JSC November 2015 Meeting

JSC November 2015 Meeting

The Joint Steering Committee for Development of RDA (JSC) will meet Nov. 2-6, 2015, in Edinburgh, Scotland, at the National Library of Scotland.

The committee will discuss the transition to a new governance model that is part of the commitment to ongoing internationalisation of RDA and to collaboration with other cultural heritage description communities.

Among the JSC constituency proposals and discussion papers to be discussed are those related to:

  • simplification of the production/publication/distribution/manufacture statements
  • linkages between descriptions created according to different language editions of RDA and other descriptive standards
  • machine-actionable data elements for extent, dimensions, duration, etc.

Also on the agenda will be proposals from the various JSC working groups addressing aggregates, capitalization instructions, fictitious entities, music, places, RDA/ONIX Framework, relationship designators, and technical issues.

Special topics to be discussed include:

  • the relationship of Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Materials and RDA
  • serials and the PRESSoo extension to FRBRoo
  • the use of FRBRoo to evaluate the correspondence of RDA with the consolidated FRBR model being developed.

JSC hopes to welcome colleagues from the European RDA Interest Group (EURIG), the ISSN Network, and IFLA’s ISBD and FRBR review groups at some sessions of the JSC meeting.

All observers are welcome at public sessions. Please notify the JSC Secretary in advance.

Plans are being made for a concurrent seminar on rare materials and RDA on Friday, November 6, and for a Jane-athon on Monday, November 9. (For information on what a Jane-athon is, see the report on the first Jane-athon.)

Proposals and discussion papers will be posted on the JSC website by early August. The meeting agenda will be posted on the website in mid-August.

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Links of interest:

National Library of Scotland (http://www.nls.uk/)
Scotland’s National Tourism Organisation (http://www.visitscotland.com/en-us/destinations-maps/edinburgh-lothians)

Date posted: 5 June 2015