Joint Steering Committee for Development of RDA
News & Announcements

2012 Possible RDA Proposals

See later announcement "2012 RDA Proposals and Discussion Papers"

The JSC is providing a list below of topics of possible RDA revision proposals from JSC constituencies and others for its November 2012 meeting. Inclusion of these topics on this list doesn't represent a commitment to submit such proposals for this year's meeting. If other groups are interested in submitting proposals for any of these topics, they may wish to contact those already identified with the topics for collaboration.

The deadline for proposals for the November 2012 meeting is August 8, 2012. Proposals for revision of RDA instructions emanating from within the author countries of RDA should be submitted through their respective constituent bodies of JSC. Proposals for revision of RDA instructions emanating from outside the author countries of RDA should be submitted to Barbara Tillett, Chair of the JSC.

Completed proposals are posted in the constituency proposals section of this web site as they are received. Links will be added in the list below from the individual topics to the completed proposals.

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RDA 1.6 (Changes Requiring a New Description) [ISSN; proposal on change of media type; proposal 6JSC/ISSN/1 submitted]

RDA (Resources Issued as a Single Unit) [ALA; proposal to prefer a collective title for a resource embodying multiple works]

RDA (Containers in General Guidelines on Sources of Information) and 2.2.4 (Other Sources of Information) [ALA]

RDA (Sources of Information for Other Resources) [ALA; proposal to allow the eye-readable textual content of the resource as a source of information]

RDA 2.2.4 (Other Sources of Information) [BL; change to remove parallel title proper; proposal 6JSC/BL/9 submitted]

RDA (Exception for titles with acronyms/initialisms and full form) [LC; revise to give form not selected as variant title or as other title information (the basic instruction other than this exception); proposal 6JSC/LC/13 submitted]

RDA (Major and Minor Changes in the Title Proper of Serials: Major Changes) [ISSN; discussion paper about the "first five words" rule; discussion paper 6JSC/ISSN/2 submitted]

RDA (Recording Edition Statements) [ALA; proposal 6JSC/ALA/10 submitted]

RDA, etc. (Designation of Edition - Scope, etc.) [IAML; Revision of RDA, Designation of Edition, addition in Chapter 2 of a core element for Format of Notated Music Statement …; proposal 6JSC/IAML/1 submitted]

RDA (Recording Copyright Dates) [ALA; proposal 6JSC/ALA/11 submitted]

RDA 2.12.8 and 2.12.16 (ISSN of Series; ISSN of Subseries) [ALA: proposal 6JSC/ALA/7 submitted]

RDA 3.4 (Extent) and 3.5 (Dimensions) [ALA; discussion paper on a model for machine-actionable elements ; discussion paper 6JSC/ALA/17 submitted]

RDA (and (Recording Extent) [LC; reorganization of instructions to move alternative to use a term in common usage; proposal 6JSC/LC/17 submitted]

RDA, etc. (Single Volume with Unnumbered Pages, Leaves, or Columns) [LC; Definitions of leaf and page in context of and unnumbered (only other real definition is at, but that applied to numbering and didn’t really carry forward the AACR2 definitions about whether there was something on both sides of a leaf). May be other places to fix, including glossary; proposal 6JSC/LC/21 submitted]

RDA 3.11.4, 3.13 (Layout of Tactile Text, Font Size) [BL; proposal 6JSC/BL/2 submitted]

RDA 3.19.3, etc. (Encoding Format) [ALA; Revision of RDA 3.19.3 for video encoding formats and addition of a new element for optical disc characteristics; proposal 6JSC/ALA/16 submitted]

RDA, etc. (Recording Transmission Speed) [ACOC; ; proposal 6JSC/ACOC/6 submitted]

RDA ch. 6 (Compilations) [ACOC; discussion paper 6JSC/ACOC/5 submitted]

RDA (Works Created After 1500) [LC; consider revision to fill gap in RDA for choosing the preferred titles for language editions (original language not known), and a revision to for a similar gap in choosing the source of information for tete-beche and similar resources; proposal 6JSC/LC/19 submitted]

RDA (Works Created After 1500) [CCC; Instruction for choosing the preferred title for choreographic works; proposal 6JSC/CCC/6 submitted]

RDA,, Appendix I.2.1, and Glossary (Lyrics) [ALA; proposal 6JSC/ALA/13 submitted]

RDA, (Date of expression) [EURIG; clarifying scope; proposal 6JSC/EURIG/2 submitted]

RDA 6.11,,, 7.12, (Language of expression) [EURIG; changing core statement; proposal 6JSC/EURIG/3 submitted]

RDA, 6.27.3 (Recording Other Distinguishing Characteristics of the Expression) [EURIG; adding examples for performers; proposal 6JSC/EURIG/1 submitted]

RDA, etc. (Selected Parts or Excerpts) [LC; convert recommendations in 6JSC/LC rep/2 to proposals; proposal 6JSC/LC/20 submitted]

RDA,, (Two or More Parts of Musical Works, etc.) [CCC; proposal 6JSC/CCC/7 submitted]

RDA (Recording Medium of Performance) [ALA; proposal 6JSC/ALA/12 submitted]

RDA (Recording Numeric Designations of Musical Works) [CCC; proposal 6JSC/CCC/9 submitted]

RDA, (Arrangements, Transcriptions, etc.) [EURIG; revising instructions; proposal 6JSC/EURIG/4 submitted; also discussion paper 6JSC/EURIG/Discussion/1 submitted]

RDA,, and (Librettos) [ALA]

RDA and (Arrangements and Adaptations of Musical Works) [ALA; proposal 6JSC/ALA/14 submitted]

RDA (Additions to access points representing musical works with titles that are not distinctive) [ALA; proposal 6JSC/ALA/8 submitted]

RDA (Additions to Access Points Representing Compilations of Musical Works) [CCC; proposal 6JSC/CCC/8 submitted]

RDA 9.0, 9.6.1, and 9.19.1 (Other Designation Associated with the Person) [BL; proposal 6JSC/BL/4 submitted]

RDA, (Saints) [LC; This shows an inconsistency in the instruction framework. It has caption “Saints” and is applicable to recording names of persons with a surname. However, there is no parallel to this instruction format in the section for recording names containing neither a surname nor a title of nobility. Instead it is in the general instructions at LC could do a proposal to add instruction Saints. Also, change the instruction at to read “Do not include the term Saint as part of the preferred name of a canonized person. See for instructions on recording the term as a designation associated with a person” would help to remind catalogers that they are still in the preferred name element area—not the authorized access point area.] [Proposal 6JSC/LC/15 submitted]

RDA 9.3, etc. (Date Associated with the Person) [LC; Clarify apparent differences in core assignment for date of person: “core” at the element (9.3) but “core if” for the subtype “Period of Activity of the Person.” This is a follow-up to corresponding revision to 0.6.4 in 2011.] [Proposal 6JSC/LC/9 submitted]

RDA 9.3, etc. (Date Associated with the Person) [LC; Consider revisions to instructions for “Date Associated with a Person.” RDA (Date of Birth) has an “agency preparing ..” instruction for language of name of month, but RDA (Date of Death) lacks that instruction (even though the scope indicates a month and day may be part of a persons death date. Consider adding to, or at to cover both types of dates. Also, consider allowing [year] [month] without [day] for birth and death dates, to help break conflicts when a year/month is known, but not the day; proposal 6JSC/LC/22 submitted]

RDA (Recording Period of Activity of the Person) [LC; Problem with spans of dates for period of activity of the person when B.C. is involved; the span is a single element in RDA but divided into two subfields in MARC 046 (start and end date), making the instruction in Appendix H1 difficult to deal with if you aren’t labeling each date—will cause problems in a linked data world.] [Proposal 6JSC/LC/14 submitted]

RDA 9.4.1, 9.19.1 (Basic Instructions on Recording Titles of Persons) [BL; proposal 6JSC/BL/3 submitted]

RDA 9.11 (Other place associated with the person) [BL; proposal 6JSC/BL/6 submitted]

RDA (Recording Affiliations) [ALA; proposal 6JSC/ALA/6 submitted]

RDA 9.16 (Profession or Occupation) [BL; proposal 6JSC/BL/7 submitted]

RDA (Access points for persons) [LC; remove priority order of additions after date of birth/death; apply cataloger judgment to use period of activity vs. profession/occupation (see LCPS)] [Proposal 6JSC/LC/12 submitted]

RDA (Title or Other Designation Associated with the Person) [LC: Add to the exception for other persons of religious rank; proposal 6JSC/LC/16 submitted]

RDA (Fuller forms of name) [BL; proposal 6JSC/BL/5 submitted]

RDA– (Subordinate and Related Bodies) [ALA; proposal to merge instructions for governmental and non-governmental subordinate bodies]

RDA (Change of Name of Jurisdiction or Locality) [LC; Location of Headquarters: what to do at the element level when a corporate body stays the same, but the “location of headquarters” changes its name? RDA says to only record the latest name, but at the element level, couldn’t all appropriate places be recorded? (LCPS says what to do with the authorized access point (revise) when a place used in a qualifier changes its name.] [Proposal 6JSC/LC/18 submitted]

RDA 11.4.3-11.4.4 (Date of Establishment; Date of Termination) [LC; RDA 0.6.4 and RDA 11.4 indicate that this date is a core element. That is true for “Date of conference, etc.” (11.4.2). However, “Date of establishment” (11.4.3) and “Date of termination” (11.4.4) should have a conditional core status (if needed to distinguish) to match the instruction in RDA which says to add a date to a corporate body if the names of two bodies cannot be distinguished by place or associated institution.] [Proposal 6JSC/LC/11 submitted]

RDA (Recording Associated Institutions) [ALA; proposal 6JSC/ALA/6 submitted]

RDA (Number/date/location of conference) [LC; revise wording “If the access point represents a series of conferences, etc., do not add the location unless all the conferences in the series were held in the same place” to include number and date, or otherwise distinguish ongoing conferences with and without additions] [Proposal 6JSC/LC/10 submitted]

RDA 16.2.2 (Recording the Preferred Name for a Place) [ALA; proposal for special treatment for places in China; included in proposal 6JSC/ALA/19]

RDA 16.2.2 (Recording the Preferred Name for a Place) [ALA; general proposal for instructions on recording place names; proposal 6JSC/ALA/19 submitted]

RDA (Initial Articles in Place Names) [ALA; proposal 6JSC/ALA/9 submitted]

RDA (Hearings as Corporate Bodies Considered to be Creators) [ALA; proposal 6JSC/ALA/15 submitted]

RDA 19.3, Appendix I (Recording relationships to persons, families, and corporate bodies associated with works of unknown or uncertain origin) [BL; proposal 6JSC/BL/8 submitted]

RDA Appendix A (Capitalization) [ALA; proposal to update RDA in the light of the 16th edition of the Chicago Manual of Style]

RDA Appendix B.1 (General Guidelines) [CCC; explicitly include the usage of units of measure expressed as symbols; proposal 6JSC/CCC/10 submitted]

RDA Appendix K (Relationship Designators: Relationships between Persons, Families, and Corporate Bodies) [ALA]

Date posted: 4 June 2012
Last updated: 13 August 2012
Webmaster: JSC Secretary