10:05:40 From ARJUN to Everyone: Greetings from India everyone. 10:07:50 From Stefano Bargioni to Everyone: Ciao from Rome to everyone. 10:25:05 From Ricardo Santos to Everyone: Is the Subject Heding set of rules you mentioned related to RDa Cataloguing or is a separate Project? 10:25:59 From Liv D'Amelio to Everyone: A reminder to all. Please use the Q&A for questions to the speakers 10:45:02 From Liv D'Amelio to Everyone: We got a question about enabling automated captioning. I'm very sorry, but apparently our Zoom licence does not support it. I hope it works for you anyway 10:54:46 From ARJUN to Everyone: @Liv: Greetings Liv. 10:56:16 From Liv D'Amelio to Everyone: @Arjun: Hello! 11:05:56 From Gordon Dunsire to Everyone: Hi to the next generation! 11:06:02 From Katharina Schmidt to Everyone: Hola, que hermoso :) 11:38:28 From Bernhard Schubert to Everyone: Please share the link to the article! Thanks! 11:40:22 From Ann Van Camp (KBR, the Royal Library of Belgium) to Everyone: Article of Hannes, see https://repository.ifla.org/handle/123456789/1976 11:41:42 From Bernhard Schubert to Everyone: Thank you! 11:43:02 From Hannes Lowagie to Everyone: page 12 : NEWS FROM BELGIUM 11:43:11 From Bernhard Schubert to Everyone: Got it, thanks! 11:45:07 From ARJUN to Everyone: @Hannes: Greetings Hannes. 14:15:46 From ARJUN to Everyone: @Roberto and @Liv: I am sharing pics and information of the sessions on my Twitter profile @arjun_sanyal. Feel free to check out. 14:36:34 From Charles Ogendi Nyamache to Everyone: I want to thank the facilitators for making it possible for me to attend this insightful webinar. I hope a recording will be made available to enable me learn from the remaining presentations. 14:38:33 From Liv D'Amelio to Everyone: @Charles Ogendi Nyamache Thank you! A recording will be published as soon as possible 15:00:36 From Eric van Balkum (Podiumkunst.net) to Everyone: Thanks for all your tweet Arjun! 15:01:14 From ARJUN to Everyone: @Eric: You all are most welcome. 15:14:22 From Wentong to Everyone: Thank you so much for all presenters and organizer for this great webinar from which I have learned a lot. Much appreciated for the upcoming recording. Kindly asking if a copy for the information in the chatbox could be shared too? The chat history disappeared after I logged out due to network issues. 15:15:32 From Mélanie Roche to Everyone: It's all right Deborah, my own lack of organisation is to blame. 15:16:40 From Eric van Balkum (Podiumkunst.net) to Everyone: I'm very interested in the answers to Mélanie's issues. 15:17:27 From Liv D'Amelio to Everyone: @Wentong Thank you for participating! If you mean the Q&A I can see what we can do 15:36:02 From Bernhard Schubert to Everyone: I could do everything you list as an advantage before (as you yourself point out), but in a much more understandable way from a cataloguer standpoint. All the examples you gave can be described using the original rules without any loss of information. It seems that there's consensus that users must not be bothered with this anyway (and for good reason!). So, put differently, _who is this for_? Sorry, but I'm failing to see any concrete advantages. Instead, there's a considerable amount of "theory creep". 15:38:10 From Heidrun Wiesenmüller to Everyone: +1 @Bernhard 15:39:53 From Eric van Balkum (Podiumkunst.net) to Everyone: @Bernhard and @Heidrun. Try to imagine the same for popular music albums (songbooks of cd/LP). 15:41:34 From Ricardo Santos to Everyone: But as Deborah said, RDA is flexible enough to allow to record only the AWs deemed meaningful. 15:43:54 From Bernhard Schubert to Everyone: @Eric Can you give a concrete example where the original rules would lead to loss of Information as compared to the current rules? I cannot imagine such a case (and I did think it through as part of my thesis). 15:45:08 From Bernhard Schubert to Everyone: @Ricardo The flexibility was also there before ;) 15:46:04 From Paul Frank to Everyone: Hello everyone, thank you for listening to my presentation today. I am very sorry that I need to leave the session now, but look forward to hearing from you with any questions or comments. Paul Frank pfrank@loc.gov 15:46:36 From Ricardo Santos to Everyone: Absoutely true, that's why I don't see the point of much of the criticism seen today 15:47:02 From ARJUN to Everyone: @Bernhard: Are you from the Vienna University Library? 15:48:01 From Bernhard Schubert to Everyone: Yes @Arjun 15:48:22 From ARJUN to Everyone: @Bernhard: Nice to meet you virtually. 15:48:37 From Bernhard Schubert to Everyone: Nice to meet you! 15:48:57 From ARJUN to Everyone: @Bernhard: Can you share your email address please? 15:49:03 From Bernhard Schubert to Everyone: Bernhard.schubert@univie.ac.at 15:49:18 From ARJUN to Everyone: Thanks. 16:11:07 From Heidrun Wiesenmüller to Everyone: I would like to respond to some points 16:11:13 From Eric van Balkum (Podiumkunst.net) to Everyone: I think you all did a fine job! 16:15:32 From Damian Iseminger to Everyone: My connection is unstable, so apologies if I am unable to answer a point or question from the attendees due to connection issues 16:17:41 From Deborah Fritz to Everyone: Sorry, I didn't realize I was unmuted 16:18:17 From Damian Iseminger to Everyone: I will need to log out and log back in. Apologies. 16:21:19 From Mélanie Roche to Everyone: I agree with Gordon, discussing a paper published previous to the publication of IFLA LRM sounds somewhat anachronic. 16:22:04 From Heidrun Wiesenmüller to Everyone: But the understanding of the aggregating work hasn't changed between the original paper and the LRM, has it? 16:22:57 From Gordon Dunsire to Everyone: @Heidrun: what is the relevance of your question? 16:23:42 From Pat Riva to Everyone: @ Heidrun, in part it did that is why the section in chapter 5 does have additional text and we created LRM-R25 16:24:41 From Pat Riva to Everyone: A work of all kinds needs an expression and a manifestation because the primary relationships are needed. That is why the plan for the never written novel is a concept (res) but not a work 16:25:51 From Pat Riva to Everyone: Gordon's explanation of work group is analoguous to the nomen cluster for bibliographic identities that LRM discusses in chapter 5 16:30:05 From Heidrun Wiesenmüller to Everyone: But the plan for a novel which was written? That must be a work then 16:30:06 From Eric van Balkum (Podiumkunst.net) to Everyone: I've learned a lot today and will be putting things into practice. Then I will see how well the aggregate solutions work. Thank you all! 16:31:08 From Pat Riva to Everyone: @Heidrun, I don't think it would meet the criteria of being distinct from the work that is the completed novel 16:31:25 From Gordon Dunsire to Everyone: @Heicrun: any work is conceptual; i.e. a plan/intention/etc. 16:31:58 From Damian Iseminger to Everyone: Thank you to everyone for inviting me here to speak. It has been a stimulating conversation and thank you for listening! 16:32:35 From Julia Kemendi to Everyone: Thanks to all the organizers and speakers for this interesting meeting! 16:33:32 From ARJUN to Everyone: Thanks to Roberto, Liv, Gordon, Heidrun and everyone else for this wonderful session. 16:37:17 From Gordon Dunsire to Everyone: Yes, feel free to email me privately if you have anu more questions ... 16:38:04 From Deborah Fritz to Everyone: Also email me with any questions: deborah@marcofquality.com 16:38:37 From Heidrun Wiesenmüller to Everyone: Many thanks for organizing this event 16:39:00 From Bernhard Schubert to Everyone: Thank you very much to the organisers and the presenters! Take care everybody! 16:39:09 From Meta to Everyone: Thank you very much for all. 16:39:15 From Deborah Fritz to Everyone: Bye 16:39:17 From Thustan Young to Everyone: Thanks everyone! 16:39:19 From ARJUN to Everyone: Thanks and goodbye everyone 16:39:21 From Deborah Fritz to Everyone: And thanks 16:39:26 From Martin Kelleher to Everyone: Bye and thanks! 16:39:37 From Elise Conradi to Everyone: Thank you to the organizers and speakers!