Appointment of Renate Behrens as RSC Chair-Elect

Appointment of Renate Behrens as RSC Chair-Elect

The RDA Steering Committee is very pleased to announce that Renate Behrens is the new Chair-Elect.

The RDA Board, which unanimously ratified the recommendation of the search committee, and the RSC are especially pleased to welcome the first non Anglo-American to RSC leadership.

Behrens is a long-standing employee of the German National Library and has been involved in the ongoing development of the RDA since 2010 on a national, European, and international level. Since 2015 she served as an official member of the RSC, initially as representative for the German-speaking community, and since 2016 as Europe Region Representative nominated by the European RDA Interest Group (EURIG). She is head of the Expert Group for cataloguing in the German-speaking countries and is involved in many working groups that deal with interdisciplinary standards, for example, in museums and archives. She is also active in several IFLA working groups on standardisation, such as the Advisory Committee on Standards and the Cataloguing Section, and teaches at the University of Applied Sciences, Faculty for Information Sciences in Munich, Germany.

Her appointment as Chair-Elect begins immediately, and is effective through December 2022, overlapping with Chair Kathy Glennan. She will then begin a four-year term as Chair, from January 2023 through December 2026.

Posted on 03 December 2021