Joint Steering Committee for Development of RDA
Historic Documents

Photo of JSC April 2003

L-R: Matthew Beacom; Sally Strutt; Margaret Stewart; Nathalie Schulz; Barbara Tillett; Ann Huthwaite; Sue Brown; Robert Atkinson.

Outcomes of the Meeting of the Joint Steering Committee Held in Washington DC, 23-25 April 2003

This is a summary of the JSC meeting in Washington. A complete list of topics discussed is contained in the agenda.

Incorporating FRBR Terminology in AACR

JSC reviewed the third report from Pat Riva on incorporating terminology from the IFLA Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records in AACR. The report contained proposed revisions to chapter 1, chapter 13 and the Appendicies.

JSC asked all constituencies to respond to the LC response to the third report. JSC decided that if there was agreement, the Secretary would revise chapter 1 and chapter 13 rules in line with the LC response in time for discussion at the September 2003 meeting. Once changes have been approved, the ALA Task Force on Consistency across Part I of AACR2 will be asked to incorporate the FRBR changes in their proposals.

JSC asked LC to prepare a proposal on FRBR terms in the Appendicies and Glossary. JSC decided that revision of part II of AACR in line with FRBR terminology would be included in the review of chapter 21.

Chapter 21 and “Rule of three”

JSC discussed the second draft of the terms of reference for revising chapter 21 prepared by the ALA representative, Matthew Beacom. JSC agreed to finalise the terms of reference in June 2003.

JSC discussed the ACOC summary document on the “rule of three,” and constituency responses. JSC agreed that a decision would be made on the issue in the context of the chapter 21 review.

Consistency across part I of AACR

JSC discussed rule revision proposals on ISBD areas 2 and 3 from the ALA Task Force on Consistency across Part I of AACR2. The Task Force is charged with examining rules in part I to: identify inconsistencies in wording across chapters and preparing revisions to resolve these inconsistencies; and, determine whether specific rules should be given in general form in chapter 1.

JSC asked ALA to revise the existing proposals, and submit the next set of proposals in time for discussion at the September 2003 meeting.

JSC Format Variation Working Group

The Chair of the Format Variation Working Group, Jennifer Bowen, attended the meeting for discussion of this agenda item.

JSC discussed the FVWG fourth interim report, the status report of the Chapter 25 Subgroup, and the interim report of the Form of Expression Identifier Subgroup.

Other Agenda Items

Among the other items discussed were:

  • LC proposals on the treatment of multipart items in AACR. The proposals will be discussed further at the September 2003 meeting.
  • Draft of the revised general introduction and introductions to parts I and II prepared by CILIP/BL. JSC agreed that the revised introduction would be part of the new edition of AACR, and that the next step was to produce a new draft outline.
  • Proposals related to area 8 (Uniform Resource Names (URNs) and qualification of standard numbers). JSC will discuss the proposals further at the September 2003 meeting.
  • ALA proposal on puctuation in recording dimensions. JSC approved changes to rules 3.5D1 and 3.5D5, and similar rules in other chapters. The revised rules will be included in the 2004 update.
  • BL proposal to revise Appendix A to cover capitalisation in corporate names and titles of single letters used to represent words e.g.“eBay.” JSC asked BL to expand the proposal to cover multiple letter prefixes, for further discussion at the September 2003 meeting.
  • ACOC proposal to revise rule 22.27 relating to Malay names. Not all constituencies were in agreement with the proposal, and only two revised rules will be included in the 2004 update.
  • ALA proposal to remove area 3 from chapter 9 (and other associated changes). JSC also discussed the related CCC proposals to revise 6.5B1 and 7.5B1 to parallel the use of conventional terminology at 9.5B1. JSC asked ALA and CCC to prepare revised proposals for discussion at the September 2003 meeting.
  • LC proposal on the transcription of series title (rules 1.6B1 and 1.0F1). JSC asked LC to prepare a revised proposal for discussion at the September 2003 meeting.
  • ALA proposal to correct an example in rule 3.1F1. JSC approved the proposal and the revised rule will be included in the 2004 update.
  • ALA proposal to add an example to rule 3.5B3. JSC approved the proposal and the revised rule will be included in the 2004 update.
  • CCC proposal to change the definition of “Main entry” in the AACR Glossary. JSC decided to pursue this issue after the completion of the revision of chapter 21. JSC asked ALA to identify rules where “entry” is used to mean “description” or “record” for discussion in 2004.

JSC Program of Work

  • Chapter 21/Rule of three: terms of reference for revising ch. 21 included in a Chair document by June 9, 2003.
  • Authority control: rule revision proposal with draft of part III by 2004.
  • Multipart items: revised proposals by June 30, 2003; constituents’ responses by Aug. 11, 2003; discussion at Sept. 2003 JSC meeting.
  • Format Variation Working Group: proposed outline for chapter 25, status report from Form of Expression Identifier Subgroup, response to terms of reference, all by Aug. 11, 2003; discussion at Sept. 2003 JSC meeting.
  • Specific characteristics of electronic resources: revised proposal by June 30, 2003; constituents’ responses by Aug. 11, 2003; discussion at Sept. 2003 JSC meeting.
  • GMDs/Class of materials concept: internal discussion papers issued as JSC documents by May 12, 2003.
  • Consistency in part I of AACR2: second set of rule revision proposals by June 30, 2003; constituents’ responses by Aug. 11, 2003; discussion at Sept. 2003 JSC meeting.
  • FRBR terminology: follow-up document with rules in part I by June 30, 2003; constituents’ responses by Aug. 11, 2003; proposal on FRBR terms in Appendicies and Glossary by Aug. 11, 2003; discussion at Sept. 2003 JSC meeting.
  • Uniform Resource Names: follow-up proposal by June 30, 2003; constituents’ responses by Aug. 11, 2003; discussion at Sept. 2003 JSC meeting.
  • Conventional terminology in area 5 for chapters 6 & 7: revised proposals by June 2, 2003; constituents’ responses by Aug. 11, 2003; discussion at Sept. 2003 JSC meeting.
  • Punctuation in dimmensions: in 2004 rule revision package.
  • Capitalisation of single letters: follow-up proposal by June 30, 2003; constituents’ responses by Aug. 11, 2003; discussion at Sept. 2003 JSC meeting.
  • Qualification of standard numbers: rule 1.8E2 - included in follow-up proposal on Uniform Resource Names.
  • Introduction to AACR2: draft outline by 2004.
  • Malay names: two rules in 2004 rule revision package.
  • AACR Glossary: changes included in next edition of AACR.
  • “Considered to be important”: revised document by Aug. 11, 2003.
  • Punctuation in language examples: revised document by Aug. 11, 2003.
  • Transcription of series title: revised proposal by June 30, 2003; constituents’ responses by Aug. 11, 2003; discussion at Sept. 2003 JSC meeting.
  • Correction of example in rule 3.1F1: in 2004 rule revision package.
  • Additional example in rule 3.5B3: in 2004 rule revision package.
  • Replace “main/added entry” terminology: further rule revision proposals in 2004.
  • Reconceptualisation of chapter 9: first report of Task Force issued as a JSC document by May 12, 2003.

Next Meeting

JSC will meet from September 8-10, 2003 in Brisbane, Australia.

Nathalie Schulz
Secretary, JSC

30 June 2003
Last updated: 1 July 2009
Webmaster: JSC Secretary