC/ISSN/3 Discussion paper: Serials and changes in mode of issuance - is a new description always needed?
Status: Discussion papers and responses were discussed at the November 2012 meeting; ISSN encouraged to submit proposal.
6JSC/ISSN/3 [2012/08/17]
6JSC/ISSN/3/ACOC response [2012/09/12]
6JSC/ISSN/3/LC response [2012/09/13]
6JSC/ISSN/3/DNB response [2012/10/01]
6JSC/ISSN/3/CCC response [2012/09/12]
6JSC/ISSN/3/CILIP response [2012/10/05]
6JSC/ISSN/3/BL response [2012/10/04]
6JSC/ISSN/3/ALA response [2012/10/08]
6JSC/ISSN/3/JSC response [2013/02/21]
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6JSC/ISSN/4 Major and minor titles changes for serials in languages which do not divide text into words: proposal for new wording and instructions
Status: Proposal and responses to be discussed at November 2014 meeting; accepted with revisions.
6JSC/ISSN/4 [2014/08/04]
6JSC/ISSN/4/CILIP response [2014/09/25]
6JSC/ISSN/4/ALA response [2014/10/01]
6JSC/ISSN/4/DNB response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/ISSN/4/ACOC response [2014/09/01]
6JSC/ISSN/4/BL response [2014/09/29]
6JSC/ISSN/4/LC response [2014/10/01]
6JSC/ISSN/4/CCC response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/ISSN/4/JSC response [2014/11/14]
6JSC/ISSN/4/Sec final [2015/02/18]
6JSC/ISSN/4/Sec final/rev [2015/03/12]
6JSC/ISSN/4/Sec final/rev/2 [2015/04/10]
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6JSC/ISSN/5 Change in mode of issuance for online resources: proposal for a revised instruction
Status: Proposal and responses to be discussed at November 2014 meeting; accepted in principle (to be added to RDA after policy is included in ISSN Manual).
6JSC/ISSN/5 [2014/08/04]
6JSC/ISSN/5/CILIP response [2014/09/25]
6JSC/ISSN/5/ALA response [2014/09/29]
6JSC/ISSN/5/DNB response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/ISSN/5/ACOC response [2014/09/09]
6JSC/ISSN/5/BL response [2014/10/03]
6JSC/ISSN/5/LC response [2014/10/01]
6JSC/ISSN/5/CCC response [2014/10/02]
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Chair Document Series
5JSC/Chair/1 RDA Examples Groups: Terms of Reference
Status: At the April 2006 meeting the JSC discussed examples in RDA part I with the Chair of the RDA Examples Group. JSC decided to form an additional group to look at examples in the remainder of RDA.
5JSC/Chair/1/Rev [2005/09/15]
5JSC/Chair/1/Rev/Chair follow-up [2005/10/27]
5JSC/Chair/1/Rev/Chair follow-up/2 [2006/09/18]
5JSC/Chair/1/Rev/2 [2006/06/27]
5JSC/Chair/1/Rev/2/Chair follow-up/1 [2006/09/18]
5JSC/Chair/1/Rev/3 [2007/11/12]
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5JSC/Chair/2 RDA Examples Groups: Membership
5JSC/Chair/2/Rev/5 [2007/08/13]
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5JSC/Chair/3 Terms of reference for revising Chapter 21
Status: This document was prepared in 2002-2003.
5JSC/Chair/3 [2005/02/07]
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5JSC/Chair/4 RDA Outreach Group: Terms of Reference
5JSC/Chair/4/Rev/2 [2006/09/12]
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5JSC/Chair/5 Call for proposals to simplify AACR2 Ch. 21 special rules
Status: In May 2005 the JSC Chair issued a call to the constituencies for proposals to simplify AACR2 chapter 21 special rules. Proposals were received from CCC, LC, ALA, and CILIP, and were commented on by all of the constituencies. At the October 2005 meeting, JSC decided that in the few cases where there was agreement to simplify the rules the Editor would do so. In all other cases, the special rules have been included in the draft of chapters 6 and 7 of RDA.
5JSC/Chair/5 [2005/05/30]
5JSC/Chair/5/CCC follow-up [2005/07/22]
5JSC/Chair/5/LC follow-up [2005/07/25]
5JSC/Chair/5/ALA follow-up [2005/07/25]
5JSC/Chair/5/CILIP follow-up [2005/08/01]
5JSC/Chair/5/Sec follow-up [2005/08/02]
5JSC/Chair/5/Sec follow-up/CILIP response [2005/08/27]
5JSC/Chair/5/Sec follow-up/ALA response [2005/09/11]
5JSC/Chair/5/Sec follow-up/ACOC response [2005/09/12]
5JSC/Chair/5/Sec follow-up/CCC response [2005/09/12]
5JSC/Chair/5/Sec follow-up/LC response [2005/09/12]
5JSC/Chair/5/Sec follow-up/BL response [2005/09/26]
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5JSC/Chair/6 GMD/SMD Working Group: Terms of Reference
Status: The work of the GMD/SMD Working Group has been used by the RDA and ONIX initiative. See also 5JSC/Chair/10 and 5JSC/RDA/Part A/Categorization.
5JSC/Chair/6 [2005/06/03]
5JSC/Chair/6/Chair follow-up [2006/01/16]
5JSC/Chair/6/Chair follow-up/LC response [2006/02/28]
5JSC/Chair/6/Chair follow-up/ACOC response [2006/03/22]
5JSC/Chair/6/Chair follow-up/BL response [2006/03/22]
5JSC/Chair/6/Chair follow-up/CCC response [2006/03/24]
5JSC/Chair/6/Chair follow-up/CILIP response [2006/03/26]
5JSC/Chair/6/Chair follow-up/ALA response [2006/03/27]
5JSC/Chair/6/Chair follow-up/2 [2007/03/06]
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5JSC/Chair/7 GMD/SMD Working Group: Membership
5JSC/Chair/7 [2005/07/28]
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5JSC/Chair/8 RDA Outreach Group: Membership
5JSC/Chair/8/Rev/2 [2007/01/22]
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5JSC/Chair/9 RDA Appendices Group
Status: 5JSC/Chair/9/Chair follow-up/6/Rev and 5JSC/Chair/9/Chair follow-up/8/Rev were discussed at the April 2008 JSC meeting.
5JSC/Chair/9 [2006/07/04]
5JSC/Chair/9/Chair follow-up/1 [2006/09/18]
5JSC/Chair/9/Chair follow-up/2 [2007/03/15]
5JSC/Chair/9/Chair follow-up/3 [2007/09/19]
5JSC/Chair/9/Chair follow-up/4 [2007/10/28]
5JSC/Chair/9/Chair follow-up/5 [2007/12/17]
5JSC/Chair/9/Chair follow-up/6 [2008/01/24]
5JSC/Chair/9/Chair follow-up/7 [2008/01/29]
5JSC/Chair/9/Chair follow-up/6/Rev [2008/02/19]
5JSC/Chair/9/Chair follow-up/8/Rev [2008/03/19]
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5JSC/Chair/10 RDA/ONIX Framework for Resource Categorization
Status: The recommendations in section 3 of the Framework were discussed at the JSC meeting in October 2006. See also 5JSC/RDA/Part A/Categorization.
5JSC/Chair/10 [2006/08/03]
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5JSC/Chair/11 Review of terms for the RDA Glossary
Status:General issues reaised in 5JSC/Chair/11/Chair follow-up/1 were discussed at the April 2008 JSC meeting.
5JSC/Chair/11 [2006/09/18]
5JSC/Chair/11/Chair follow-up/1 - Cover letter and list [2008/02/29]
5JSC/Chair/11/Chair follow-up/1 - Tables [2008/02/29]
5JSC/Chair/11/Chair follow-up/2 [2008/03/20]
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5JSC/Chair/12 RDA and MARC 21
Status: Issued in November 2006. See also the MARC discussion paper Encoding RDA, Resource Description and Access data in MARC 21, and the documents prepared by the RDA/MARC Working Group.
5JSC/Chair/12 [2006/11/17]
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5JSC/Chair/13 Consideration of proposals from the ISBD Review Group
Status: Responses due by 1 December 2008.
5JSC/Chair/13 [2008/10/07]
5JSC/Chair/13/LC response [2008/11/06]
5JSC/Chair/13/ACOC response [2008/12/01]
5JSC/Chair/13/ALA response [2008/12/01]
5JSC/Chair/13/BL response [2008/12/01]
5JSC/Chair/13/CCC response [2008/12/01]
5JSC/Chair/13/CILIP response [2008/12/01]
5JSC/Chair/13/Chair follow-up [2009/01/12]
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5JSC/Chair/14 Using RDA with bibliographic and authority records
Status: Issued in November 2008.
5JSC/Chair/14 [2008/11/03]
5JSC/Chair/14/spa [2008/11/03]
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5JSC/Chair/15 RDA Core elements and FRBR user tasks
Status: Issued in November 2008.
5JSC/Chair/15 [2008/11/05]
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6JSC/Chair/2 RDA Examples Group: Terms of reference
6JSC/Chair/2 [2012/04/04]
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6JSC/Chair/3 Initial articles
Status: Constituency responses to this proposal are invited by 28 September 2011. No response to 6JSC/Chair/3/rev is required.
6JSC/Chair/3 [2011/07/13]
6JSC/Chair/3/LC response [2011/09/09]
6JSC/Chair/3/ACOC response [2011/09/16]
6JSC/Chair/3/BL response [2011/09/20]
6JSC/Chair/3/Chair follow-up/1 [2011/09/26 - New Zealand]
6JSC/Chair/3/CCC response [2011/09/27]
6JSC/Chair/3/ALA response [2011/10/03]
6JSC/Chair/3/rev [2011/12/16]
6JSC/Chair/3/rev/Sec final [2012/03/16]
6JSC/Chair/3/rev/Sec final/rev [2012/04/04]
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6JSC/Chair/4 Mapping ISBD and RDA element sets
6JSC/Chair/4 [2011/10/24]
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6JSC/Chair/5 Mapping ISBD Area 0 vocabularies to RDA carrier and content
6JSC/Chair/5 [2011/10/24]
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6JSC/Chair/6 RDA Music Joint Working Group: Terms of Reference
6JSC/Chair/6 [2012/11/15]
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6JSC/Chair/7 Information for new JSC representatives
6JSC/Chair/7 [2013/06/12]
6JSC/Chair/7/Rev [2013/07/09]
6JSC/Chair/7/Rev/2 [2014/05/28]
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6JSC/Chair/8 Proposals for Subject Relationships
Status: Proposal and responses to be discussed at November 2013 meeting. No action at this time - waiting for reconciliation work by FRBR Review Group.
6JSC/Chair/8 [2013/07/25]
6JSC/Chair/8/ACOC response [2013/09/20]
6JSC/Chair/8/LC response [2013/09/26]
6JSC/Chair/8/ALA response [2013/10/02]
6JSC/Chair/8/CILIP response [2013/10/03]
6JSC/Chair/8/BL response [2013/10/02]
6JSC/Chair/8/CCC response [2013/10/03]
6JSC/Chair/8/DNB response [2013/10/04]
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6JSC/Chair/9 Element Set Discussion (“Notes on”, “Details of”, “Source Consulted”, etc.)
Status: Paper to be discussed at November 2013 meeting; written responses are not required. Issues to be referred to JSC Technical Working Group.
6JSC/Chair/9 [2013/10/20]
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6JSC/Chair/10 Terms of reference for the JSC RDA/ONIX Framework Working Group
6JSC/Chair/10 [2014/01/09]
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6JSC/Chair/10/2014 JSC RDA/ONIX Framework Working Group: 2014 membership and tasks
6JSC/Chair/10/2014 [2014/01/16]
6JSC/Chair/10/2014/Rev/1 [2014/06/02]
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6JSC/Chair/10/2015 JSC RDA/ONIX Framework Working Group: 2015 membership and tasks
6JSC/Chair/10/2015 [2015/01/14]
6JSC/Chair/10/2015/rev/1 [2015/01/26]
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6JSC/Chair/11 Terms of reference for the JSC Technical Working Group
6JSC/Chair/11 [2014/01/09]
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6JSC/Chair/11/2014 JSC Technical Working Group: 2014 membership and tasks
6JSC/Chair/11/2014 [2014/01/16]
6JSC/Chair/11/2014/Rev/1 [2014/06/02]
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6JSC/Chair/11/2015 JSC Technical Working Group: 2015 membership and tasks
6JSC/Chair/11/2015 [2015/01/14]
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6JSC/Chair/12 Terms of reference for the JSC Places Working Group
6JSC/Chair/12 [2014/01/20]
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6JSC/Chair/12/2014 JSC Places Working Group: 2014 membership and tasks
6JSC/Chair/12/2014 [2014/01/20]
6JSC/Chair/12/2014/Rev/1 [2014/02/24]
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6JSC/Chair/12/2015 JSC Places Working Group: 2015 membership and tasks
6JSC/Chair/12/2015 [2015/02/27]
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6JSC/Chair/13 Protocol between the JSC and the ISBD Review Group
6JSC/Chair/13 [2014/02/14]
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6JSC/Chair/13/Shared documents Documents shared between the JSC and the ISBD Review Group
6JSC/Chair/13/Shared documents [2014/02/14]
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6JSC/Chair/14 Terms of reference for the JSC Music Working Group
6JSC/Chair/14 [2014/04/14]
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6JSC/Chair/14/2014 JSC Music Working Group: 2014 membership and tasks
6JSC/Chair/14/2014 [2014/04/14]
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6JSC/Chair/14/2015 JSC Music Working Group: 2015 membership and tasks
6JSC/Chair/14/2015 [2015/01/14]
6JSC/Chair/14/2015/Rev/1 [2015/02/23]
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6JSC/Chair/15 Revision to (Recording the Preferred Title for a Compilation of Works of One Person, Family, or Corporate Body) and (Works created after 1500) (National Library of New Zealand)
Status: Proposal and responses to be discussed at November 2014 meeting; referred to FRBR Review Group for work with JSC on aggregates.
6JSC/Chair/15 [2014/07/24]
6JSC/Chair/15/rev [2014/07/28]
6JSC/Chair/15/rev/2 [2014/07/28]
6JSC/Chair/15/rev/2/ALA response [2014/09/07]
6JSC/Chair/15/rev/2/CILIP response [2014/09/25]
6JSC/Chair/15/rev/2/DNB response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/Chair/15/rev/2/ACOC response [2014/10/01]
6JSC/Chair/15/rev/2/BL response [2014/09/29]
6JSC/Chair/15/rev/2/LC response [2014/09/27]
6JSC/Chair/15/rev/2/CCC response [2014/10/02]
6JSC/Chair/15/rev/2/EURIG response [2014/10/03]
6JSC/Chair/15/rev/2/JSC response [2014/11/14]
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6JSC/Chair/16 Terms of reference for the JSC Examples Editor
6JSC/Chair/16 [2014/09/18]
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6JSC/Chair/17 Terms of reference for the JSC Capitalization Instructions Working Group
6JSC/Chair/17 [2015/02/23]
6JSC/Chair/17/rev [2015/04/13]
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6JSC/Chair/17/2015 JSC Capitalization Instructions Working Group: 2015 membership and tasks
6JSC/Chair/17/2015 [2015/02/24]
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6JSC/Chair/18 Terms of reference for the JSC Aggregates Working Group
6JSC/Chair/18 [2015/04/01]
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6JSC/Chair/19 Terms of reference for the JSC Fictitious Entities Working Group
6JSC/Chair/19 [2015/04/01]
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6JSC/Chair/20 Terms of reference for the JSC Relationship Designators Working Group
6JSC/Chair/20 [2015/04/01]
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6JSC/Chair/21 Protocol between the JSC and the FRBR Review Group
6JSC/Chair/21 [2015/03/31]
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6JSC/Chair/21/Shared documents Documents shared between the JSC and the FRBR Review Group
6JSC/Chair/21/Shared documents [2015/03/31]
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Editor Document Series
5JSC/Editor/1 Analysis of the proposed CONSER standard record vis ŕ vis RDA
Status: The Chair follow-up document was discussed at the October 2007 and April 2008 meetings.
5JSC/Editor/1 [2007/01/08]
5JSC/Editor/1/Chair follow-up [2007/09/27]
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5JSC/Editor/2 RDA Database Implementation Scenarios
Status: Revised in July 2009.
5JSC/Editor/2 [2007/01/14]
5JSC/Editor/2/Rev [2009/07/01]
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5JSC/Editor/3 Encoding RDA data
Status: Discussed at the April 2007 meeting.
5JSC/Editor/3 [2007/05/31]
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5JSC/Editor/4 RDA, FRBR/FRAD, and Implementation Scenarios
Status: Discussed at the October 2007 meeting.
5JSC/Editor/4 [2008/01/23]
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Secretary Document Series
5JSC/Sec/3 Discrepancies identified in Delsey part I report
Status: This document was created in 2002. In January 2005 the Editor added comments relating to the December 2004 draft of AACR3 part I.
5JSC/Sec/3/Rev [2005/02/17]
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5JSC/Sec/4 Punctuation within elements
Status: This document was used in the preparation of Appendix D (Presentation of Decriptive Data) as found in the December 2005 draft of RDA part I.
5JSC/Sec/4 [2005/09/12]
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5JSC/Sec/6 Issues deferred until after the first release of RDA
Status: Revised in August 2009.
5JSC/Sec/6 [2008/11/06]
5JSC/Sec/6/Rev [2009/08/05]
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5JSC/Sec/7 Changes to AACR2 Instructions
Status: Revised in July 2009.
5JSC/Sec/7/Rev [2009/07/02]
5JSC/Sec/7/Rev/spa [2009/07/02]
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6JSC/Sec/1 Issues deferred until after the first release of RDA
6JSC/Sec/1 [2010/04/28]
6JSC/Sec/1/ALA Response [2010/04/28]
6JSC/Sec/1/LC Response [2010/06/29]
6JSC/Sec/1/CCC Response [2010/06/30]
6JSC/Sec/1/ACOC Response [2010/06/30]
6JSC/Sec/1/Chair follow-up/1 [2010/06/30]
6JSC/Sec/1/BL Response [2010/07/01]
6JSC/Sec/1/CILIP Response [2010/07/15]
6JSC/Sec/1/LC Response/LC addendum [2010/08/31]
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6JSC/Sec/2 FastTrack entries included in April 2012 release of RDA Toolkit
6JSC/Sec/2/rev [2012/03/16]
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6JSC/Sec/3 FastTrack entries included in June 2012 release of RDA Toolkit
6JSC/Sec/3/rev/2 [2012/06/04]
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6JSC/Sec/4 FastTrack entries included in August 2012 release of RDA Toolkit
6JSC/Sec/4 [2012/08/06]
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6JSC/Sec/5 FastTrack entries included in the October 2012 release of RDA Toolkit
6JSC/Sec/5 [2012/09/28]
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6JSC/Sec/6 RDA element sets, etc. – Other issues (from Actions arising from JSC November 2011 meeting to be discussed at the JSC November 2012 meeting – agenda topic #12)
6JSC/Sec/6 [2012/10/10]
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6JSC/Sec/7 FastTrack entries included in the December 2012 release of RDA Toolkit
6JSC/Sec/7 [2012/11/29]
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6JSC/Sec/8 FastTrack entries included in the May 2013 release of the RDA Toolkit
6JSC/Sec/8 [2013/05/01]
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6JSC/Sec/9 Fast Track entries included in the July 2013 update of the RDA Toolkit
6JSC/Sec/9 [2013/07/01]
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6JSC/Sec/10 Fast Track entries included in the November 2013 release of the RDA Toolkit
6JSC/Sec/10 [2013/11/03]
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6JSC/Sec/11 Fast Track entries included in the February 2014 release of the RDA Toolkit
6JSC/Sec/11 [2014/02/05]
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6JSC/Sec/12 Fast Track entries included in the April 2014 update of the RDA Toolkit
6JSC/Sec/12 [2014/02/25]
6JSC/Sec/12/rev [2014/03/20]
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6JSC/Sec/13 Fast Track entries included in the October 2014 update of RDA Toolkit
6JSC/Sec/13 [2014/10/07]
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6JSC/Sec/14 Fast Track entries included in the February 2015 update of RDA Toolkit
6JSC/Sec/14 [2015/02/06]
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6JSC/Sec/15 Fast Track entries included in the April 2015 release of RDA Toolkit
6JSC/Sec/15 [2015/03/13]
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Meeting agendas
November 2014
November 2013
November 2012
November 2011
March 2009
April 2008
October 2007
April 2007
October 2006
April 2006
October 2005
April 2005
October 2004
April 2004
September 2003
April 2003
September 2002
May 2002
October 2001
April 2001
September 2000
March 2000
October 1999
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Meeting minutes
November 2013
November 2012
November 2011
March 2009
April 2008
October 2007
April 2007
October 2006
April 2006
October 2005
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Annual reports
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US RDA Test Recommendations Progress Reports
August 2011
December 2011
May 2013
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Policy Document Series
5JSC/Policy/3 Principles for inclusion of terms in the Glossary
Status: Revised after the April 2006 JSC meeting.
5JSC/Policy/3/Rev [2006/05/17]
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6JSC/Policy/1 Statement of policy and procedures for JSC
6JSC/Policy/1 [2014/06/04]
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6JSC/Policy/2 JSC Meetings
6JSC/Policy/2 [2013/03/08]
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6JSC/Policy/3 Duty statement for the JSC Secretary
6JSC/Policy/3 [2013/03/08]
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6JSC/Policy/4 General terms of reference for JSC Working Groups
6JSC/Policy/4 [2014/01/09]
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